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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 582, August 8, 2010 "You knew I would" ![]() Special to The Libertarian Enterprise
L. Neil Smith, Pallas (1993) Last year, according to one of the weasels in Congress, seventy-six million Americans had a tummy-ache from something they ate. Accordingly, a new bill is making its way through both houses of Congress to thwart individual liberty, interfere in the market, prevent you from growing your own food, prevent you from trading food with your neighbours, and force you to have a national identity chip on all your livestock, among its many other horrid provisions. You know, because some people got some tummy aches. Mind you, illness is still going to arise, but it is going to arise in far more people who have far lower resistance. You see, having an allergic reaction to some food can help you know which foods to avoid. Having some bacteria get into your food can make you sick, but sickness builds up your immune system's ability to respond. A very tiny number of people die from food poisoning every year. At least ten times as many die from auto accidents, and we've already clearly had more than enough "help" from the feral gummint in making our cars more annoying, with bells to alert us to where the keys are, whether the lights are on, whether our seat belts are fastenedeven "safety" interlocks to prevent us from starting the car in neutral without pushing all the way down on the clutch. ("Safety" interlocks that can fail and prevent you from starting your car at all.) Here is a brief excerpt from an exceptionally good essay on the topic. According to the National Independent Consumers and Farmers
Association, which opposes the legislation, "S.B. 510 will have the
unintended destructive consequence of eliminating small farms and
consumer access to local food."
I want to be clear about what I want from the national government: nothing. I want it to leave me alone and go away. I want it to cease to exist, close up shop, liquidate its assets among the people, and go out of business. The people in government don't see it that way. They want to run your life, take care of you, kill you when you dissent, rape you when you resist, murder your children in front of you when you persist, build terribly ineffective flood control systems with corruptly allocated contracts, let huge mega-corporations blow up refineries in Texas City harming dozens, blow up offshore rigs killing more, and inundate the Gulf of Mexico with spilt oil. Look at themthey cannot run their own lives. They can't find Osama bin Laden. They can't win the war in Iraq and bring the troops home, to say nothing of the wars in Korea, Germany, and Japan. These people are incredibly stupid and incredibly evil. They hate humanity, which is they want to place everyone else in bondage. Moreover, they are incredibly greedy. At a time when fully 22% of the country's work force is either unemployed or too distraught from being out of work to even be looking for work, at a time when the so-called elite have screwed up sovereign debt and collateral debt obligations, believed their own lies about the housing market, bet against their own clientele, and generally run the economy into the ground, the average Congress critter has a personal net worth of $2 million. The "rank and file" members of Congress receive $174,000 per annum in pay, the senate majority leader makes $193,400, and the speaker of the house over $223,000. Keep in mind that if they "retire" they get to keep whatever funds are in their campaign chest, which in many cases amounts to millions of dollars. Meanwhile the median income for Americans is $46,326 while most Americans are upside down in their mortgage, car payments, and under water with credit cards, signature loans, and student loans. The parasites are feeding off you, and they are jealous that you might be able to feed yourself. They want you to have a chip, too, though they are coy about saying so. They want to degrade your food so you suffer more, so they can pass out juicy contracts to their cronies, so they can corruptly allocate everything in the economy. In the house of representatives the bill is called H.R. 2749, the "Food Safety Enhancement Act" and passed over a year ago. John D. Dingell of Michigan is the sponsor. His wikipedia entry lists his residence as Dearborn, Michigan.
It also correctly identifies him as John D. Dingell, Jr. It confirms his wife is Debbie. Whitepages.com lists his home residence as follows:
Google maps is coy about showing the exact address, but does show very large lots with huge homes and lots of woods in what appears to be an exclusive and limited access neighbourhood. A report on his campaign finances can be found here:
It indicates that about 75% of his funding for 2009-2010 came from political action committees, and that these wre concentrated in industries like baby-killing (military/industrial/financial complex), pharmaceuticals, utilities, lobbyists, unions, lawyers, etc. He got very nearly a million dollars in campaign contributions. So, I went to fec.gov which doesn't seem to provide any way to save a search as a link for you. So I re-learned how to search their database. I found a lot of PAC money from companies making food and other consumables, a farmers cooperative PAC, unions in that industry, as well as companies distributing food. Individual contributors seemed to include a suspiciously large number of people with direct connections to major companies whose PACs had also contributed to him. Go figure. The rough equivalent in the senate is called the "Food Safety Modernization Act" and is s.510. The senate committee in charge of this crap approved of it unanimously and sent it to the full senate, where it has not been voted upon. Apparently Sen. Feinstein doesn't like the bill. The sponsor was Dick Durbin of Illinois. So, who is this pubic figure, Durbin?
It says his residence is Springfield, Illinois, his full name is
Richard J. Durbin, and his wife is Loretta. So turning to
Whitepages.com we find that his home address is here:
Now, when you call, or stop by to ring the doorbell, do be considerate. These are elderly men living with their wives, and their wives are not entirely culpable for the actions these men have taken, though they are probably informed and likely complicit. So take into consideration who you are dealing with and how polite you ought to be. A report on where this scum gets his money:
There's something like $11 million in money for 2005-2010. It's good to be a senator, or at least lucrative if you are willing to sell out your countrymen. You can do your own searches on FEC.gov. I found lots of law firms, lots of big pharmaceutical companies, and all the usual big government enthusiast firms. Similar sorts were among the individual contributors. Of course, you may want to go back further into the past than 2009-2010 for FEC reports (easily done if you shift search variables) since about $2.6 million was in hand in his campaign coffers, and Durbin seems to have had only about $637K in new money for the recent years. I didn't happen to find Archer Daniels Midland or Monsanto on the PAC lists for either congress critter examined in this analysis. Of course, you would have a bit of work if you were to go through all the co-sponsors of these bills, all the critters who voted to pass the house bill, and all the senators who voted to pass the senate bill out of committee. Now, as I believe I've illustrated, if you look for their addresses, you can generally find where these scum bags in government live and work. Many of them are listed in whitepages.com. You can go to their homes and set up a candle light vigil. Sing songs every evening until the pigs haul you away. Or maybe do something else with fire, perhaps to involve pitch forks? Who can choose for you what actions to take? Disobey. Your chains: break them.
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