The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 4 parts.
Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, Mama Liberty a.k.a. Susan Callaway, Crazy Al, and World Union of Deists
Separating Medicine and State
by L. Neil Smith
Readers have occasionally complained that my columns are too
conversational, too personal, or too intimate. That's okay with me. I'm a novelist
by persuasion, and, as such, my interest, above all, is in individual character—more
so, it seems, with every year that passes. In this instance—the politics of what's
generally referred to as "healthcare" (for many reasons, I don't care for that expression,
myself)—that may be a good thing. In many ways, there is nothing more intimate, more
personal, and, one hopes, more conversational than one's relationship with one's "primary
healthcare provider", another politically charged catchphrase that tends to trigger my
reflex to vomit.
Musings on Freedom
by Neale Osborn
I just wrote this, in response to a forum on the 1st Amendment, and
some people's claim that America was never free, and cannot be. We do happen to live in
the greatest experiment/country mankind has tried so far. We started out with the highest
ideals. We started out flawed, with slavery and a limited "citizenry", but we created
the mechanism to correct those flaws. Some we corrected relatively painlessly, others
took bloodshed and a huge chunk of time. Many here have told me "If you don't like the
way things are done here, you damn anarchist/libertarian/republican/whatever, move
somewhere else!" (usually, they want me in Somalia, because they think Somalia is a
volunary anarchy..... but I digress). my response is always the same. "No. America may
not be perfect, but unlike any other country in the world, we have two things going for
us. We deliberately set this country up so that We, the People, providing we want to work
at it, can change the direction of this country at any time.
What is Freedom?
by L. Neil Smith
Freedom is the state of not being coerced by any human or human
institution. That's all there is to it. Weather is not coercion. Gravity is not
coercion. he Laws of Thermodynamics are not coercion. Only human beings and the
groups they build can coerce us, which is the main reason we have guns.
Neale's Weekly Gun Rant, Volume 2
by Neale Osborn
Old Business—Dinnae ken hoo Ah did it, but Ah forgot summat last
week. (Channeling my inner Scotsman) But before I address it, please note—this is in
NO WAY endorsing TSA when I happen to support an action by Director Pistol (Gotta love
the name!) Last week, TSA announced it was going to allow small pocketknives on planes,
and people freaked out. Why, I do not know. Remember 9/11/2001? 19 Arab men (no, I do
not believe GWB or the Isareali's took down the Twin Towers) armed with boxcutters
hijacked a bunch of sheep (and one plane of pissed off Scotties) and altered forever
the face of America. Now, a boxcutter has a razor blade as it's sharp edge. The
razor blade protrudes no more than 1 inch from the handle. TSA will now allow knives
with blades 2 1/8th inches to be carried on planes. IF the 44 people on Flight 93 had
posessed knives of the type now being permitted, they might not have crashed into a PA
cornfield. Perhaps the Twin Towers would still stand. Perhaps the Pentagon would.....
never mind—that wasn't such a bad thing. Perhaps 4997 US soldiers would still live.
Hell, Dubbya mighta lost in 2004. Who knows? Now, do not get me wrong—I advocate
allowing any and all passengers to verify their handguns carry only frangibles rated
for airframe safety, then carry their weapons on board. But these tiny knives are a
(tiny) step in the right direction.
CHAPTER SIX: Practice, Practice, Practice
An Excerpt From General Jenny
by Forthcoming by L. Neil Smith AND Craig Franklin
This is the "secret project" I've been working on, with my old
friend, libertarian singer-composer Craig Franklin. We hope you like it.
The Nobel Peace Laureate with a Kill List
by Wendy McElroy
On February 5, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney offered a rare
defense of America's drone policy. He stated, "These strikes are legal, they are ethical,
and they are wise." The rarity of his statement arises from the fact that the White House
has stonewalled reporters on the drone program since its inception.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 219
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 219 of a weekly cartoon series.