Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 599, December 12, 2010

"Establishment Republicans are the mortal
enemies of individual liberty and free
enterprise as much as any Democrat"

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Marc V. Ridenour

Letter from Frank Ney

Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Paul Bonneau

Letter from E.J. Totty

Another Letter from A.X. Perez with comments by L. Neil Smith and Richard Bartucci

Another Letter from E.J. Totty

Yet Another Letter from E.J. Totty

Letter from

Help interview me please

Ladies and gentlemen,

As you may know, my novel Ceres has just been published by Arc Manor/Phoenix Pick and is available in both dead tree form, or electronically. As part of the effort to promote it, I'm asking you for a small favor.

If you've read Ceres (it has been posted at for five years) and have a question to ask me about it, will you please do so now? Ask me more than one, if you wish. I will assemble them, along with my answers, in a kind of "interview" and I will use your name— or not—as you wish. It will be more fun if you include your general location, so I can say (for example) "AXP of El Paso writes ... "

I'd like to have this done and online by the middle of next week, if possible.

Thank you very much,

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

[Those links to again:

Kindle: [LINK]

On paper: [LINK]


Iran Placing Medium-Range Missiles in Venezuela; Can Reach the U.S.
by Anna Mahjar-Barducci
Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles on Venezuelan soil, based on western information sources[1], according to an article in the German daily, Die Welt, of November 25, 2010. According to the article, an agreement between the two countries was signed during the last visit o Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Tehran on October 19, 2010. The previously undisclosed contract provides for the establishment of a jointly operated military base in Venezuela, and the joint development of ground-to-ground missiles.
Read Full Story

Marc V. Ridenour
[email protected]

Re: "Letter from Renata Amy Russell with comment from L. Neil Smith"

Another interesting book along those lines is Sex At Dawn, which lays out for public view exactly why we humans (especially politicians and priests) tend not to follow the "accepted social mores" regarding sex and sexuality.

Frank Ney
[email protected]

A Link to

Re: "Letter from Paul Bonneau"

Mr. Bonneau did not read my letter the way I meant it. Moslem extremists do not hate us because we are free. They hate us because we are Americans. They feel we have helped Israel oppress Palestinians, supported despotic governments, murdered innocent Moslems, stolen their natural resources and otherwise fucked them over. They hate the US Government and want to destroy it, but they also hate us for participating i n these evil acts by the government.

Don't think that they hate us because we are free. They hate us because they perceive us to be the willing slaves of a tyranny that has robbed, murdered, and enslaved them and mocked, slighted, and insulted their faith, culture and race and also corrupted their youth.

Free enterprise airlines aren't going to do the trick of getting them off our case. Making an undeniable and clear effort to correct the mess we've made will get all except the the most psychologically damaged Jihadists and crooked politicians (yeah, they've got those too) whose power is based on a war with the US. Getting slaves to rebel against their masters is a legitimate tactic in war, provoking masters to abuse their slaves until they have no choice but to rebel is just a variant. Bluntly put, they don't hate us for being free, they hate us for being slaves who don't have the balls to rebel against unjust masters.

As for ending the intrusive searches don't kid yourself. Since the Sixties the US Government and the several states have done all they can to undermine the Fourth Amendment freedoms (and others, but this letter is about searches), the nude photo or grope to board is just the latest step. Maybe it is time we rebel, but for our own reasons, not as a result of pressure from people who hate us.

As for the comments stating I would participate in forcing Mr. Bonneau to submit to TSA searches, no I wouldn't. However, I might use force against you to get you to wash your mouth out with soap for insulting me so obscenely.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

.600 Nitro Express Revolver!!

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

Re: "Anatomy of a DDOS" by William R. Stone III

William Stone writes, "If you run Windows, consider switching to Linux.

The reason this is an effective first line of defense is because the majority of viruses target Windows. Windows is a highly-insecure operating system and viruses designed for it will neither install nor run under Linux.

I strongly recommend Ubuntu Desktop Edition, as it's the version I've found most compatible with the majority of computers and peripherals."

