Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 697, November 18, 2012

Tribal chieftains, kings, ministers, politicians, bureaucrats, and
union leaders are mere parasites, scavengers, bottom-feeders who take
advantage of the common individual's simple, commendable desire to
improve his or her place in life and build a better future for his or
her children. Those virtues the criminal scum label "selfishness" and

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Re: "Making 'Voluntary' Service Mandatory—One Step At A Time", by C. Jeffery Small

I continue to be amazed that people who call Heinlein's Starship Troopers fascistic for suggesting that honestly voluntary service a condition of voting or holding office nonetheless support mandatory service to the government. Perhaps they will have the honesty to call it the Robot (mandatory slave labor required of Slavic peasants), or at least the testicularity.

I very much believe in honestly voluntary service, I strongly disapprove of mandatory service. Reminds me too much of the line from Stirling's Domination of the Draka series: Service to the State, Glory to the Race. I understand the mentality that goes into this philosophy. Since I have sworn to reject Satan, his splendor and his pomps, I must give it a pass.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Re: "Letter from Michael Bates"

We will take your astute suggestion under advisement, Mike.


L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Hopefully I inspired


Parker might have Libertarian candidate Powell Gammill to blame if he does not win. Gammill won more than 6% of the vote in Tuesday's election despite urging supporters to stay home rather than vote on Election Day in protest of the political system.

And I wasn't alone in Arizona.

The PR that started it:

-For Immediate Release-

Nov. 6, 2012

Powell Picks Parker's Pocket

Today it was my privilege to deny Vernon Parker—Neocon tool endorsed by Daddy Bush and who's favorite Arizona politician is Sieg Kyl—a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. So disenchanted were voters with Parker that he was beaten by an avowed bisexual Marxist in a conservative state in a congressional district in which independence reigns. Mr. Gammill wants to thank everyone who just couldn't stomach voting for either parasite for their votes.

Congressman Kyrsten Sinema, who failed to receive a majority of the vote will face a Libertarian again in two years. Mr. Gammill will keep his platform of selling off the federal government to pay off the debt, bringing home the troops from around the planet and getting them back to their families and their lives, and to restore our stolen civil liberties and our freedom to do as we please—free from government coercion.

Neither candidate bothered to answer voters concerns over their positions or proposed policies during the campaigns instead spending 98% of their time fundraising. And a compliant news media let them. Kyrsten Sinema spent $1,666,270 as of the last reporting period, while Vernon Parker spent $808,381. (source: Open Secrets) Libertarian Powell Gammill spent some $37 on gasoline and copier paper, or about a third of a penny per vote.

Fifty-three percent of the voters in District 9 followed my advice and stayed home this election. I predict it will be 60% the next time.

Powell Gammill
Libertarian Candidate
U.S. Congressional District 9 (AZ)

Congress - Dist. 9
141 of 141 Precincts Reporting (updated)

Choice Votes Percent
PARKER, VERNON B. (REP)      94,697 45.35%
SINEMA, KYRSTEN (DEM) 100,486 48.13%
GAMMILL, POWELL (LBT) 13,307 6.37%
Write-in 301 0.14%
Total 208,791  

AND a 4 min. "campaign ad" for me just for fun.

Powell Gammill
[email protected]

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The Adorable Anarchist

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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A Brilliant Idea!

Note: this lady is a Texas osteopath who Friended me today.

Here is a proposal for another petition on the White House site. Give me your suggestions for improvements. I suspect this site will either be shut down or changed in the near future. Let's get this in first. They won't do this, but it will receive more consideration here by a larger group of people than anywhere else we can get it published.

Call for Executive Orders to Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Legislation and Restore a System of Checks and Balances

We the people of the United States of America call for the immediate nullification by means of Executive Order of the Patriot Act, NDAA, H.R. 347: Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011, and all previous Executive Orders that exceeded the range and scope of the powers of the Executive Office in accordance with the original intentions of the founders of this great nation as evidenced by the US Constitution. We further call for restoration of the original checks and balances established at this nation's birth. As such, the Supreme Court will not be authorized to refuse to hear cases of possible Constitutional violations.

Amanda Kim Case
Forwarded by L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Bimbo Alert!

So apparently Hostess, the noted producer of Twinkies, is shutting down due to an inability to resolve a union dispute. I preferred their creme filled Chocolate cupcakes myself, but de gustabis non comrehendis and all that. Whichever of their products you crave, the owner of Hostess has announced he is shutting down and not going back to the table. You're sadly out of luck, buddy.

Until some other company buys up the rights to make that product and the sugary starchy goodness of Twinkies and other Hostess products return to the shelf, sorta like if someone buys up Dornaus and Dixon's gun designs and brings their guns back, again (several companies have and are trying. Sooner or later...). One of the companies on the list to bring back Twinkies and Ding Dongs (among other's) is Bimbo Bread out of Mexico.

Back in the early 1990's Bimbo (or at least the company that owns it) used to make tortillas in Juarez, Mexico. The cost of making tortillas went up in Juarez due to the El Paso Electric Company raising its rates and making tortillas more expensive to produce than allowed by law. The Mexican government would not let the tortilla producers raise their prices to cover the difference and Bimbo and others switched over to making sweet bread type snacks to export to El Paso. This may not have been the only thing going on when Bimbo moved in to the US, but it was at least a significant part of the process.

So now an American Company is being put out of business by unions tied in to our ruling party and its product lines may survive as part of a Mexican owned multinational that was forced into entering the American market (admittedly in line with a preexisting business plan.) by Mexico's ruling Party (PRI) at he time, one that our current ruling party would find quite sympatico.

Apparently outwitting The Party is going to become a necessary skill for American free market entrepreneurs from now on.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

PS. It is ironic that Mexican drug dealers will now be selling American druggies the grass that cause them to eat Mexican snacks.

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