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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from Ward Griffiths, A.X. Perez, E.J. Totty, Kent McManigal, Crazy Al,
Paul Bonneau, L. Neil Smith, Curt Howland, Sean Gangol, Dennis Wilson, Neale Osborn, and
Richard Bartucci
A Tale of Two Tea Parties
by Jim Davidson
In 2006, the Libertarian Party met in Portland, Oregon. The authoritarians
among them led a pogrom against the freedom features of the party platform. Many of these were,
I believe, Republicans and neo-conservatives. They eviscerated the party's platform, leaving it
an ugly and wretched thing. In response to this horror show, Tom Knapp put together an alternative
party, the Boston Tea Party. You can find it today at
Game Theory and Scapegoating
by Bob Wallace
I'm not sure where I ran across Game Theory. I know it was in the movie
A Beautiful Mind, about John Nash, whose work was about it. Then there was The Evolution
of Cooperation, by Robert Axelrod, an economist at the University of Michigan.
"The Way it Ought to Be"
by Rob Sandwell
I saw a church billboard today. It read, "The Law is the way it ought to be.
The Gospel is the way it will be!" I don't care here about the second part, if that's for you,
well and good. It's the first bit which concerns me.
Foreign Enemies and Traitors
A Book Review
by Sean Gangol
Ever since I read his first novel in 2003, I have been a long time fan of
Mathew Bracken's work. In his first book, Enemies Foreign and Domestic he showed us how
easy the Second Amendment can find itself gutted from the Constitution and how quickly the rest
of our liberties could follow. In his second installment Bracken expressed his fears of illegal
immigration and what it may cost America if it is left untamed. In his last installment Bracken
shows us the dangers that we may be facing during the age of Obama.
Dollar DVD's* Part 5Government May Be Hazardous To Wallet
Conspiracy Movie Reviews for the week of April 25, 2010
by Roy L. Fox
These selections from are available for as low as
one dollar each if bought in bulk. This set of films concludes the reviews of films from their
large selection. New titles are being added all the time, so keep checking the website
The Ratchet Principle of Tyrany
by Neale Osborn and Ann Morgan
I have been mulling over some of the implications of things I have written in
my first two letters this week, as well as the responses I have already gotten to them, and have
stumbled across, what is, I think, a very important principal in politics and morality that has
not (at least to my knowledge) ever been explicitly stated before, but which probably should have
been, since it has had a very great effect on human history.
1776 Part Deux, Is It Time??
by Neale Osborn
"When in the course of human events" begins the most important document
in the history of this country. It is the ONLY document we have that was adopted unanimously by
every state/colony in existence at the time. It set forth the legitimate reasons the 13 colonies
set forth as the justification for open revolt against the established government. Among the
mentioned grievances were two that stick out in my mind as relevant in todays America. They are
as follows.
Celebrating the Non-Compliant
by Jim Davidson
It is an interesting statistic. One in three Americans. If we were to
suppose that the government could ever count, which based on their apparent inability to
balance their own cheque book seems a doubtful proposition, we could arbitrarily assign
their number of expected Americans roughly 309 million as an acceptable hypothesis. Using
that figure, we would find 103 million non-compliant.
Atlantea The Beautiful No.73
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 73 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!