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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 598, December 5, 2010 "Government lies and secrets kill millions" ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Another Letter from Neale Osborn Another Letter from L. Neil Smith Letter from Renata Amy Russell with comment from L. Neil Smith Something of which you should be aware... Popular
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E.J. Totty
SNOFU SNOFUthe new phrase. Everyone knows FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition (or Repair)) SNAFU (Situation Normal, All Fucked Up or Some Navy Asshole Fucked Up), and many of us use the regularly. SNOFU is the new one, for political fuck-ups. Like "I've campaigned in all 57 states" (Joe Biden) SNOFU = Situation Normal, Obama Fucked Up I liked it, so I passed it on. Neale Osborn
Despotism made easy... or "Washington DC 101"... Despotism Made EasyA Self-Help Guide for the Aspiring Tyrant
There were five forms of governance that migrated from theory to reality in the 20th Century: Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism. The common denominator among them was unprecedented control and regulation by the State over human activity. It is delusional to think that the totalitarian impulse expired with the 20th Century.... Direct link: www.docstoc.com/docs/document-preview.aspx?doc_id=51581690 FWIW, if you save the PDF it prints into a really handy booklet. I addressed Perez' concerns right there in my article, but he seems to have missed it. The point is, those who think we are under attack "because we are free" or "because they want to overthrow the government" are welcome to NOT take the hassle-free airline. You should be even safer than you otherwise would be. Let those of us who think this neocon opinion is a crock, bear the risk. Not that there is much risk. Anybody who takes an honest look at the whole thing realizes all risk has evaporated with heavier cockpit doors and armed pilots. If passengers are armed too, the risk of hijack goes to zero. And underwear bombs don't knock down planes. Anyway, my argument was not "no security"; it was "let the airlines implement whatever security seems appropriate". Also, it takes a lot to get someone to become a suicide bomber; he ends up dead, after all! Having a poor opinion of our government is not enough, unless our government is also in their country killing their women and children. I don't want government "protecting" me, and I don't need A.X. Perez protecting me either. I have a suspicion he would have no problem pointing a gun at me to force me through the TSA security theater, or pointing a gun at the airline owners to prevent them providing a no-hassle alternative. It's morally the same as wishing the government would do those things. Anyway, what is wrong with wanting to destroy our illegitimate and tyrannical government? Thomas Jefferson thought that was a good idea. Paul Bonneau
Wonderful! 4th Amendment Underclothes
L. Neil Smith
We've Got A Social Disease Re: "We've Got a Social Disease" by C. Jeffery Small Mr. SmallThank you for an interesting tale. I happen to live in a small town in Western NY, on the PA border. Town hall meetings USED to go sorta like this; "Tonight, we are going to vote on a ban on dead cars being left in yards. They are public safety issue, because kids enter the yards to play on them and get hurt!" To which the assorted interested townsfolk (many of them having had a few beers) Stand up and tell the town council that IF this is passed, none of'em will leave the room vertically. Instead, the little trespassing bastards need to be taught NOT to go on otehr people's properties. Lately, after the timely demise of many of these cantankerous and Oh-So-Evil-Individualists, the town has finally successfully passed this law "For the Children." I built an addition on my house 12 years ago. I got no permits, as the building inspector never returned my calls (shouldn't have bothered, but the wife vinsisted). Last month, the NEW STATE APPOINTED inspector, going through the records, noticed that I'd refused the old inspector access to the house to inspect when he finally realized that I'd built the two story addition WITHOUT (Horror of Horrors) obtaining permission. The new inspector demanded access to the house or he'd "Pull my Certificate of Occupancy" forcing us to vacate the house. I explained a few things to him. First, COs weren't mandatory when I bought the house. Second, the Statute on permits is only 5 years. Third, COs are NOT required to live in a house that pre-dates the CO law, until such time as it changes hands. And finally, if he did not LEAVE my property, I'd soon be violating state laws on illegal graveyards, un-licensed disposall of a human cadaver, and unlawful termination of life for a government official. Strangely, he hasn't returned. Neale Osborn
