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Letters to the Editor
from Paul Bonneau, Rex "Baloo" May, and A.X. Perez
Keep Your Filthy Hands Off The Internet
by L. Neil Smith
The subject: "New Bill Gives Obama 'Kill Switch' To Shut Down The Internet".
The story, on, written by Paul Joseph Watson and published on Wednesday, June 16,
2010, warned that under a new law being pushed by that perennial douchebag Joseph Lieberman,
government would have the "absolute power" to seize control of the World Wide Web.
The Old Funny Men
by Rob Sandwell
I saw someone post this video on the internet this week. It is a video of
Glenn Beck playing a song about Obama being a kind of socialist messiah. That guy is so far off
the deep end at this point that it's not even sad anymore.
Textbook Controversy
by Sean Gangol
Through out my years of living in Texas I have experienced much stereotyping
from people outside of the state. They seem to think that we are all country bumpkins who walk
around with ten gallon hats and speak with thick country accents. There are even some who think
that we drive around with cow horns on the hoods of our cars. They also think of us as inbred
yokels who are incapable of having any intelligent thought. Unfortunately the recent scandal
over what has been written in the textbooks probably reinforced this image for those who like
to turn their noses up at this state.
If Free Healthcare Is Now A "Constitutional Right" Without Even Being IN the Constitution, What About Free Guns, Since GUNS ARE IN THERE!!
by Neale Osborn
Since the HCR supporters make no bones that they want "Single Payer" (free
healthcare), because they claim it is a Constitutional right, and it isn't in the Constitution,
I want the government to pass out military weapons to all voters. After all, the right to keep
and bear arms IS mentioned specifically in the Constitution. I get a free lawyer if I can't get
one to protect my 5th Amendment rights. Why not a gun? If I have to pay taxes to give others
freebies, why can't I get a freebie once in a while?
by A.X. Perez
If a bio movie is ever made of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State she
should be played by Alicia Silverstone. Ms Silverstone should prepare for the job by viewing
it as a reprise of her role as Cher Horowitz. I can think of no foreign policy success that
can be laid at her feet. i can think of a few blunders, mostly using her post to pursue a
domestic agenda.
Balance Days
by Jim Davidson
The term "balance day" refers to a day of market action that results in
prices exiting at the end of trading about where they entered. That is somewhat off the mark,
since the USA markets have overnight trading in futures, in clearing activity, and in overseas
trading. So the morning open may be very distinct from the previous evening's close. Given these
effects, what the financial media report about the market indicates a rise or fall against the
previous evening's closing price.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 81
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 81 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!