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Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, Bill Koehler, MamaLiberty (a.k.a. Susan Callaway), and A.X. Perez
A Few Books for Bright Kids
by L. Neil Smith
A Friend of mine on FaceBook asked a number of individuals about
books that might be suitable for his daughter who he says is 11, but reading at a
14-year-old level. It's hard for me to judge these things. My daughter, when she was
11, was reading Oscar Wilde. But here, with a little embellishment, is what I told my
fellow father-of-a-daughter....
How to Deal with All Politicians
by Bob Wallace
Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a large, peaceful, free,
very prosperous village. One day, a horde of quite brutal and even smellier barbarians rode
into the village, stole some of the girls and gold, and otherwise made merry by killing and
destroying, then rode away.
Taking Aim At The Revisionist Definition Of The Militia, Part I
by Conor MacCormack
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
With the possible exception of the religious clauses found in the 1st Amendment, the
above words quoted from the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution have been the most
horribly manipulated by collectivists of all stripes: nanny state Democrats who believe
that all EVIL FIREARMS keep us overgrown children from playing nice and loving one
another, fascistic Republicans who in their quest to expand the police state only want
guns in the hands of the "right" people, and idealistic peaceniks or pacifists that find
people who execute their God-given, natural right to self-defense "offensive" to their
tender little sensibilities. It is more often than not these same folks who wail about
their individual rights being trampled upon but under the mantra of the "greater good"
are quick to rob others of theirs.
The New Barbarians of Secession
by Russell D. Longcore
When secession finally occurs in the first American state, it will
come first from the New Barbarians, not from the state house. This article explores the
definition of the word "Barbarian," and how I perceive that secession will be moved
forward into reality by the New Barbarians. I am one of the New Barbarians.
They Must Go
by A.X. Perez
According to Wikipedia the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
(now the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives) was created in 1972 from
the ATF division of The IRS. Also according to Wikipedia the first example of ATF abuse
was in 1971 (the ATF agents involved were convicted in 1973). ATF was crooked before it
even existed. This was followed by a history of persecuting collectors, swallowing camels
and straining at gnats in going after convictions on technicalities, entrapment,
falsification of evidence, intimidation, mass murder and starting a private war with
Mexico with the intent of trashing the Second amendment.
The Phases of Resistance
by Lucifer Geraldo
The resistance movement evolves along a three-phase continuum
known, well, as the phases of resistance. Current SF field manuals still define the
resistance in terms of three phases as does Mao's classic discussion of guerrilla
warfare. Mao would consider the resistance as a sub-category of guerrilla warfare
and Army Special Forces considers guerrilla warfare a phase that a resistance usually
goes through. But not always.
The U.S. Monetary System and Descent into Fascism
An Interview with Dr. Edwin Vieira
by David Galland
The following interview with Dr. Vieira was conducted in early June
of 2011 for the subscribers of The Casey Report but after careful consideration,
we decided that the content is so important; it needs to be shared with a wider audience.
Feel free to pass it along. -- David Galland, Managing Editor, The Casey Report
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 131
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 131 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!