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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from Jim Keech, Curt Howland, Paul Bonneau, A.X. Perez, and Kent McManigal
A Matter of Definition
by L. Neil Smith
I couldn't really tell you why I've made a habit for the past several years
of reading every morning, right after I read Matt Drudge, when Lew Rockwell
himself is a self-described born-again Roman Catholic, and therefore a mystic, which renders the
quality of his reasoning processes highly suspect (equally true of anyone who sees fairies at
the bottom of his garden), as far as I'm concerned.
Honouring SEK3
by Jim Davidson
Samuel Edward Konkin III, or SEK3 as he was affectionately known (and often
signed his e-mails), was born 8 July 1947. As the father of agorism, his work in creating new
understanding should be more widely known.
Pistols as Equalizers
by Bob Wallace
I once had a girlfriend who decided to be a libertarian and therefore also
decided that firearms are good things. Unfortunately, sometimes, there is a disconnect between
what one thinks and what one feels.
Why We Hate Cops
by Paul Bonneau
I remember the first time I heard anyone in "regular" society express hatred
for cops (I'm not counting "revolutionary" times back in the '60's which on retrospect appear not
to have been very serious). It was a friend of mine, a fellow engineer, who happened to like going
fast on motorcycles, and he was complaining about a ticket he'd gotten. I was a bit shocked to hear
him say that. I had thought until then of cops basically as decent people with an important job to
do, with maybe a few "bad apples". I was pretty naive back then.
Sick to Your Stomach
by Jim Davidson
Last year, according to one of the weasels in Congress, seventy-six million
Americans had a tummy-ache from something they ate. Accordingly, a new bill is making its way
through both houses of Congress to thwart individual liberty, interfere in the market, prevent
you from growing your own food, prevent you from trading food with your neighbours, and force
you to have a national identity chip on all your livestock, among its many other horrid provisions.
You know, because some people got some tummy aches.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 88
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 88 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!