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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, Michael J. Bates, E.J. Totty, A.X. Perez, Bill St. Clair,
Lucifer Geraldo, and C. Jeffery Small
Chalk One Up For The Good Guys!
Shaun Lee: Saturday, January 8, 2010
by William Stone III
As many of you know by now, the last 24 hours have been extremely
harsh on Shaun Lee. It would have been considerably harsher, had it not been for the
combined, spontaneous efforts of libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, and freedom-lovers
around the world.
The Curious Case of the Walking M-16s
by L. Neil Smith
In any country with free and conscientious news media, this story
would generate eight-inch newspaper headlines and TV interrupted for bulletins. In the
United States of Socialist America, the result is silence. If the United Nations and
the Federal Communications Commission had their way, you wouldn't be reading this
account, but only what they allowed you to see and hear. Aspiring fascist dictator
Janet Napolitano would have me arrested in a midnight raid as a "domestic extremist"
for writing this, and you for reading it. If it were up to Governor Jay Rockefeller,
the Internet itself would never have been invented. Barack Obama would have your ISP
tattooed on your forearm.
The State as Vampire
by Bob Wallace
The "State," strictly speaking, does not exist. The word is a
short-hand, a convenient fiction. What does exist are several groups of people, the
"elites" (I use the term neutrally) who have gained political power over everyone
else, and use that power to economically exploit everyone.
Do You Deserve Liberty?
by Russell D. Longcore
I bought a Corvette back in 2006. After that, I noticed all the
other Corvettes on the road that I'd ignored before that. Haven't you had similar
experiences? You become aware of a certain thing, and from then on, you notice it
every time you encounter it. Well I promise after today, every time you hear or see
the word "deserve" used, you'll never think about it the same way again. One of
those words that tightens my colon is the word "deserve."
Bound by the Past
by Jim Davidson
If you go to the zoo or the circus, or even a farm in rural India,
Thailand, or other parts of Asia, you may find elephants in captivity. These very large,
gentle, and powerful creatures are really quite agreeable to working with humans. Yet
they are often tethered by very little more than a rope.
A History of Freedom of Thought
Chapter II
Reason Free (Greece and Rome)
by John Bagnell Bury
WHEN we are asked to specify the debt which civilization owes to
the Greeks, their achievements in literature and art naturally occur to us first of
all. But a truer answer may be that our deepest gratitude is due to them as the
originators of liberty of thought and discussion. For this freedom of spirit was not
only the condition of their speculations in philosophy, their progress in science,
their experiments in political institutions; it was also a condition of their literary
and artistic excellence. Their literature, for instance, could not have been what it
is if they had been debarred from free criticism of life. But apart from what they
actually accomplished, even if they had not achieved the wonderful things they did
in most of the realms of human activity, their assertion of the principle of liberty
would place them in the highest rank among the benefactors of the race; for it was
one of the greatest steps in human progress.
Insourcing the Outsourcers
from L. Neil Smith
This is a great idea... not only to possibly bring jobs back to the
US but to help with your own sanity. Can't tell you the number of times I have been
beyond frustration when reaching a foreign phone rep and neither of us is able to
clearly understand the other.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 107
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 107 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!