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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 800, December 7, 2014 Privacy Party! ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise As is my usual wont, I shall begin with Mama Liberty's latest. AND, since this one is an exclusive, I won't even edit it for certain venues! LOL. [Link]
Do I REALLY need to say more? Didn't think so.... I'm going to take a few lines to address my recent absences from this forum. Many of you have contacted me, or commented where possible, expressing your sympathies and support for myself, my father, and my family over the last few weeks. I want to tell you some good news, AND give you a bit of advice. Pop, whose blood pressure has ALWAYS been excellent (110/75) decided a few years ago that salt, being EEEVIL, must be stamped out of his diet. Like all converts to a new cult, he went overboard—proselytizing the joys of a salt free diet, exhorting others to follow in his footsteps, and generally being holier-than-thou about his excellent health choices. recently, as many of you know, he began going downhill fast. He's 76, his balance went, he got very nasty, his memory went, he slurred his speech, his eyesight went wonky (it's a medical term), and we all thought he was heading for the grave. A friend of my sister told her that her own father had had the same thing happen, and it was a salt deficiency. No one believed her. But then, Mom got Pop some fries and forgot to specify "No salt". Pop reamed her out for it, but ate them anyway. Within mere hours, memory was returning, balance was coming back, and everything was looking a little better. Mom began salting his food. Not a lot, but more than Pop had been using for the last 2 years. Pop is still 76, he's still not in the best of shape, but his balance is back, he's walking pretty damn well, his memory is greatly improved, he's only cranky, not nasty, and we no longer think he might die at any moment. Thanks to all of you who have sent your sympathies. For now, at least, all is back to normal. For shits and giggles, I'm scattering the Quotes of the Week throughout this missive. Why? Because I can! "Make good scouts of yourselves, become good rifle shots so that if it becomes necessary that you defend your families and your country that you can do it."—Lord Baden-Powell, Scouting For Boys An armed American defends family from an armed criminal—something the anti-Constitutionalists claims never happens! [Link]
I know, using a gun in a knife fight just isn't fair to the knife fighter.... TOUGH SHIT! Oh, look! ANOTHER example of how armed Americans cannot possibly defend themselves against criminals! [Link] And guess what? He's not even a Caucasian!!
I just wish he'd been a better shot—the police SHOULD be looking for money to bury the thieves. Oh LOOKIE! Another Quote! (and it's from an average joe!) "The gun control extremist has at least two things in common with the Islamic extremist. He has a willingness to die for his fundamental beliefs. And he has the sanctimony to demand that others go with him."—Dr. Mike Adams A moment of seriousness before we get to the next, light(er) hearted piece. By now, no one in America is unaware of the Grand Jury Decisions in Ferguson, Mo, and NYC regarding the deaths of two black men at the hands of police. We've all seen the media lies and exaggerations about the events, we've all heard the cop's side of the stories, and we're all sick of that asshole, Al Sharpton, running his yap about racism being the cause. They all ignore the fact that the "gentle giant, Michael Brown" had assaulted an oriental shopowner while robbing him minutes before his death. They ignore the BLACK female police lieutenant in charge of the arrest of Eric Gardner. Now, I am not taking darrren Wilson's side on this, but I have to admit that if a nearly 300 pound man, of ANY color, built like a linebacker, puts his head down and charges me, the bastard is going to eat lead—I'm not capable of running away anymore. I doubt it would take me 9 or 10 shots to drop him, but he WOULD have died. And contrary to media reports, the hold used on Mr. Gardner (whose sole crime was denying NYC their tax money on cigarettes) is NOT banned in the state—it is TAUGHT IN THE POLICE ACADAMY as a way to secure compliance from the masses. It is not a generally tolerated hold in NYC, but even the NYPD academy still teaches the hold to rookies. Now, do I think that the rash of police killings of unarmed people is a bad thing? DAMNED STRAIGHT IT IS! But this isn't racism, unless you consider cops and civilians to be separate races. It may well be a sign of police brutality in some cases, and in a militarized PD in many more. But it isn't racism. Now, the REAL racism is in the race-baiters who flock to the site of one of these events and scream that it is the sign of a white belief that blacks don't matter, while ignoring the fact that MOST murdered black people are murdered by OTHER BLACKS. Want to protect the black community, Reverend Al? Start raising money to arm poor blacks for home defense, demand that racist anti-gun laws be repealed, and start telling black parents to teach their kids to respect each other and their property, and to stop killing each other. Because Rudy was right, even if he IS an asshole. How about talking up THESE guys, Al? [Link]
We all KNOW that if The tax evading "reverend" were to even mention these decent men, he'd probably call them all Uncle Tom for defending a white man, rather than heroes for defending a fellow man. And now, another scattered "Quote of the Week", this one from TJ Mason, from the Libertarian Enterprise. If a State denies your natural right to bear arms, it is forced you to place your rights to life, liberty, and property at its convenience. If you cannot bear arms, the best that can be said is that the State will defend your life, liberty, and property at its convenience; when it's inconvenient (or politically incorrect), you are SOL. The all too common worst case is that the State can (and will) take your life, liberty, and/or property at its convenience. He makes this in response to Ferguson and open carry people defending their property when the government didn't. "Okay, Mugsy! Drop the banana, and come out with your hands up!!" [Link] Golden, Colorado—Police quail in fear at sight of banana.
Yes, they arrested him. AND CHARGED HIM WITH A FUCKING FELONY!!!! Felony menacing for pointing a banana. I guess he's lucky—if he'd been a black man, would Sharpton be demonstrating in Golden right now? "Banana up! Don't Shoot!" "Those who deny me the freedom to carry a firearm with which to protect my family and myself, are as complicit and guilty as the perpetrator should we be harmed or murdered by an act of violence."—Charles F. "Chuck" Bearden (This has been another Average Joe Quote, provided free of charge by the Buckeye Firearms Association) Why oh why does the pro-gun community insist on giving Facebook business? [Link] Don't you people realize they hate us? my wife made me an account last year, and the ONLY times I go there is when a good friend of mine (Hi, Neil!) gets into a spat with an anti-gun asswipe, and wants me to read the fray.
Consider THIS the end of our relationship, fuckbook! Scattering more quotes through the rant, we arrive here— "The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose."—James Earl Jones And we, the 2nd Amendment supporters, refuse to lose. Another fine example of an armed American doing what's right in the defense of self and family. [Link]
One down, 2 to go... nice job. And how long will it be before some idiot reading this decides to tell us this man was wrong to shoot back? Gotta love civil disobedience done right. [Link] After Washington state decided to violate the Constitution big time, many Washingtonians have decided to tell their state where to go—straight to hell. The new law requires background checks for ALL transfers of firearms, even between Private owners. You may recall that this same law has made it impossible for museums to display loaned firearms, because they have NO LEGAL WAY TO RETURN THEM TO THEIR RIGHTFUL OWNERS!!
It's not disturbing to ME, it is encouraging. Encouraging that my fellow Americans are finally deciding that enough is enough. Disobey away, my friends—shove their laws right down their throats, until they gag on them. And the last Quote of the Week, by one last Average Joe. "I'd much rather go to my grave never needing my gun, than go there wishing I had it."—Phil Dalmolin And that's a wrap.
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