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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 715, April 7, 2013 The interests of individuals and groups with massive mounts of money and power are not merely divergent from the interests of the rest of us, they run in completely opposite directions. ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Was that worth reading? Forgiven (and clarified) Also, no offense taken! Re: What Didn't He Say? by Michael Bradshaw Michael—That was taken directly from a few ramblings I engaged in with a jackass on NewsVine, written at 3 am. Sometimes, I pass these on for whatever reason crossed my mind at the moment. I am an individualist. "We" is any person (NEVER the state) who chooses to do as I suggest. Or anything similar. Or who just wants an idea to start from (or send them in another direction). My grammar and punctuation has suffered since my stroke, but I endeavor to get it right. I must, therefore, point out your poor spelling of the word "the" in the following- Use your spelling and grammar checkers. Is embarrassing to leave out the word "it", or talk about teh subject of the sentence. Sounds like Russian syntax. Sorry, but I HAD to do it. Ennyhoo, I tend to write colloquially at times. And I rarely edit my thoughts when writing them down unlessI am writing an article or a story. Sorry if I made you unhappy with my musings. Neale Osborn
Please note—the e-mail address you provided TLE was refused by Outlook, so I can only respond this way. Was that worth reading? Re: "NRA Treachery" by L. Neil Smith Neil, I agree with you about the NRA been the largest gun control organization. This is why once I grokked on this topic, I have refused to even look at any and all requests to join that organization. That said, I figured that if only they can separate the educational/training and sporting part from the lobbying part of the NRA, only then would I consider joining the educational and sporting side of the NRA. Otherwise the NRA as a whole is completely worthless. The NRA must die. Jim B.
Was that worth reading? Re: "The Future is Better than We Think" by Ian Titter "We will eventually have control of our own medical care..." Some of us will, indeed. Unfortunately, most people don't want to work that hard... don't want to take personal responsibility for themselves and their health, safety, etc. Those who do will most likely always be a minority, outlanders, even outlaws. We must develop some way to pursue these things and eliminate from our lives those who would control and rob us for their own ends. I was an advanced practice nurse, a health care professional for thirty years... and at present I want very little to do with standard western medicine, even uncoupled from government. People who want to take control of their own lives, and their own medicine, will find a vast sea of possible options... just as soon as they go looking for them. You might want to look beyond mere technology and robotics... Health and wellness are so much more than just the absence of disease. Susan Callaway, RN (ret.) (AKA MamaLiberty)
Was that worth reading? Re: "NRA Treachery" by L. Neil Smith Neil—as you know, but many others do not, I am rather extreme in my own defense of the right to Keep and bear Arms, whether the 2nd Amendment continues to exist or not. And I, too, have fallen for he NRA's propaganda in the past. I used to consider it as money spent on the lesser of two evils. Especially when Charleton Heston was the president of the NRA. Hell, he'd been my neighbor once. But I digress! (I love that line!) For the last few years, I have referred to the NRA as "The National Collaborator's Association". Last month, I received a phone call from the NRA. It was a live person on the other end, begging me to return to "Your last, best chance to preserve our right to blah blah blah...." Imagine the surprise in the man's voice when I told him I was spending my gun-defense money on the JPFO and GOA. He said "But the NRA has an unbroken history of defending the rights of sportsmen and gunowners!" I laughed in his ear. I told him about the NRA's unspoken history, of how they helped write the NFA 34, GCA 68, and pretty much every gun law since. I also pointed out that the rights of sportsmen had NOTHING to do with the 2nd Amendment. As the NRA claims to understand, the 2nd ain't about duck hunting. He sounded fascinated, and we must have talked for 15 minutes. I assume the call was recorded, because he never said he agreed or could understand my points, but his questions sounded serious. Finallym he asked me what the NRA could do to get me back. I was blunt. "The ONLY chance the NRA has is to announce, publicly and repeatedly, that the 2nd Amendment means that every single solitary "gun control law", from background checks to NFA 38, are unConstitutional, and must be repealed immediately. Concealed carry licenses are unncecssary. Open or concealed, citizens have the right to carry ANY weapon they desire anywhere other than on posted private property. And last, but certainly not least, the NRA must call for the prosecution and jailing of ANY AND ALL politicians who advocate for gun control laws. THen, and only then, will I ever buy another NRA membership." Somehow, I do not see them complying with my demands. Neale Osborn
Was that worth reading? Re: [email protected]"AN EMERGENCY MESSAGE TO THOSE WHO VALUE FREEDOM" by L. Neil Smith "Democrats, in our long political experience, have a greater tendency toward every kind of crime and corruption than Republicans." Nonsense! That's like saying Hitler was worse than Stalin. Both sides are criminal in the extreme. Both cause death and destruction on a huge scale. There is no point in trying to find the lesser of two evils here. Trying to do so only plays into the "divide and conquer" gambit of the ruling class. "Individuals who wish to remain free in every precinct, district, and county of the state—or anyplace else in the world, for that matter—must tell us anything and everything they know about these traitors who falsely claim to represent them." ALL legiscritters falsely claim to represent the peons. The whole notion of representation is bogus and a lie, not to mention a physical impossibility. Paul Bonneau