I agree with the Linux recommendation, but not Ubuntu initially. Most people are so heavily invested in Windows that just chucking it and starting over from scratch is too much for them.

Instead, get Puppy Linux. One simply loads it on a CD and boots from the CD, leaving all your Windows stuff intact. No need even to install it on the hard drive (in fact there are good reasons not to). You can access your windows files with linux applications if you want, or you can shut down, open the CD drawer and boot Windows to get back to your old applications if you need to.

This allows a person to gently, effortlessly wean himself from Windows. The first thing I did was stop using Windows on the Internet. Windows is not fit for this job. I carried around my Windows installation for quite a while, but booted it less and less over time.

After you get into the Linux swing of things, you can start looking at other distros like Ubuntu. I do look every now and then, but have always come back to Puppy because it does what I need it to do. It runs like a bat out of Hell, too!

Paul Bonneau

How much more proof....

Indeed: How much more proof does one need to understand that the U.S. Republican party is attached at the hip to U.S. Democratic party?

Take due and careful note that the ones at the top are ALL corporate insiders. Want proof? Read this.


In what the Wall Street Journal reported as "Pfizer's bad political bet," the pharmaceutical industry struck an 80 billion dollar deal with the devil and liberal activists to give America Macaroni, provided it had certain provisions seen as favorable to their industry. And while recently resigned Pfizer CEO Kindler gathered some notables to give advice, records demonstrate that Cino was one of only 7 prominent lobbyists driving the ground game behind the scenes. Somehow, I'm not certain this is the type of change the Tea Party envisioned for the GOP. A simple search for Cino lobbying and Pfizer will yield more than enough detail to perhaps give many in the grassroots pause over her possible election to chair the RNC, assuming Steele is eventually replaced.

Got that?

Rockefeller, Strong, Soros, and the rest are laughing all the way to the bank!

E.J. Totty
[email protected]

The Tax Deal

In a different venue I got into a discussion as to whether it is fair to give the rich the same tax breaks as everyone else by extending the Bush tax cuts. Of course, since we are all being shakendown for protection money it is grossly unfair that anyone is paying taxes. We are all being equally robbed. Equal injustice remains unjust, it is unfair.

This is not what people mean, of course. Three fourths of the American people, according to some polls, feel that the rich are not paying their fair share and should pay more. They even go so far as to say the rich are stealing because they do not pay a higher share of their income in taxes.

So our countrymen (and women) are brainwashed to believe that if someone can outsmart the tax collector without breaking the law he is stealing. They want someone else to pay more taxes. They believe those who have beaten the extortionists are criminals simply because they got out of paying more protection money.

Well here's the deal. If you feel that the government is an appropriate conduit to contribute money to obtain various services, by all means pay. If you are cornered and can't get out of paying, do what you must. But don't get into other people's pockets.

However it is also worth noting that it appears so many people do not believe ther wealth belongs to themselves and therefor cannot conceive that other people believe they own their own money. They thus cannot conceive that we object to being shaken down for more protection than we are already paying (actually we object to what we're paying, but since the government has some of us, meaning me, bracketed, ranged, sighted in and a LASER right on our boiler rooms whatcha gonna do?). They don't even understand that it is our money that is being taken, not the government's money being taken back.

We used to talk about the commies reeducating people to be slaves. apparently we need to reeducate the American people to be free.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

To which L. Neil Smith replied:

Our mission—should we decide to accept it—is to convince the world that taxation is theft. Period. How much money is involved is unimportant. When one sets out to steal from others, it is a qualitative breach, not a quantitative one.

But then you knew that.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

P.S. Briefly met Thomas Woods last night after his speech at CSU. He seems like an intelligent and decent fellow. I think I'll pick up his politically incorrect history book.

And Richard Bartucci replied:

By no coincidence whatsoever (I opine), I have just introduced my 11-year-old granddaughter to Thomas Woods' The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History in extension of a homework helper discussion on the subject of "social studies."

