Fox News Attacks the U.S. Army and Traditional American Values
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise
— An International Journal of Opinion —

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Number 771, May 18, 2014
There are, broadly speaking, two main strands
in the opposition to the New World Order. Where
these two strands disagree is over the cause of
the New World Order. For one, it is the final
result of the Enlightenment. For the other
strand, the enemy is a counter-Enlightenment.

Out of Compliance
by Rex May


The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 5 parts.

Letters to the Editor
from Jeff Fullerton, L. Neil Smith, and Rex May

Fox News Attacks the U.S. Army and Traditional American Values
by J. Neil Schulman
My friend, Brad Linaweaver, calls Fox News the Pentagon Channel because of all the 24-hour news channels Fox is the one that tends to support the agenda of those who find the Pentagon's ungodly budget always too small, no projection of military force anywhere in the world too unattractive, and no invasion of privacy or restriction of liberty unnecessary. After seeing lively debates on Fox on all these subjects —often dragging in quasi-libertarians like Senator Rand Paul or in-house personalities like Bob Beckel or Kennedy to take the opposition—I'd have to say that Brad is being only slightly sardonic.

Crowley: Thoughts and Perspectives, Volume Two
Reviewed by Sean Gabb
It was late one afternoon, more years ago than I care to admit. I was working as an estate agent in South London, when an old beggar woman came into the front office. "Cross my palm with silver, Dearie," she croaked in a strong Irish accent. I glared at her from my desk. It was hard enough at the best of times to get potential clients or buyers to step through our door. The lingering smell she had brought of unwashed clothes and of the scabby, verminous body they no doubt covered was unlikely to help. "Get out!" I said, pointing at the door. Her response was to shamble forward, a sprig of heather clutched in her hand. Thirty seconds later, she was steadying herself on the pavement. "You're a wicked young man," she called, "and you'll be dead in two weeks—you mark my words."

Halt and I Won't Shoot
by C.D. Michel
Cornered on his ATV by a rampaging maniac in a Northern California suburban cul-de-sac, an armed financial advisor had the legal authority to shoot his attacker in self-defense with the .45 pistol he had in his hand. He didn't. His story is not unique, but tales like his are vastly underreported.

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 277
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 277 of a weekly cartoon series.

Nullification Act

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Sarah Palin's 'AR-15 makes a great gift' tweet sends social media in tizzy
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Last week Project Gutenberg released The Life of Albert Gallatin by Henry Adams Free download in several formats at [this link].

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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise