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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 800, December 7, 2014 Privacy Party! ![]()
Neale's Weekly Gun Rant for the weeks of Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise I want to apologize to my readers for missing last week, but I am having an ongoing family problem—my 76 year old father is going downhill fast, and I've been commuting from western NY to central Jersey, on the shore (301 miles each way) every few days. So I haven't been able to really do this justice. Thus, my great friend, Tony, who has filled in for me once before, is going to do me a favor and fill in some of his own thoughts from here, down to Mama Liberty (where, normally speaking, I'd be starting this—but this one is what she sent me LAST week, which never got in! LOL). Tony will ALSO choose the quotes for this week. To all those, friends, friendly antagonists, and just antagonists, who have sent me moral support during this difficult time, I deeply appreciate it. It's been hard on Mom, and I just am spending more time with them to give her a break—my sisters (who live on the same property) cannot do it all. Besides, this is what family does. I hope to return by 12-6-2014. If I can't, I have an anti-gun friend who'd LOVE to fill in once—wouldn't that be interesting!! As much as Neale's anti-gun friend would entertain us all, I have been given the privilege of stepping to the plate for Neale. I will keep my portion short and sweet—otherwise it would be a complete "Tony's Rant". Most of this rant is straight from the man himself, I am just making sure it gets out. I do apologize for being slightly late, but at least we got it out! This week saw Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson exonerated in the shooting of Michael Brown. The significance of this is the fact that extraordinary steps were taken to ensure this shooting was lawful and in the line of duty. The system did what it was supposed to do—a Grand Jury reviewed the evidence, heard from the witnesses, and followed the law. Now we have mobs of people burning businesses, police cars, and basically vandalizing entire neighborhoods. Now I ask you, if you had a business in one of those districts and this business was your entire life, would you want some liberal gun-grabber telling you that you don't need a weapon capable of firing more than 10 rounds when it comes to defending yourself, your family, or your property? When people talk about magazine restrictions and restrictions of certain types of weapons, it really ticks me off. Here's why—the right to bear arms is laid out in our Constitution. The right to drive is not. Cars kill more people every year than guns. People can buy cars that go 3x the speed limit, but you want to tell me that I can't have a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds? Are you kidding me?? "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"—Unknown "Do not tolerate, appease, accommodate, sacrifice, nor compromise. These all lead to apathy, which is the death of any nation."—Horace "The Constitution is not an instrument for the restraint of the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."—Thomas Paine "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."—Thomas Paine "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."—Plato "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."—Thomas Jefferson Mama Liberty passed this on to me, and even though, as she said, it wasn't attributed when SHE received it, it was worth passing on.
Do read it. Now, we all KNOW the Victim Disarmament Crowd will ignore these facts, just as they ignore the fact that violent crime is down since 1993 while gun purchases have been on the increase (over 100 million in that same period). [Link]
Thanks to Darren Wolfe for the link. In honor of this un-named Mom, I call this "Well Armed American Mom" Column today. [Link]
I say "Good job, Mom. And keep up the good work." And here's another good Mom. This makes it clear that liberal anti-gunners wish to deny Americans the right LEARN from history by simply eliminating parts they do not like. This will, of course, cause people to repeat history—especially the bad choices. The latest attempt to change history comes from Washington State's new anti-Constitutional laws passed this November. [Link]
Isn't this just the height of asininity? Okay, let us preface this with a disclaimer—we do not support "Easing" gun laws or "allowing new machine guns to be added to the registry (what is necessary to make them "transferable") " because ALL these laws were and are anti-Constitutional. The laws need to disappear totally. That being said... this lawsuit may well return newly manufactured machineguns to the ( wealthy) gun collector/shooters of America. IF, of course, you can afford the (anti-Constitutional) transfer fees and licenses and taxes and regulations and.... [Link]
This lawsuit was meant to expose a chink in the law and further open up the case to own machine guns. One supposes it is a step in the correct direction... maybe. This one amazes me. A navy vet is told he's a terrorist for posting pictures... of DHS cars lined up in a hotel garage, and asking if they might be tied to the forthcoming verdict in Ferguson. [Link]
Gotta love his attitude. Non Sibi Sed Patriae! ( the official Navy Motto) I guess Bohnert, who used to be a US SS agent, forgets about that pesky old 1st Amendment. And here is the next segment from this week's "Well Armed Americans". While she ignored our warning about warning shots, she will not face prosecution. [Link]
Nicely done, ma'am. But next time, skip the warning shot—you never know where it will stop. Not too many people consider me a big military supporter. And they are right—sorta. I do not support the things we send our military to do. But the people who answered our call, and did what our elected representatives demanded, deserve our support even if we oppose the job they were ordered to do. As long as they didn't violate the rules we set up for them. (NO, I do not agree with those laws, but that isn't part of this particular bit). I have grandfathers, uncles, a father, and others in my family who served. And I'll be damned if I will support crap like this on the day we have set aside to thank them for their service. [Link] And all in the name of whiney-assed anti-Constitutionalists and their fear-mongering BS. For the first time in eighty years, the Eau Claire School District in Wisconsin has cancelled its annual Veterans Day ceremony. The tradition includes a 21-gun salute, and anti-gun activists have protested the firing of rifles, even though the guns contain blanks. Tim Libham, Executive Director of Administration for the district, told WEAU Television:
Commenters on the school district's Facebook page reflected support for the veterans and outrage over the cancellation. These "activists" (read "useless scumbags") should have been ignored, and the salute gone forward. Just for the accidental gun death liars out there, claiming that accidental deaths from guns are climbing, we point out the following. [Link]
Put THAT in your stats and smoke it.
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