Re: "The Owner of the Deed", by L. Neil Smith Regarding the wife of a TSA agent who said her husband was "only doing his job", it reminded me of IRS agent Vernon Hunter who was killed in the Joe Stack crash into the Federal building. The news stories cited his service in Vietnam, which I thought was ironic because in that war VC tax collectors were prime targets for Special Forces and Navy SEALs. Kill a tax collector in wartime you are a hero. Do it in peacetime and you are a terrorist. Go figure. I do feel sympathy for his family but he was a volunteer not a victim. For 27 years he knowingly, willingly served a system that undermines both the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. Wes Carr
Politicians Who Own Stakes in Airport Scanner CompaniesFoxBusiness.com, by Elizabeth MacDonald L. Neil Smith
Jane Jacobs book, Dark Age Ahead Has anybody taken a look at Jane Jacobs' books, especially Dark Age Ahead? She gets close to being a libertarian, in analyzing where governments come from, but.... In most of her books, she states that the first governments were comprised of bandits who preyed on the first farmers. Farmers have to stay put, to plant, protect, and harvest crops. This makes them easy to find by raiding parties. She then wonders why modern politicians don't distribute tax monies in a fair way. Oh, well. Sincerely, Renata Amy Russell
To which L. Neil Smith replied: Jared Diamond has a similar theory about the origins of government, and I pretty much agree with it. A focus on weapons versus agricultural tools will bring almost anyone to the same conclusionuntil, of course, you consider the fighting farmers of Okinawa. But they're the exception. Jacobs (I read her first book what seems like centuries ago) sounds like the guy who accidentally cuts a second finger off in the bandsaw, trying to show you how he cut the first finger off. Somebody should quote Heinlein to her: "Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed." L. N. "I Still Have My Bow Fingers" Smith
[Some of Mr. Diamond's books from Amazon.comEditor:] Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal Dear Neil, I posted this on a political forum I occasionally visit the other day. It is in response to the collectivists who frequent that forum. I caught holy hell for it, but no one could refute it without relying on straw men and appeal to authority. To whit:
That was it. Brief and concise. But you should have seen the resulting firestorm..! Regards, Dave Beers
I Want to Believe Fox Mulder has the most ominous poster I have ever seen, or at least the one with the most ominous caption, "I want to believe." Not "I want the truth," or "I want the facts," but "I want to believe." Too many people want to believe. They don't want truths or facts, they want something to believe in. The problem is what the word belief means. Most of us think it means to be of the opinion that something is true even in the face of lack of convincing evidence. Thus many of us use the phrase "I believe in God." to mean they are of the opinion God exists even if there is no evidence or reliable testimony to support the hypothesis (Note: I'm a Believer based on what I've experienced; however intellectual honesty compel me to admit these perceptions might be the result of wishful thinking, sunstroke, or mood swing.). A majority means they trust God to grant them salvation (whatever that means to them) and good things on Earth if they behave in a moral manner and/or complete ritual obligations (This is reflected in the most sincere prayer I know of, "Dear Lord save my ass!" uttered in a crisis.). However, the words faith and belief mean more than this. They mean loyalty. To believe is to give loyalty. People want to give loyalty. They want to believe, to give loyalty, often without evidence that it is merited or even in spite of evidence to the contrary. They want to believe in a God, a Church, a Cause, a Leader. They want to do this even if there is no proof they deserve this loyalty. They do this in the face of contradictory evidence, They do this even when it means obeying and serving a tyrant. Well, among my religious opinions is a conviction that resistance to tyranny is obedience to God. Since I am inclined to resist tyranny anyhow it's good to know He agrees with me, Some of my best friends are agnostics or atheists. However they share my distaste for tyranny and love for liberty. I believe in my friends. A.X. Perez
Cold War Shooters Last year I plugged a local gun shop, Cold War Shooters. Originally a web and gun show enterprise, they opened a brickfront about seven blocks from my house. I commented several times since that it was nice having a gun shop close enough to my house that it was possible to buy a gun and walk it home, uphill, before the nervous nellies could sic the gendarmery on me. Due to personal issues, not lack of sales or legal problems. CWS was forced to temporarily shut down its brickfront and go back to 'net and gun show sales only. The people whom I personally know associated with it are good people and deserve a chance to rebuild, not a free ride, but a chance to prove they can deliver the goods they sell in a timely manner. So check their web site, coldwarshooters.net, or their display if it's up at a gun show in your area. especially if you live in a state that has some regard for gun rights they'll reopen within walking distance of your house. A.X. Perez
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