The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 4 parts.
Letters to the Editor
from Rob Gillespie, Wes Carr, and A.X. Perez
The World Next Door
by L. Neil Smith
There is a world next door. A world in which people look up
at the sound of an engine in the sky or the sight of wings, and marvel, as they
used to do, instead of wondering if a sinister machine has been sent to spy on
them or kill them.
206 Trayvon Martins, Ignored
by C.D. Michel
Over the last year, more than 200 black seventeen year olds
were murdered in the United States. None of them were Trayvon Martin.
Prohibition—Why We Should Have Learned Our Lesson from the Speakeasy
by Julie Bowen
The argument rages on between libertarians and those of other political
persuasions about the Libertarian platform on legalization of marijuana. Why it is that people
seem unable to grasp the vast difference between supporting legalization and supporting use is
itself difficult to understand. The case for legalization is clear, given the extraordinary
amount of time and money wasted on pursuing citizens who personally choose to smoke; as well
as the deaths, direct and indirect, which are attributable to this pointless campaign.
This Ain't East Germany
by Paul Bonneau
The hoopla surrounding Snowden's revelations included the claim that the old
East German secret police, the Stasi, would have loved to have had in their bag of repressive
tools the same mechanisms that the NSA has already put in place in America. I believe this is
true; but that's not the same thing as saying we are in the same boat (or worse) than those
unfortunate East Germans. America is not East Germany.
Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 23
by Neale Osborn
I am not a fan of the death penalty—well, the GOVERNMENT death
penalty. I love the death penalty administered at the hands of the intended victim (or
a Samaritan bystander) at the scene of the intended crime. But I have to admit that I
like the sentence of Nidal Hassan. It would, of course, be MUCH better if they ALSO
executed the formulators of the gun free zone policy that led to the deaths of 13
soldiers (and if ANYONE would have been competent to shoot back, one would think it
was soldiers) at the hands of the one man present who did not abide by that policy—the
criminal in question.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 242
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 242 of a weekly cartoon series.
L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot as the best general source of infomation on the subject.
More about L. Neil Smith
Even more about L. Neil Smith
The unabridged audio version of my 1983 novel The Nagasaki Vector,
brilliantly read by the great libertarian radio host Brian Wilson, is finally
available for purchase.
Many feel that this is the funniest book I've written so farat least
intentionallyand features our old friend Win Bear, G. Howell Nahuatl, a
sapient coyote, time traveler Bernie Gruenblum, and Georgie, the time machine
who loves him.
The price: $12.99.
The place: CD Baby.
Now available in iTunes, as well
The price: $9.99
The Place: iTunes
L. Neil Smith
by L. Neil Smith illustrated by Sherard Jackson
Phoebus Krumm
by L. Neil Smith illustrated by Scott Bieser
Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems
Used and recommended by L. Neil Smith
Take a look at:
Maybe things aren't going to be so bad after all:
15 Ways the World Will Change Once the "Great Boom" Hits
The great golden age is upon us. We haven't seen it
because we've been looking at the wrong things and
in the wrong directions.
Regardless, it is here. It has been building for
some time and it is ready to break out. And it will
break out as soon as enough of us start acting in
support of the golden age, rather than accepting
its delay.
Yes, I know that it doesn't remotely seem like a
golden age is here. We have overwhelming bills, we
are working more hours than we can really handle,
and we are stressed to the point of illness. Please
place this thought aside for a moment; I will explain
it below. Before that, I want to give you an idea of
what the golden age will be like. It is important
for us to look ahead, so we can see where we are
going and to make some sense of the current situation.
Our Publisher writes:
Should the U.S. Bomb Syria? Vote Now!
L. Neil Smith
I see that Brad Manning has discovered he's actually a woman trapped
in a man's body (trapped in a military prision). He wants to be called
"she" and Chelsie Manning. I'll tell you, I can relate to her sad
prediciment, seeing as how I'm a young man trapped in an old man's
body myself. I wouldn't mind so much if the old guy's body wasn't
falling appart all around me. And they ain't no way out it seems.
