Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 883, July 31, 2016

Where is Pat Paulsen when we really need him?

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Paul Bonneau

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from Dennis Lee Wilson

Letter from Paul Bonneau

Re: E-Book Round Up: Social Justice Warriors Always Lie by Sean Gangol

Sean Gangol writes, “I now consider Social Justice Warriors (SJW’s) to be one of the biggest threats to individual freedom.”

I guess I do not see why. A free society is going to have plenty of this going on, don't you think? Perhaps I am wrong here.

I wrote about the SJW phenomenon. It‘s not that they are necessarily hostile to liberty, but that they are assholes who don‘t mind their own business. See here:

[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Hungry Cowboys

Let‘s see if I get this straight.

Barrack Obama decided to all Donald Trump on his claims that America is becoming more dangerous. He pointed out, correctly, that it is becoming less dangerous.

Hillary Clinton will soon be campaigning for president on a platform that includes a plank that America is becoming more dangerous and that we need “common sense gun control” to make us safe again.

Only according to FBI statistics and Mr. Obama we are already becoming safer without above oxymoron in quotation marks.

So we have two candidates who want to either strengthen the police state or disarm honest people to make us safe even though the evidence is that these are unnecessary steps. I can see both of them adopting the other‘s ideas, with great reluctance of course, to make us safe.

Kinda like a cowboy needing to eat extra beef so he can be strong enough to protect his cattle.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Sean Gabb

Sean Gabb Newsletter, 29th July 2016

I suppose I should say something about all this Islamic terrorism. The problem is that I have already said it several times. So here is a speech I gave early in 2015. You can comment on it here.

Sean Gabb, Closing Address to the “Dialogue with Islam” Meeting, London, 27th February 2015
[Link to YouTube]

Donate to The Libertarian Alliance

Sean Gabb
[email protected]

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Letter from Dennis Lee Wilson

Space Station!
1970s NASA Space Art—Don Davis‘ depiction of a Stanford torus space station

In pictures: Gorgeous space station concepts from the 1970s

Ahhh. A trip down a different memory lane. Do you remember the L5 Society? And how about these images?

L5 Society



Dennis Lee Wilson
[email protected]

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