And in a continuing series of WFT moments, we find this:
"Shut up and play nice: How the Western world is limiting free speech"
by Jonathan Turley
Free speech is dying in the Western world. While most people still enjoy
considerable freedom of expression, this right, once a near-absolute, has
become less defined and less dependable for those espousing controversial
social, political or religious views. The decline of free speech has come
not from any single blow but rather from thousands of paper cuts of
well-intentioned exceptions designed to maintain social harmony.
In the face of the violence that frequently results from anti-religious
expression, some world leaders seem to be losing their patience with free
speech. After a video called "Innocence of Muslims" appeared on YouTube
and sparked violent protests in several Muslim nations last month, U.N.
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned that "when some people use this
freedom of expression to provoke or humiliate some others' values and
beliefs, then this cannot be protected."
It appears that the one thing modern society can no longer tolerate is
intolerance. As Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard put it in her
recent speech before the United Nations, "Our tolerance must never extend
to tolerating religious hatred."
Read Whole Article
and this:
"Clueless: Obama Thought He Won Debate Until Told Otherwise"
by Ivan Kenneally
According to an article in the Daily Mail UK, President Obama walked
off the stage after his underwhelming debate performance convinced
he was the winner. Against the intuitive grain of 60 million viewers
and a breathlessly fawning press who winced through a painfully
dismal showing, Obama was content that he had delivered the rhetorical
goods. He only realized he sank like a Chevy Volt dropped in water
after his senior aides broke the news to the surprised, and disturbingly
oblivious, Commander in Chief. Apparently, the most transparent
President in history in also the least self-aware.
Senior aides had been wrought with anxiety for weeks that Obama wouldn't
fare well since he stubbornly refused to rigorously prepare: "'President
Obama made it clear he wanted to be doing anything else—anything—but
debate prep. He kept breaking off whenever he got the opportunity and
never really focused on the event." While campaigning in Nevada, Obama
even poked fun at his own reluctance to hunker down: " It's a drag.
They're making me do my homework."
Some aides anonymously revealed that Obama's disdain for Romney runs so
deep he considered preparation for the contest, and Romney as well,
beneath him. His dripping contempt was palpable on the stage, as he
refused to make sustained eye-contact with Romney, looking down at his
shoes as if they were outfitted with a teleprompter.
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And more:
"The Global War Against Baby Girls"
by Nicholas Eberstadt
Over the past three decades the world has come to witness an ominous
and entirely new form of gender discrimination: sex-selective feticide,
implemented through the practice of surgical abortion with the assistance
of information gained through prenatal gender determination technology.
All around the world, the victims of this new practice are overwhelmingly
female—in fact, almost universally female. The practice has become so
ruthlessly routine in many contemporary societies that it has impacted
their very population structures, warping the balance between male and
female births and consequently skewing the sex ratios for the rising
generation toward a biologically unnatural excess of males. This
still-growing international predilection for sex-selective abortion
is by now evident in the demographic contours of dozens of countries
around the globe—and it is sufficiently severe that it has come to
alter the overall sex ratio at birth of the entire planet, resulting
in millions upon millions of new "missing baby girls" each year. In
terms of its sheer toll in human numbers, sex-selective abortion has
assumed a scale tantamount to a global war against baby girls.
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And again:
"The Population Control Holocaust"
by Robert Zubrin
There is a single ideological current running through a seemingly
disparate collection of noxious modern political and scientific
movements, ranging from militarism, imperialism, racism, xenophobia,
and radical environmentalism, to socialism, Nazism, and totalitarian
communism. This is the ideology of antihumanism: the belief that
the human race is a horde of vermin whose unconstrained aspirations
and appetites endanger the natural order, and that tyrannical measures
are necessary to constrain humanity. The founding prophet of modern
antihumanism is Thomas Malthus (1766-1834), who offered a
pseudoscientific basis for the idea that human reproduction always
outruns available resources. Following this pessimistic and inaccurate
assessment of the capacity of human ingenuity to develop new resources,
Malthus advocated oppressive policies that led to the starvation of
millions in India and Ireland.