Was that worth reading? Re: [email protected]"AN EMERGENCY MESSAGE TO THOSE WHO VALUE FREEDOM" by L. Neil Smith In Regards to the Emergency Message Our publisher, L. Neil Smith, recently put forth a warning concerning the erosion of liberty and freedom in Colorado and in the nation as a whole. This is a serious warning and must be taken to heart by all persons loving and desiring to live in peace and liberty. Many of you are reading that and saying to yourself "Ok, I am worried, but what can I do?" Here is some suggestions: 1) Get involved in politics. Yes I know it is disgusting and dirty. But politics is getting involved in you and in your life. In order to be able to defend yourself, your life, your freedom, your rights and your liberty, you must act. You must be involved actively in your own defense. Self-defense is not just being armed and willing—it is being involved, active, knowledgeable and prepared as well. 2) Get involved in the local political organizations that promote and tout liberty. Neil and I disagree on the usefulness and goodness of the Libertarian Party. He believes that it is a lost cause and I believe it is a good organization that is just beginning a start into being a force for good. But, whether you believe in the LP or not, become involved in the local organizations, meet-ups, discussion groups and clubs that promote and spread the message of liberty. 3) Vote. A very simple thing. But CAN make a difference. 4) Join civic or local societies, boards, commissions that promote civic involvement, run parks or promote economic development. These boards, commissions, societies and organizations have a disproportionate amount of input to local, county and even state wide issues. The voice of liberty needs to be heard in these. 5) And the most important one of all. Run for office. Get involved in the campaigns of liberty minded candidates. In Louisiana I have identified over 2900 different elective offices that are coming up for election in 2014. In 2013 the LP Louisiana has 2 people who got elected. They did not run expensive campaigns. In fact they did not campaign at all. All they needed to do was to sign up to run. There were filing fees, but they are now Libertarians elected to office. They were the 3rd of 3 people who ran in those two city council races. And they won by acclamation. Trust me on this; it happens like this at the local level a lot. And if liberty minded people start getting into office, start winning actual races, start making a difference—we can make a difference. And given what is happening in states like Colorado, California, and New York and other places, we really need to begin to make a difference. Boyd W. Smith
Was that worth reading? I read that the POTUS, His Imperial Majesty Barack Hussein (the Assassin) Obama, has announced that he will give back 15 percent of his annual salary to help balance the budget. For the life of me, what's the point? World War II was finished in 1945, some 68 years ago. My father and step-father both served in the European Command in the 45th Regiment. Yet we still spend billions to maintain troops in both Germany and Japan. Yeah, yeah, I've heard the usual claptrap. But as we did in Vietnam, we should simply declare victory and go home! Granted the Viet Cong wtere nipping at our heels as our helicopters evacuated the last American staff from the U.S. Embassy in Saigon to take them to an awaiting aircraft carrier. Nevertheless, we should similarly declare victory in all the innumerable wars King George II, King George III, and the current POTUS have involved this country in—and go home! The American Empire is fated to fall. No matter what the morons in D.C. do, the fall cannot be stopped. Please leave us hapless residents something to live on. Denial is a final refuge of some sort. For elected politicians, it appears to be "we'll live to fight another day." The ultimate hope is to be re-elected. The ultimate hope for the rest of us, is that the politicians will succumb to something—anything! I grow weary. I didn't vote for any of those blackguards. And I certainly don't want to see to see my country destroyed. James McDonald
Was that worth reading? It seems that Ron Paul is getting involved in education. He has partnered with Tom Woods. His new project is at ronpaulcurriculum.com I only found out about the new curriculum today, Saturday, April 6, 2013 in the afternoon, and am facing a deadline for the letter to the editor at TLE this evening; so I have not had time to evaluate the project to any extent. On the basis of its being a Ron Paul project I would recommend that parents and others with an interest in children should examine it to see if there is something profitable there for their families. In doing so, I would also keep a "weather eye peeled" for statism and religion. Too much of either can contaminate an otherwise technically fine curriculum to the extent of making it worthless. I do not see this on the site's home page, but I am not entitled to an opinion yet. I just lack data at this point and caution others to be wary until enough information is available to make informed decisions. Ron Paul and Tom Woods have rather good track records from the past in other endeavors. I hope that that will be the case here, as well. I also have an old bookmars page of educational and other references for alternatives to government "schools" at LINK. There can never be an adequate excuse for sending a child to a government "school", as that is child abuse of an extreme nature and causes irreparable harm to the child and the family. Michael Bradshaw
Was that worth reading? A Cautionary Comment Tyrannophobia—The unreasoning fear of tyrants and tyranny. You would think this was a good thing. You'd be wrong. A tyrannophobe does not necessarily love freedom, he fears tyranny. And like a man with herpetophobia who freaks out at seeing a coiled up water hose or harmless garter snake, the tyrannophobe becomes ruled not by a fear of tyranny, but fear of the appearance of tyranny. (As an aside, I have no problem with snakes. I just imagine them properly butterflied and sauteed in garlic butter with a nice Zinfandel.) Thus to them a rifle in the hands of a private citizen is as scary as the goons with neato arm patches marching down the street. The ease of communication created by the internet is a threat equaled by the tightest government control of communication. The power of free people to control their own destiny is always a danger that they may lord it over the tyrannophobe. He become the victim of a phenomenon like the Stockholm Syndrome and are transformed into tyrannophiles, eager to use the power of the state to retrain free men, not simply criminals and madmen. Better to cultivate eleutherophilia, a love of freedom, for oneself and for others. Remember, fear of evil is not the same as love of good. A.X. Perez
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