I should note that academically I hate the hell out of the idea of imposing upon small children and high school students the pre- sentation of human action under the rubric of "social studies" with the obvious intention of crippling these youngsters' critical faculties when undertaking consideration of purposeful human action.

I'm a stuffy sonofabitch, I know. But it really burns my personal ass when the educationalists running our government indoctrination systems play their filthy mind games. Anybody who's ever had training in scientific method is familiar with the differences between analysis and synthesis as approaches to the appreciation of pheno- mena. Ludwig von Mises is noted for—among other things—his opinion that at the higher levels it is worthwhile to integrate the fields of psychology, sociology, political economics, history, et al. into a synthetic approach which he called "praxeology," the study of human action as a whole.

But von Mises did not make that recommendation with regard to the study of purposeful human action at the lower academic levels. At the grade/grammar school and high school levels (and in many cases today, at most undergraduate college levels), there should be an analytic approach. Break things down into focused introductions like the specific study subjects of geography (physical and human), history, civic government, and so forth. This permits the easier and more lucid integration of complex concepts while providing the child and adolescent with a framework to which he can add—on his own initiative, if and when he desires to do so—additional information in specific areas of interest.

Throwing a welter of crap at the kid under the rubric of a synthetic approach—as "social studies"—dissipates focus and swamps initiative. Moreover, it makes it impossible for the youngster to gain any real perspective when it comes to the nature and causes of reasoned human effort throughout the history of our species. Key questions about how things work in (for example) a division-of-labor economy are not simply evaded. They are buried under shovelsful of bullshit and then topped with a two-foot-thick layer of steel-reinforced concrete.

I hold that this is not mere happenstance. It is purposeful, designed specifically to deprive children and teen-agers of the ability to think critically about these subject areas, and how the processes of human action operate in the world these young people inhabit.

Dr. Woods' efforts have been praiseworthy (though I must state empha- tically that I do not agree with all of his expressed positions), and I'm perfectly happy to leverage his writings when it comes to hosing that bullshit out of the eyes of my grandchildren.

If nothing else, it'll give the kids something to interest them in the process of autodidacticism. Learning that his ex-Education major teachers are fucking idiots (Army OCS program intelligence tests administered to all college graduates entering their "90-day-wonder" courses over the decades have demonstrated that the three lowest Stanford-Binet scoring groups have always been people with their undergraduate degrees in Home Economics, Education, and Physical Education) who cannot function at an intellectual level over that of a postal clerk is a necessary step in a child's growth to adulthood.

Allah forfend that these youngsters should get as far as puberty with the impression that the yammering assholes who posture in front of their classrooms are models of adult conduct worthy of emulation.

Richard Bartucci
[email protected]

See the following screed:


Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.


But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.

Who breeds those idiots?!?!?!

E.J. Totty
[email protected]

See this:

Excerpt: founder John Young, who the New York Observer recently characterized as "the original Wikileaker," told the Alex Jones Show how he volunteered to register in December 2007 under his name for Wikileaks members who wanted to remain anonymous, with the understanding that the site was merely for the public benefit. Young became suspicious when he was subsequently told that the aim was to raise $5 million dollars within the first six months.

"I said wait a minute, that doesn't sound like public benefit to me, that sounds like a high value funded program," said Young, likening the scenario to a George Soros-style outfit.

"This was a business operation not a public benefit operation and it's turned out to be that," said Young, concurring with the fact that Wikileaks was introduced into the public arena by Cass Sunstein in a Washington Post editorial. This is important because in a 2008 white paper, Sunstein, who is now Obama's White House information czar, argued that government entities should pose as "conspiracy theorists" as part of a clandestine plot to discredit independent media voices and ultimately demolish free speech on the Internet.

But that is only one story.

Whom—may I ask—is funding Mr. Young's operation?

Part of a successful deception, is to dispense the truth along with a lie such as to either discredit the truth, or to elevate the lie, depending.

Who's really telling the truth there?

Alice in Wonderland time: Things are getting curiouser and curiouser...

E.J. Totty
[email protected]


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