The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 6 parts.
Letters to the Editor
from Manuel Miles, A.X Perez, and Neale Osborn
An Excerpt from Taflak Lysandra
by L. Neil Smith
This novel was first published 26 years ago and is about to be reissued—like
Brightsuit MacBear—by my friends at Phoenix Pick. It is the second part of a "young reader"
series of seven books I'd planned to evoke the spirit of the Robert A. Heinlein "juveniles" all of us
'46ers grew up on. The difference is that, while these books stand on their own, together they tell an
eighth, overall story. The original publisher lost interest after two books, but I've now been given the
go-ahead on the remaining five. So if you're looking for a good, principled, but exciting book to give
your kids, you grandkids, your nieces and nephews this holiday season, full of new ideas and colorful
characters, look no further than Taflak Lysandra or Brightsuit MacBear, both available in
paperback or electronic format from Amazon and places like that. And remember, there's more to come.
No One Is In Charge Here
by Tyrone Johnson
Is someone in charge of your life, someone other than you? If so, why
do you allow that situation to persist? Are you forced to obey, or do you obey because you
don't want to make trouble? And if your freedom is important to you, why not make trouble?
There are those who claim that the government is in charge of you. After all, there are
consequences for disobedience. If you don't obey the rules, if you don't pay your taxes, if
you don't shuffle along in mindless support of the system, things can go very hard for you.
Interstellar: A Movie Review
by Jeff Fullerton
The new film Interstellar which debuted about a week ago has been
the subject many reviews already most of which sounded bad and my perception of Hollywood
science fiction has always been influenced by something my former mentor Big Bob said about
SF being a form of propaganda to warn people about the perils of destroying the world with
atomic wars or environmental pollution. Something I kind of was aware of already then and
have continued to experience since. Like Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov who had me sold
for a while on the idea that we needed global unity to prevent nuclear war and pool resources
to reach the stars ala Star Trek! But then as it became obvious that the actual movers
and shakers had no intention of ever taking us there and I started getting into the hard SF
of Heinlein and Niven and a few Jerry Pournelle editorials that suggested maybe we should flat
out reject and rebel against the dystopian world view and policies of the Malthusian Left.
The Federal Reserve Embezzles $4 Billion from the U.S. Government—Daily
by Olde Reb
A popular concept is that the government will "borrow" from the Federal
Reserve for deficit spending. This involves giving a Treasury security (bill, bond, or note)
to the Fed as collateral and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will credit an account of
the government in the amount of the security. The government will then buy military goods,
fund social programs, pay government salaries, etc. with the book entry money.
NY Police Caught Stealing Guns from Dead Americans
by Geoffrey Pike
The police in Buffalo, New York are planning to pay a visit to the estates
of people who die. But this will only apply to a certain class of citizens—pistol permit
holders. Unfortunately, the police will not be paying a visit to offer their condolences to
family members of the deceased.
She'd be my Grandfather
by A.X. Perez
This is not a statement of support for our "Blessed Leader". (As you know,
"Barack" literally means" Blessed".) Nor is it a statement of support or condemnation of the
policies announced by him on Thursday 20 November 2014. Nor at this time do I wish to comment
on America's existing immigration laws and policies.
Living the Satus Quo
(The trouble with right-wing arguments)
by Cathy L.Z. Smith
I've been away for a while. Life has made demands that have limited
the amount of time and energy I have for engaging in, or even paying much attention to,
the endless, ever-never-changing swirl of political crises that define life in 21st Century America.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 304
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 304 of a weekly cartoon series.