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Three ads this week. We always have three ads.
Letters to the Editor
from Abdul Alhazred, A.X. Perez, L. Neil Smith, Charles Heller, and Sean Gabb
The Organization Of The Resistance Part Two: The Auxiliary
by Lucifer Geraldo
The auxiliary is the element of the resistance movement established
to provide civilian support for the guerrilla force. The auxiliary serves many of the
same functions that combat service and support units do inside the US Army.
The auxiliary's primary focus is on providing security, intelligence and logistical
support for the guerrilla force using civilian supporters of the resistance. The
auxiliary conducts clandestine support functions by organizing its people on a
regional, district, or sector basis (which depends upon the degree to which local
guerrilla forces are organized or not organized). Auxiliary members usually screen
all new potential members of the underground. For reasons of operations security
(OPSEC), all auxiliary functions must section themselves off from each other
(compartmentalization) and from the guerrilla force through the use of clandestine
communications techniques (ie dead letter drops, etc.).
A Response to Lucifer Geraldo's article Regarding Sex
by Ann Morgan
I would like to offer some thoughts of my own regarding the article
by Lucifer Geraldo about sex and the 'left handed path' as they relate to freedom.
Dispatches From Libertopia
by Kent McManigal
Over the years I have seen and heard a lot of people pointing out, not
always unreasonably, that they are so tired of listening to libertarians complaining about
why The State is wrong, but rarely suggesting how to "fix it".
Two Dystopias
A book, movie and manga review
by Eric Oppen
Picture a world where children are randomly selected, and forced to
fight each other in an arena until only one survives. Is this Hell? No, this is the
futurethe future of Battle Royale or The Hunger Games.
Secession and Predictability
by Russell D. Longcore
One of the greatest benefits that can come from secession is
predictability. No one ever talks about this, and even I haven't mentioned it
before. But predictability will be a welcome recompense to the state that secedes
and designs its new government correctly.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 139
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 139 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!