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Letters to the Editor
from Michael Smith (a.k.a. Bill Koehler), Paul Bonneau, Crazy Al,
L. Neil Smith, and A.X. Perez
The Guns of November
by L. Neil Smith
Life in America these days is like swimming through an ocean of
sewage, and the most horrifying thing about it is that we're used to it. If our species
manages somehow to survive this bizarre period of history and looks backward on it,
say, from five hundred years in the future, the characteristics that will distinguish
our culture far more than anything else are the constantly shifting foundation of
outright falsehoods on which it rests uneasily, and the continuous outpouring of
baldfaced lies that comprise practically every public utterance by politicians,
the "news" media, and even what represents itself as entertainment.
The Importance of PrincipleWhy it's Necessary to Retain the Moral High Ground
by Cathy L.Z. Smith
Here's a snippet of an argument that's currently raging on a
decidedly non-libertarian forum where intellectual property rights is a very hot
Hypothesis: Many Americans Have Withdrawn
by Jim Davidson
For about two years, I have been promoting the idea that the path
forward is agorism. Samuel Edward Konkin III is perhaps the most noteworthy proponent
of this ideology, although Murray Rothbard, Henry David Thoreau, Etienne de la Boetie,
and Laozi are among the many other notables who have written in favour of this idea.
The Real Problem with Drugs
by Bob Wallace
The real problem with drugs is not Mexicans supplying drugs, no
matter how vicious and murderous the drug cartels are. When there is a demand, there
is always going to be a supply. It's an economic law, and no one can stop it.
Wistful Thoughts of What Might Have Been
or, Brian Wilson and Secession
by Russell D. Longcore
The United States of America has been arguably the most important
and influential nation to ever exist on Planet Earth. Other empires have come and gone
on the world's stage. But the USA has affected more human beings than any other empire
in history.
What Is to Be Done With the Statists?Part 3
by Paul Bonneau
This is a follow-up to my earlier articles, "What Is to Be Done
With the Statists?" and "What Is to Be Done With the Statists?part 2". One
question that came up about this idea, was, "How do we maintain anarchist communities,
and keep them anarchist?" It is a valid question, worth some more exploration, for
these reasons....
Hell to Pay
by Jim Davidson
Well, the futures markets showed stocks broadly lower this morning.
Japan's market is lower. Some of the red ink has washed into Europe, which has many markets
lower. The FTSE MIB seems to be getting slaughtered, and the DAX, CAC and several others are
down substantially.
The Pathetic 'Pledge With America'
by Ann Morgan
This supposed 'Pledge' is meaningless, because despite it's 21 page
length, it is actually LESS, not MORE binding, than the oath taken by most government
officials upon assuming office. That oath, which most of them promptly ignore, requires
them to 'uphold' the Constitution. I regard the word 'uphold' in this usage to be an
active verb, requiring them to actively OBEY the constitution.
A Gun for Buffalo
by L. Neil Smith
That's it: I have made up my mind. In November of next year
(provided that there _is_ a next year), I'm going to hunt and kill a buffalo. I
know where I'm going to do it (in Wyoming), I know how much it will cost (much
less than I thought), and I've always wanted to do it.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 97
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 97 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!