Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 880, July 10, 2016

[Cultural] ignorance is the intended
consequence of our educational system,
a sign of its robust health and success.

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The Ghostbusters Foley
by Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

For those of you who haven't been keeping up with what's about to be released at the cinema, the remake of an eighties classic is about to hit the big screen. If you can't tell by the title of this article, then maybe you will remember the famous catch praise "Who ya gonna call?" As a child of the eighties and early nineties, I always get a case of nostalgia when I think of the Ghostbusters. I saw this movie countless times as a child and I watched the cartoon "The Real Ghostbusters" religiously every Saturday morning. I also have fond memories of playing with the action figures and the toy proton pack. Hell, I even enjoyed Ghostbusters II, even though it wasn't as good as the original.

For years fans like myself have been waiting for another sequel, which had been in the talks since the late nineties. Sadly, it remained in limbo partially due to the lack of interest from Bill Murray and later because of the untimely death of Harold Ramis. When I heard that another Ghostbusters movie was going finally see the light of day, I actually got excited. That was until I found out that they had completely replaced the cast with women, one of which is Melissa McCarthy, who I have never found funny. I would have even more doubts about the movie when I found out that Paul Feig, who directed Bridesmaids and several other movies that I despised would be involved in the project. Whatever hope I did have for the movie was dashed when I saw the now infamous trailer on YouTube. It turns out that I wasn't the only one felt this way. The trailer has gotten more thumbs down than any other movie trailer, including the recent Batman v Superman movie, which was almost universally hated by movie goers. What is really amusing is the way that Sony and their Social Justice allies have responded to the backlash. At first Sony tried to do damage control by deleting the negative messages in the comment section of the YouTube video. When that didn't work they deleted the comments that gave rational reasons for not liking the trailer and kept the comments that were blatantly sexist, so that they could paint their critics as misogynistic.

Sony's SJW allies also had a field day by repeatedly bashing the trailer's critics by calling them sexist. Recently James Rolfe, who is known as The Angry Video Game Nerd, has received much hatred from these same people when he announced that he refused to review or even see the movie. Never mind that Rolfe usually reviews old video games and that his reason for not seeing the movie had more to do with Hollywood trying to make a quick buck by just slapping the Ghostbusters name on some crappy reboot than the fact that the Ghostbusters were women. Somehow they think slandering the movie's critics is going to make people want to pork over their hard earned money to see this travesty. Oh, it gets better. The director referred to the critics as assholes and misogynists. Then Melissa McCarthy decided to open her mouth and call the movie's critics forty-five-year-old men living in their mothers' basements. Great. Insult your fan base. That will bring up the gross.

Okay, let me sum it up for you guys. The reason why most rational people don't want to see what looks to be a total crapfeast is because they are tired of lazy, uninspiring reboots and remakes of movies that were part of their childhood. This movie is no exception. The characters despite being different genders are actually carbon copies of the original. One of them looks like Egon with a sex change. On top of that the jokes aren't funny and the CGI looks even more unrealistic than the practical effects used thirty-two years earlier. They aren't even clear about whether the movie is a continuation of the original or a remake. In one breath they tell us that these four women are picking up where the original Ghostbusters left off, but then they show a remake of the library scene. By the way that was one of my favorite scenes in the original. It was one of those rare moments, where a scene made me jump out of my skin and laugh at the same time. It was so sad to see it butchered.

Did it ever occur to you guys that the reason why people don't want to see this movie, is because of the reasons I just mentioned? No, it has to be because of misogyny. It's funny how the Star Wars movies, despite having an entire history of including strong female protagonists don't seem to have this problem.

The sad part is that this movie, despite the absence of both Bill Murray and Harold Ramis, could have made a descent Ghostbusters movie, if they had just taken the time to understand why so many love the original thirty-two years after it came out. Instead they would rather slap together some half-assed remake and act butt-hurt when the fans respond negatively towards it. To Sony and your SJW allies, you can insult us all you want. It's not going to make us want to lower our standards.

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