Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 785, August 24, 2014

And how do you reason with power?

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Re: "From the Rust Belt to the Asteroid Belt: Freeman Dyson Calling All Heretics" by Jeff Fullerton

Ray remembers that infamous margarine commercial from the 70s!

It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature! Followed by a thunderclap.

And then she also made an appearance in The Year Without a Santa Claus brokering a deal between her two feuding sons- Snow Miser & Heat Miser to let it snow in the Southland. Sometimes Jim Quinn used the lyrics associated with the latter "He's Mr Green Christmas, He's Mr Sun" as a theme song for his global warming updates. Which I always liked better than the Cuban "Hot!—Hot!—Hot"! or Kermit the Frog singing "It's Not Easy Being Green"—though that one was always funny at the end when Quinn would cut it short with talk about fishing with dynamite followed by an explosion and "Lordy We Gonna Have Catfish Tonite"!

Best blasphemy in that regard was Mrs Singh—the lady who ran the boarding house on the asteroid Pallas—who referred to the planet Earth as "Mother Mud".

When you mix logging operations or any kind of construction involving heavy equipment with wet weather—it's obvious that she was right!

And Rachel Carson is probably rolling over in her grave and screaming like a banshee!


Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Re: "Letter from Tyrone Johnson"

Tyrone was far kinder to me this time (thanks, my friend). I DID go to the links Tom sent me, after sending them out, as I said I would. Why, one might ask, did I not go to them first? Well, I'll tell ya—I thought better of Tom than that. I was so sure he wasn't the asshole Tyrone labeled him. I was sure that quote was either out of context, or deliberately provocative to scare us away from said holocaust he "saw" coming. I was wr.... wro........ DAMNIT! I was mistaken. I do believe that Tom has gotten ever more right wing over the last few years. I just thought it was just because the plotline headed that way. Not because he agreed with it. I still prefer Balboa over where I see America going. Because THERE I could at least ride a dirigible across the night sky, and see a new horizon....

Tyrone—whether we like it or not (and I most certainly do NOT) "we" individuals are still quite likely to be tarred by the same brush that will tar the assholes that are wielding it. Rest assured, I will vote for the best, most Libertarian person I can find for anything I can vote for (based on record, not what they say) regardless of party. Should, however, my bleak view turn out to be correct, look for me to be advocating for the elimination of government from every stump. Do I WANT to see my bleak view occur? Hell no! Do I think a handful of people who ARE individuals in every sense of the word can have an impact on said direction, and effect a change? Hell yes. But I see far too many people content to be a blank cypher in a bureaucrat's ledger, as long as they have three hots and a cot.

Now, if I had a choice of fictional locals to live, the first would be Neil's NAC. Second be Pallas. And a distant third would be Williamson's Freehold, despite it's military.

Neale Osborn
[email protected]

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By definition, people with the right to keep and bear arms are more free than those whose governments deny them that right. That's why "shall not be infringed" represents the highest of freedoms—the freedom to defend yourself against the government when it becomes the principal threat to your life, liberty, and property.

TJ Mason
[email protected]

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Dear Editor:

Many a long year ago, a friend of mine told me about a boss of his who once said, "When faced with a choice, take both." Clearly, we need more artefacts for a culture of freedom, we need more teachers and students to learn about freedom and teach it, and we need tools and technologies to keep ourselves free, amongst our many and varied needs.

There's no question that getting the ideas of liberty out to a broader audience is a good move. There's also no question that getting those ideas into the minds of children from a very young age is a good move. These strategies are not necessarily in conflict.

As to Neil Schulman's very excellent novel "Alongside Night" and the film he's screen-written and, I gather, produced and directed, based on the same novel, I do wonder about mainstream distribution. Perhaps the freedom community should come together and do a few private screenings at events like Libertopia, the Porcupine Festival, at next year's World Science Fiction convention, or in cities with large freedom-oriented populations.

If Neil can get freedom enthusiasts to fill a few 200 to 500 seat auditoriums with paying viewers, he might be able to get "Alongside Night" picked up for distribution to art cinemas, or to mainstream cinemas. Aaron Russo had some success with that technique a few years back, as I recall.


Tyrone Johnson
[email protected]

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Dear Editor,

Next weekend, we'll be shipping our press release all over the place. So, I thought it might be fun to send the readers of The Libertarian Enterprise a preview document. Here's that info:

SilentVault is preparing its service launch for 25 August 2014. The company will be making its announcement through crypto-currency media outlets as well as through traditional mainstream media outlets. You are being provided with a preview. Further information is available at

What Is SilentVault?
SilentVault is a new technology developed to provide for peer-to-peer payments and exchanges with anonymity among a growing variety of asset classes. SilentVault is a wallet application which allows the user to bring in Bitcoin or Litecoin, spend them as Silent Bitcoin or Silent Litecoin, and thereby silence the block chain on their original crypto-coin. Other currencies have been developed into SilentVault assets, such as Silent Silver.

Who Is Behind SilentVault
SilentVault is a virtual enterprise operated by technology and business professionals with a total of five decades experience in digital currency systems. The user agreement for all users of SilentVault, including the SilentVault team members, prevents us from disclosing names, addresses, and other particulars.

When Is SilentVault Available?
The SilentVault system is operational today. Simply visit our site to learn how to create a new wallet. The software works with Java as a stand-alone app or with Spark as a plug-in. The information you need to get the wallet software is on our site.

When Is it Okay to Discuss SilentVault
The service launch press release for the general public goes out on Monday 25 August 2014, but you can start talking about us, now. We aren't trying to "embargo" this news. Feel free to express yourself - we do.

Where Can I Learn More?
The best place for more information is where we have extensive tutorials, including screen shots, to help with the basic technology. Much of our work involves Voucher Safe technology, so additional resources, including video tutorials, are available at Users interested in integrating their SilentVault wallet with payment acceptance systems should examine and talk to our development team.

Why Silence the BlockChain
Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other blockchain-based crypto-currencies are useful tools. However, the blockchain tracks every exchange. Why not park your bitcoin and silence the blockchain? Within the SilentVault system there is no ledger of transactions. So while you make payments with your Silent Bitcoin and those who receive your payments use their Silent Bitcoin to make further payments, nothing is registered on the block chain. No transaction, including an internal voucher asset to voucher asset exchange, generates an entry on the blockchain. Only when a bitcoin is exchanged out to a bitcoin wallet destination does any new information show up on the blockchain. If you value your privacy, you'll prefer a silent blockchain.

How Does It Work?
You can find extensive tutorials for starting a new SilentVault wallet on our web site. Using Voucher Safe technology, any published asset can be used in voucher form to make payments or conduct exchange operations. Any user can make payments, receive payments, keep receipts, delete their own transaction data, make exchange offers, accept exchange offers, and redeem vouchers for assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, silver, and where individuals are willing, fiat currencies. In other words, SilentVault works much like cash and other anonymous forms of payment.

Please visit for more details.


Tyrone Johnson
[email protected]

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Re: Letter "Fences"

Thanks Tyrone, for your comment. On the last item, that was just an off-reference to Panarchy without much explanation (the article was getting long as it was). My initial exploration of the idea can be found here, before I was even aware there was a name for it:

Other explorations are found here and there in my list of articles.

If you read them you will see that it has nothing to do with a neighbor being robbed (except for being robbed—"taxed"—by his own polity, which he supports and which is none of your business). On the other hand, ordinary criminal attacks would certainly call for actions on one's part to stop it—at least if self-interested is consulted. It's not in our interest to live where crime is rampant.

As you comment toward the end, it is force that is evil—not incorrect opinions.

Paul Bonneau

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The Wall

Gas Chamber Wall—Remember!

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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Minimum Wage?

Gotta nice quotation for your edification:

Do you know what the minimum wage was in 1964 (the last year our money was backed in any way by silver)? It was $1.15 an hour in September of 1964. That was one silver dollar, one silver dime, and one nickel/copper nickel. Excluding the actual value of the nickel in today's terms, the silver dollar and silver dime would be worth almost $21. Consider that for a moment.

That means that the minimum wage in 1964 had an equivalent buying power in today's dollars of about $21 dollars an hour. That was minimum wage. If you still think the solution is raising minimum wage, or redistributing the wealth of evil corporations, you've been drinking too much Kool-Aid.
—Michael Minkoff, "Don't Raise Minimum Wage, Just Fix the Currency" (23 August 2014)

Richard Bartucci
[email protected]

To which A.X. Perez remarked:

In 1964 the Ace D series (35 cents) paper backs were just being replaced by the F series( 40 cents). A pack of cigarettes was a quarter, a cup of coffee, with free refills, was about a dime. Gas was a quarter a gallon or so, a Coke was less than a dime but you could get your two penny deposit back. Hershey bars were about a nickle.

I am more concerned about reminding people that for it to be worth your boss's effort to hire you for minimum wage you have to produce enough wealth to cover his contribution to FICA, unemployment insurance, workers' comp, any applicable regulatory agency costs, the administrative costs of hiring you, and oh yeah, his profit.

Call it you have to produce at least half again as much wealth as you get paid to be worth minimum wage. How many people you know producing at least sixteen bucks an hour that can't get a promotion or better job in anything that passes for a healthy economy?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Freeman Dyson: Heretical Thoughts About Science and Society—YouTube

"Every Orchid or Rose or Lizard or Snake is the work of a dedicated breeder"!

I love this guy!
Freeman Dyson is right up our alley! Not only can he design an atomic pulse rocket; he understands what the reptile, fish & plant hobbies and many other pursuits of excellence and happiness are all about!

Glad I took the time to view the remainder of the lecture at the end of my shift tonight!

[Link to YouTube

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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