The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 6 parts.
Letters to the Editor
from Neale Osborn and Jeff Fullerton
The Naive and the Self-Interested
by Tyrone Johnson
When certain people in the bitcoin industry discuss their eagerness for
regulation, they often do so in one of two really irritating ways. One of the ways in which
such talk is circulated that is frustrating, irritating, and unpleasant, is the naive way in
which certain people approach the idea of government and governmental regulations as though
the folks in government were good, kind, nice, friendly public servants, always wanting to
do what is best for the most people, and utterly without guile. This naivete is frustrating
because it speaks to the ignorance, stupidity, and sheltered foolishness of people who ought
to be able to learn more, think better, and be responsible for their own lives, but who don't
want to. Learned helplessness is good for those in power, bad for those who want to live their
own lives. And the learned helplessness, naivete, stupidity, ignorance, foolishness, and
determination to go on leading sheltered lives where everything is someone else's problem are
frustrating because a person just wants to shake those people up, maybe slap some sense into
them, and that never works.
Defending Our Culture from the Invaders
by Paul Bonneau
One of the rationalizations used by advocates of government action
vis-a-vis the recent batch of "invaders" (e.g. Honduran kids), has been the defense of
our culture. It's funny though, because when I examine the culture that is being defended,
it doesn't seem to be my culture.
Introducing Libertarianism to the Mainstream
by Sean Gangol
Not too long ago J. Neil Schulman wrote an article about how the
libertarian movement should concentrate on projects that appeal more
to the mainstream as opposed to putting so much effort into academic
work. I have to say that I couldn't agree more with Schulman's
analysis. I think one of the biggest mistakes ever made by those in
our movement was trying to put their full effort in trying to reach
those in academia instead of trying to win over those in the
mainstream. What people seem to forget is that there are people in
academia who are snobby elitists who like having a monopoly on
knowledge and care very little about educating the masses.
Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 8-10-2014
by Neale Osborn
A short one tonight, but it starts out, as I prefer, with Mama Liberty's
archives. This one is on ladies and guns. I LIKE ladies, and I like ladies who shoot. So I
like this article. You will, too.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 289
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 289 of a weekly cartoon series.
Retirement. It's what old people do, and I tell
ya, it's starting to sound sweet. Besides us old
people find that doing anything, doing EVERYTHING
gets to be something of a Mighty Chore(tm), than
which we ain't up to no more, no more. I'll give
it a little more time, but getting put out to
pasture... hummmmmm.
If you, Dear Reader, are a thoughful person...
and what the heck are you doing reading this
eMagazine if you're not? If not, BEGONE! Uh...
anyway, thoughful persons will want to read
this essay, which I wanted to reprint in this
issue, but there is no way to contact anybody
on this particular blog, or if there is it
is rather well hidden. Why do so many bloggers
do that? Anyway, I don't have permission to
reprint, so I now send you there to read,
O Reader:
In Times of Peace
by Bill Reader
I feel, as yet, that some do not understand
a basic aspect of modern politics. I get
this sense every time I read a comments
section. Let me try, to the best of my
ability, to elucidate the order beneath what
may seem like an increasingly chaotic system.
[Read more]
And that's the way it is in the American Police State™,
August 10, 2014
I'll be continuing this FYI:
To our friends who have patiently refrained from
asking, Neil suffered a stroke on June 28. He is
currently in an excellent acute rehabilitation
program at a facility in Northern Colorado and
is making good progress. I'm happy to share
information. If you want updates, please let me
know by email and I'll reply. Giovanni and I are
working on making the house (built in 1949)
accessible for Neil's eventual return.
Neil, Cathy, & Giovanni
[email protected]
If you would like to help-out Neil and his
family, you can toss them some money thusly:
We are a Reader-Supported on-line eMagazine. Click the "Pay"
button here and at the end of most articles to pay the author of what
you just read whatever you want to pay. We all will appreciate it!
Ken Holder
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