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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 633, August 21, 2011 "Country folks are different than city folks." ![]()
The Organization Of The Resistance Part Two: The Auxiliary
Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise The auxiliary is the element of the resistance movement established to provide civilian support for the guerrilla force. The auxiliary serves many of the same functions that combat service and support units do inside the US Army. The auxiliary's primary focus is on providing security, intelligence and logistical support for the guerrilla force using civilian supporters of the resistance. The auxiliary conducts clandestine support functions by organizing its people on a regional, district, or sector basis (which depends upon the degree to which local guerrilla forces are organized or not organized). Auxiliary members usually screen all new potential members of the underground. For reasons of operations security (OPSEC), all auxiliary functions must section themselves off from each other (compartmentalization) and from the guerrilla force through the use of clandestine communications techniques (ie dead letter drops, etc.). The guerrilla force will usually need the following clandestine support functions to augment its own capabilities in the following areas:
The auxiliary is a fixed asset. In other words, the members of the auxiliary stay geographically static. They don't move around. Their individual areas of responsibility (AOR) are permanent. They are the residents in the local environment where they make their homes. The auxiliary will be organized in both the rural and urban environments. In the rural environment, the auxiliary will have the greatest freedom to operate as the enemy will be heavily occupied with the task of locking down the large populations located in the urban centers. The rural environment is ready-made for the organization of a highly effective auxiliary effort. The reality of this fact is deduced simply by reflecting upon on the way community life in the country differs from that of the city. Country folks are different than city folks. They get involved in and pay attention to the activities of their neigbors. These people know their areas intimately. They know who strangers are. They have a finely developed grapevine used to relay gossip and information through -- an excellent precursor to a full blown intelligence gathering apparatus. If you live in a small rural town now, you know what I'm talking about. Everybody knows everybody elses business. In times of peace, this fact can become a nuisance to the Joe or Jane which likes to be left alone. But within the operational environment (OE) of unconventional warfare (UW), this fact of small community life becomes a razor-edged asset that the enemy will have a hell of a time trying to break apart and neutralize. The auxiliary may also serve as reserve guerrillas. Their ranks will include all age groups, including women, children and old crusty men. The only prerequisite is that they live inside an area of interest to the guerrillas and that they are loyal to the cause of routing the enemy from their lives. COMMAND, CONTROL AND OPERATIONAL SECURITY STRUCTUREAn auxiliary command committee is established within the AO to organize civilian sympathizers into subordinate elements or for individual use. The command committee controls and coordinates auxiliary activities at each level (regional, district, county, town/village). The auxiliary should normally organize itself to parallel the existing political system or administration, like a shadow government. The organization can be centralized or decentralized. Members of the command committee resembles the command group and staff of a military unit in that each is assigned specific duties such as:
Several of these functions might have to be spearheaded by one individual due to the shortage of loyal, trustworthy personnel. Guerrilla forces depend upon the civilian population to provide recruits to use for the replacement of operational losses (casualties and deserters) and to expand the number of boots on the ground. Auxiliaries spot, screen, and recruit local people to serve in the active guerrilla forces. Proper screening by the auxiliary will insure that the enemy's ability to place agents into the guerrilla ranks will be greatly reduced. Organization of the auxiliary, for safety and security, should be along cellular/fail safe lines. ![]() Cellular organization is a technique used for protecting the identities of its members. It is clandestine in nature. Each cell should have a specific function ie., logistics, intelligence, medical services, weapons support, communications support, etc. There is a cell leader who knows where and who the other members of his cell are. The members of the cell, for security purposes, probably shouldn't know who anyone else in the cell is. The reason being, if any member of the cell is busted and falls into enemy hands, this individual can't rat out the others in the cell when put under extreme duress -- torture -- by the enemy. Communication between the cell leader and the cell members, for maximum security, should be performed through the use of cutouts. A cutout is basically a courier. Somebody who isn't a member of the auxiliary. Just a random figure picked because of their routine, job, or placement within the area of operations. For example, let's say cell member A needs to pass some information to the cell leader. Cell member A knows that the cell leader stops at a convenience store on Maple Street every morning to get a newspaper and cup of coffee. The clerk at the store is always the same person, except on Tuesdays and Fridays, her day off. The information needs to be passed on a Monday. Monday morning, at shift change, cell member A goes into the store and chats up the clerk. Mentions that the cell leader, a man known to the clerk as a regular, left his cigarettes (the cell leader better smoke or this is going to stick out as being incongruent to what the clerk already knows of the cell leader) and would the clerk pass the smokes on to the cell leader when he stops in later for his newspaper and mocha? The clerk, ever so cheerful and helpful, agrees to pass the property on. The pack of cigarettes is actually a cleverly designed box for passing information through. It has a false bottom which contains a thumb drive with encrypted intelligence reports on enemy movements and