Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's
Number 800, December 7, 2014

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Letters to the Editor

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More proof. If a State denies your natural right to bear arms, it is forced you to place your rights to life, liberty, and property at its convenience.

If you cannot bear arms, the best that can be said is that the State will defend your life, liberty, and property at its convenience; when it's inconvenient (or politically incorrect), you are SOL. The all too common worst case is that the State can (and will) take your life, liberty, and/or property at its convenience.


T.J. Mason
[email protected]

"Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid."
Sands of Iwo Jima (1949), John Wayne's character, Sergeant Stryker

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Cops and body cameras

I'm all about solving problems.

That's why I keep repeating that police NEED to be abolished.

I also think, until then, cops need to be followed everywhere they go by people with video cameras—so that they can't pick their nose without it being put on Youtube.

But, I also want cops to be wired for video so their actions can incriminate themselves. However, we all see how "conveniently" body cams malfunction when cops decide (premeditate) to molest or murder. The excuse is "battery life" or "I forgot".

So, how about this:
Cameras which are automatically activated anytime a gun or Taser leaves the holster, and can't be shut off until the weapon is back in the holster. That wouldn't have done anything for Eric Garner, of course—his murder was on video, and his murderer didn't use a weapon. I'm not sure about cameras which are triggered by the sleeve being pressed against a neck, but anything that hobbles or inconveniences enforcers is a win for the rest of us.

I also realize that until murdering cops are held accountable, all the evidence in the world won't change anything. But, maybe my idea would help that, too, by changing "public perception".

Kent McManigal
[email protected]

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An observation: whatever you think about the legality of the income tax, allowing certain classes of people, including "illegal immigrants" and Administration fellow travelers like Al Sharpton, ignore their obligation to pay the same taxes as everyone else under the law is itself an impeachable offense—accessory after the fact to tax evasion—as well as being a breach of trust—supporting unequal treatment under the law. Prosecutorial discretion doesn't cut it—when once class of persons gets prosecuted and one doesn't.

T. J. Mason
[email protected]

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New Ayn Rand Novel to Be Published

Any Rand—Ideal A never-before-published novel by Ayn Rand will be hitting the bookstores in a few months—the first Ayn Rand novel to be published in over 50 years.

According to the publisher the short novel, entitled Ideal, "tells the story of beautiful but tormented actress Kay Gonda. Accused of murder, she is on the run, and she turns for help to six fans who have written letters to her, each telling her that she represents their ideal—a respectable family man, a far-left activist, a cynical artist, an evangelist, a playboy, and a lost soul. Each reacts to her plight in his own way, their reactions a glimpse into their secret selves and their true values..."

Rand wrote Ideal in 1934, when she was in her late 20s. Unhappy with it, she put it aside and turned it into a play, which was never performed in her lifetime and went unpublished until the 1986 collection The Early Ayn Rand, edited by Leonard Peikoff of the Ayn Rand Institute. Peikoff described the play as a "philosophical murder mystery."

The novel remained buried in the archives at the Ayn Rand Institute until 2012, when it was rediscovered while Rand's papers were being digitized.

New American Library will publish both the novel (135 pages) and the play together on July 7, 2015.

Ayn Rand, who died in 1982, is of course most famous for her enormously influential bestseller Atlas Shrugged, which helped set off the modern libertarian movement and has, incredibly, remained in hardback since its first publication in 1957. Together her novels, including The Fountainhead and We The Living, have sold over 25 million copies.

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