Interesting article here:
Just thinking about science triggers moral behavior
(Psychologists find deep connection between scientific method and morality.)
by Piercarlo Valdesolo
Public opinion towards science has made headlines over
the past several years for a variety of reasons — mostly
negative. High profile cases of academic dishonesty and
disputes over funding have left many questioning the
integrity and societal value of basic science, while
accusations of politically motivated research fly from
left and right. There is little doubt that science is
value-laden. Allegiances to theories and ideologies
can skew the kinds of hypotheses tested and the methods
used to test them.These, however, are errors in the
application of the method, not the method itself. In
other words, it's possible that public opinion towards
science more generally might be relatively unaffected
by the misdeeds and biases of individual scientists.
In fact, given the undeniable benefits scientific
progress yielded, associations with the process of
scientific inquiry may be quite positive.
And finally, consider this:
Why do haters have to hate? Newly identified personality trait holds clues
New research has uncovered the reason why some people
seem to dislike everything while others seem to like
everything. Apparently, it's all part of our individual
personality—a dimension that researchers have coined
"dispositional attitude."
People with a positive dispositional attitude have a
strong tendency to like things, whereas people with a
negative dispositional attitude have a strong tendency
to dislike things, according to research published in
the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
The journal article, "Attitudes without objects: Evidence
for a dispositional attitude, its measurement, and its
consequences," was written by Justin Hepler, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Dolores AlbarracĂn,
Ph.D., the Martin Fishbein Chair of Communication and
Professor of Psychology at Penn.
Of course, as is typical in discussions these days, the article isn't
about "hate" but about "like or dislike". Why do internet users as a
class always want to exagerate things? Isn't just the truth enough?
Love of truth necessary.
He that would seriously set upon the search of truth ought
in the first place to prepare his mind with a love of it.
For he that loves it not will not take much pains to get
it; nor be much concerned when he misses it. There is
nobody in the commonwealth of learning who does not profess
himself a lover of truth: and there is not a rational
creature that would not take it amiss to be thought
otherwise of. And yet, for all this, one may truly say,
that there are very few lovers of truth, for truth's sake,
even amongst those who persuade themselves that they are so.
How a man may know whether he be so in earnest, is worth
inquiry: and I think there is one unerring mark of it, viz.
The not entertaining any proposition with greater assurance
than the proofs it is built upon will warrant. Whoever goes
beyond this measure of assent, it is plain, receives not the
truth in the love of it; loves not truth for truth's sake,
but for some other bye-end.
—John Locke, Essay concerning Human Understanding,
Book IV, Chapter 19 ("Of Enthusiasm")
But then how many people have you encountered who were
interested in The Truth rather than finding something
to support their personal notions, no matter how idiotic?
Not many I'd say. Alas.
We are a Reader-Supported on-line eMagazine. Click the "Pay"
button to pay the editor or any of our writers whatever you want
to pay. We all will appreciate it!
Ken Holder
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
 Planning for Your future, serf!
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condition in just 180 days!
While we wait months and years for the swift recovery that's in
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corporations, and unions—goes on.
Stop the con-game. Read L. Neil Smith's Down With Power,
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Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith
Phoenix Pick Edition
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by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith
Phoenix Pick Edition
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The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton Archive
Roswell, Texas
by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach
Published by Bighead Press, 2008
Click cover to buy at Amazon.com
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Bighead Press, 2004
Click cover to buy at Amazon.com
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The Venus Belt
by L. Neil Smith
Phoenix Pick Edition
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The Crystal Empire
by L. Neil Smith
Phoenix Pick Edition
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Get your very own Come Back with a Warrant doormat from
Amazon.com. Two styles to choose from! Just click on the one you
by L. Neil Smith
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(NOTE: The complete novel is also on the web at
by L. Neil Smith
Phoenix Pick Edition
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