activity within cell member A's AOR. This little device should be designed to stand up to a cursory examination by a neophyte ie., if the clerk were, by chance, a smoker and decided to bum one, the cigarettes should actually be real and come out of the box. Which would necessitate shortening the cigarettes at the tip slightly to make room for the false bottom to conceal the thumb drive under. Having the equipment to custom make cigarettes of varying length would be an asset. Ingenuity and imagination are your only limitations in this department. The nature of rural life and the members of the community knowing each others business is going to come in handy in dealing with the enemy's attempts to infiltrate the community with agents of their own. The counter-intelligence people working in the enemy's intelligence units will be attempting to turn members of the local community into their own assets, with the goal of identifying the cells of the auxiliary and the disposition and location of the guerrillas. When such Benedict Arnolds are identified by the auxiliary, there are three courses of action to take. A.)The cell leader in charge of intelligence activities might attempt to turn this individual into a double agent, working for the resistance for the purpose of feeding the enemy false intelligence and gaining knowledge of the enemy's plans and methods. Or B.) the identified rat will be turned over to the guerrillas or handled by the auxiliary's home guard (see below), who will terminate the rat with extreme prejudice. Remember, in times of armed conflict, security of the movement and discipline must be harsh. Sell outs cannot be tolerated to exist. Swift reprisal will serve as a deterrent to other members of the community who might be inclined to work with the enemy as well. A third option (C.) is to use the turncoat as an unknowing dupe. Through the use of false rumors and cutout "informants", the turncoat can be used to feed the enemy with false estimates of the local situation. They can also be used to lead the enemy into conducting operations designed to trap them into ambushes and engagements which will blow up in their faces. Let local missions, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available and civil considerations (METT-TC) dictate these measures. Now let's look at the eight major support functions which the auxiliary provides the guerrillas. I. SECURITY SUPPORTAuxiliary personnel derive their protection from discovery and prosecution by two principle means -- their compartmented structure (detailed above) and their clandestine mode of operations -- which is under cover. All facets of operations security (OPSEC) must be priority number one when an auxiliary is organized. The resistance as a whole greatly depends upon the logistical support and early warning systems which the auxiliary provides. So don't skimp here. Auxiliary members, by all appearances, continue participating in their local communities, and their daily demeanor communicates nothing to observers but the image of the "average citizen" going about their business. They present no breaks from their daily activities or business operations. In fact, these people are leading double lives; the success and survival of the resistance depends upon their ability to keep this side of their lives compartmentalized and secret from all -- including friends and family. Assign tasks to groups or individuals according to capability, dependability and the degree to which they are willingly able to participate. Members of the community who unwittingly give support or are "persuaded" to do so are not considered part of the auxiliary. Likewise, avoid those so strong in their support that they draw unwanted attention to themselves. Former political leaders and technicians employed by the enemy can also prove to be hot potatoes best left alone. Look for personnel to provide functions which can be easily covered by their already existing daily routines. Duties such as security and warning necessitate valid reasons that can hold up under scrutiny as to why one is remaining at a given location over extended periods of time. The auxiliary members' responsibilites should optimally relate to their civilian occupations; for example, don't assign construction experts the job of medical support functions. II. INTELLIGENCE SUPPORTAuxiliary members are in a position to gather considerable intelligence support owing to their static positions and their freedom of movement throughout a given AO. The auxiliary organizes an extensive system of civilians in the local environment who are placed where surveillance of enemy forces can best provide the guerrillas early warning of enemy movements. These individuals are selected because of their advantageous locations which permit unnoticed observation of the enemy on a near continuous basis without suspicions being raised. As mentioned earlier, the auxiliary can be of considerable value in assisting the area command's CI efforts by keeping watch over strangers in the community, screening prospective guerrilla recruits and monitoring refugees and other people not indigenous to the AO. Auxiliary units collect information to support their own operations and the operations of the area command. This information provides direct intelligence support to the guerrilla forces operating within the AO. Civil service employees within the AOR can be an excellent source of information. III. LOGISTICAL SUPPORTThe primary mission of the auxiliary is the direct support of the guerrilla forces. Support translates into logistics. The auxiliary will be called upon to:
Logistical support is dependent upon the resources of the AO, the degree to which the auxiliary exerts positive influence upon the population, and enemy activities in the area. When the auxiliary seeks to requisition supplies from the surrounding population, always frame the requests so as to reenforce in the people's minds the righteousness of the resistance's objectives and goals and the commonality that exists between what the resistance is seeking to establish and what the population views as being in their long-term best interests. The population is the maker or breaker of resistance movements. Never forget that fact. The resistance is completely at the mercy of the goodwill of the population and their will to keep quiet about what they know of the resistance when the enemy puts pressure on them to spill the beans. What does this really mean? DON'T TAKE ANYTHING FROM THE POPULATION THROUGH THE USE OF FORCE OR COERCION. Trade for it, pay for it, barter for it, allow the sympathizers to offer up their support voluntarily. In the long run, these practices will breed trust and solidarity between the population and the resistance. IV. HOME GUARDThe home guard is the paramilitary arm of the auxiliary. Control of the home guard should fall under the various command committees at the various organizational levels. Home guards perform tasks such as tactical missions, guarding of caches, and the training of recruits. Home guard training and organization depends upon the extent of effective enemy control in the area. Home guard members should ideally be selected from the pool of ex-combat military or police in the area. V. PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS (PSYOP)One of the most important tasks of the auxiliary, other than logistical support of the guerrillas, is assisting the area command in the conducting of PSYOP. This mission must be integrated and synchronized at all levels of the AO to achieve its full force-multiplier potential. The spreading of rumors, leaflets, posters, etc. should be timed with guerrilla tactical offensive missions to deceive or mislead the enemy. Psychological operations serve two functions within the context of the resistance:
Propaganda is a subset of the PSYOP toolbox. Propaganda has become a term with negative connotations in the popular mind. Remember that the word propaganda originates in the verb to propagate. Propaganda is nothing more than the effective transmission of a message to a target audience. The resistance message of unconditional Liberty is the propaganda you will be engaging in the most aggressively. It will be the key to winning the hearts and minds of the people and it will be the tool you will use to accomplish the key task of the resistance: convincing the majority to withdraw their consent to be ruled by the enemy political structure known as the State. VI. POPULATION AND RESOURCES CONTROLThe Special Forces doctrine under this heading claims that the auxiliary should employ population and resources control (PRC) measures to 1.) minimize or eliminate black marketing and profiteering and 2.) to demonstrate to the enemy the power of the guerrilla movement. I am in disagreement with point one of the doctrine here. First of all, a black or underground market, in my estimate of the situation of what UW will look like inside America when the revolt finally comes, will be absolutely essential to the care, feeding, and concealment of the activities of the resistance. Therefore, the black market should be absolutely encouraged. Why? Think about it. The enemy is already in the process of eliminating all forms of economic transaction that can be engaged in which are untraceable. How are they doing this? By eliminating cash-type transactions and integrating a cashless substitute -- electronic cash substitutes. Electronic cash substitutes track everything about a transaction: when and where the transaction took place, what was bought or transacted and who the parties were that performed the transaction. This system alone can expose the entire logistical network of the resistance and identify the players most effectively. PRC consists of the following two distinct, but related, concepts: 1.) Population controls which provide security for the population, mobilize human resources, deny personnel to the enemy, and detect and reduce the effectiveness of enemy CI agent infiltration. Again, under this concept, SF doctrine lists measures such as curfews, movement restrictions, travel permits, registration cards, and resettlement of villagers. All of these measures are completely at odds with the ideals of unconditional Liberty that the resistance is fighting for. These are measures of the State and should be avoided, actively resisted, and defied at all costs. The same objectives can be achieved without the iron fist of oppression. Security of the population is accomplished via vigilance of neighbors, an armed citizenry, and an effective network for intelligence and early warning. Mobilization of human resources is dependent upon your effective communication of the ideals of Liberty which wins the hearts and minds of the people to the cause of the resistance. The effective use of this message will thereby deny the enemy use of these same personnel for the accomplishment of their objectives. Your intelligence and early warning systems will detect and neutralize enemy infiltration of the community and identify enemy sympathizers within the community. 2.) Resources controls regulate the movement or consumption of material resources, mobilize material resources, and deny material to the enemy. The textbook resource control
measures include licensing, regulations or guidelines, checkpoints (for example, roadblocks), ration controls, amnesty programs, and inspection of facilities. Again, as noted in point one, the recommended measures in the doctrine are completely at odds with our struggle for re-liberation. The primary focus of the resistance under this concept should be with the denial of material that supports the enemy effort in the area.
The auxiliary is ideally suited for the support of E&R mechanisms. The very structure and organization of the auxiliary provides for a secure means of aiding and assisting evaders -- friendlies on the run from enemy capture. The auxiliary is tasked with the reception, concealment, and transport of resistance personnel who are infiltrating into, or exfiltrating out of, the local resistance AO. The auxiliary will also receive and conceal guerrillas who have been wounded or separated from their units during hostilities. VIII. OTHER SUPPORT MISSIONSThe auxiliary will also be expected to perform several other guerrilla support missions, such as coordinating actions with the guerrillas against enemy targets. The auxiliary may be called upon, for example, to conduct minor acts of sabotage such as cutting phone lines, reversing or removing street signs, spreading false information and obstructing troop movements with demonstrations, etc. The auxiliary may also be called upon to support guerrilla missions by:
This concludes our examination of the auxiliary, its organization and function. Next, we will conclude this three part series into the organization of the resistance by focusing upon the last element of the resistance force: the underground. As always, Libertas vel OblivioRes ipsa loquitor
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