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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from E.J. Totty, Neale Osborn, "bp", Paul Bonneau, L. Neil Smith,
Wes Carr, Renata Amy Russell, Dave Beers, and A.X. Perez
Hands Off Assange
by L. Neil Smith
Unless you've been trapped for the past few weeks at the bottom of
a Chilean copper mine, you will be aware that an enormous volumesomething like
280,000 diplomatic cablesof secret communications at the highest level of government
have been leaked (if that's the right word for when the dam breaks) to the whole wide
world by one Julian Assange, relaying information allegedly given to his group, Wikileaks,
by intelligence analyst Private First Class Bradley Manning.
How to Prevent Yourself from being Brainwashed
by Bob Wallace
Since it is the nature of people to understand stories more easily
than most anything else, I will tell one. Let's call it a fairytale. Once upon a time,
not so long ago and not so far away, there was a large, prosperous village that
unfortunately had an idiot for a king. Unfortunately, his advisors were idiots, too.
Anatomy of a DDOS
And Why It Matters To You
by William Stone III
As I write this, Wikileaks is fighting for its life. This
is an important issue for several reasons, not the least of which is this: It may
be that your computer is attacking them.
Is The State worth it?
by Kent McManigal
What is the goal of statism? The two excuses for having a State I've
heard most often, even by people who don't think of themselves as statists while still
promoting the notion that "some government is necessary", are to protect the rights of
people and to keep people safe.
Ebenezer Scrooge and Economic Freedom
by Russell D. Longcore
The Christmas Carol," by Charles Dickens, is one of the
classics of literature. This short story has been made into plays and motion pictures.
God only knows how many people have either read Dickens' own work or have seen the work
performed onstage or on the screen.
End the FCC
by L. Neil Smith
As if individual liberty were not sufficiently under assault
already, a runaway government agency, whose very existence is not sanctioned by
Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitutionwhich lists those few
activities in which government is legally permitted to engageis trying to
carry off a fascist coup d'etat against the First Amendment freedoms
afforded to Americans by the Internet.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 103
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 103 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!