(Adapted from Robert Zubrin's Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of Antihumanism)
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Buy Mr. Zubrin's book, paper or eBook:
Barnes &
However, this last is more for the "Yippee!" file:
Scientists Turn Air and Water Into Gasoline
Read Whole Article
Takes electricity to do it, but with lots of cheep electricity potentially
to be had, that takes care of the "give all of our money to OPEC" problem.
(But will The Ruling Class allow us to have cheep electricity?)
Ken Holder
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Three ads this week. We always have three ads.
Letters to the Editor
from A.X. Perez
The Doldrums
by L. Neil Smith
The doldrums is a strip of land and water near the equator where
the trade winds, east and west, cancel each other out. Vessels that found themselves
there without wind to fill their sails, were said to be "becalmed in the doldrums".
A similar nautical expression is "adrift in the horse latitudes". I'm not sure whether
they're the same thing.
Did Roy A. Childs Jr. Suffer from "Archist Illusions"?
by David M. Brown
Two distinguished libertarian and anarchist friends of the late,
great Roy A. Childs Jr. (1949-1992) suppose that Roy likely had suspect motives for
his change of mind about anarchism later in life, and perhaps also for his failure
to explain his reasons for his change of mind in print during the years of his
declining health before he died in 1992.
Reguarding "Bravely Bombing the Boche: The Morality of Killing Civilians" by Sean Gabb
by Rich Matarese
If only the moral character of the strategic bombing offensives
undertaken by the Allies during World War Two were that simple. Whenever I read
second-guessing about whether there had been justification for the indiscriminate
aerial attacks upon civilian populations during that conflict, I know for certain
that the authors of these exercises in after-the-fact hand wringing know nothing
whatsoever about the realities of warfare, particularly as these realities manifested
in the 19th and 20th Century guerre à l'outrance involving the mobilizations
of whole nations in arms.
We'll Have to See What Happens Next
by Ian B. Titter
I can't claim to be a libertarian or an anarcho-capitalist.
I live in a nation state under the current rules, as serfs once lived under the
rule of liege lords. Many of the people around me see this state of affairs as
an improvement over previous times and have no idea as to how things could be
much improved.
It's Time to Wake the Fuck Up and Tell Big Brother to Go to HELL!
by Neale Osborn
San Rafael, California. This city of Big Brothers has now banned the
smoking of cigarettes in privately owned homes that are connected to other homes, as in
Townhouses, Condominiums, and Duplexes. Smoking in Apartments is also banned.
In Every Closet
by A.X. Perez
Actually, President Obama is right. Assault rifles don't belong on
the streets of America. They belong in people's closets and gun vaults and on rifle racks
at home. From time to time they belong in vehicles being transported to the target range
or the fields for casual plinking and varmint hunting. They belong in all honest Americans
who can afford them's homes, and the homes of the non violently dishonest. For self defense
in the streets handguns are usually more appropriate. So He who Am in Charge is right, but
not for the reason he thinks.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 199
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 199 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
 Planning for Your future, serf! Read all about it!
L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot as the best general source of infomation on the subject.
More about L. Neil Smith
Even more about L. Neil Smith
The unabridged audio version of my 1983 novel The Nagasaki Vector,
brilliantly read by the great libertarian radio host Brian Wilson, is finally
available for purchase.
Many feel that this is the funniest book I've written so far—at least
intentionally—and features our old friend Win Bear, G. Howell Nahuatl, a
sapient coyote, time traveler Bernie Gruenblum, and Georgie, the time machine
who loves him.
The price: $12.99.
The place: CD Baby.
Now available in iTunes, as well
The price: $9.99
The Place: iTunes
—L. Neil Smith
The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton Archive
Roswell, Texas
by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach
Published by Bighead Press, 2008
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Bighead Press, 2004
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble
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