Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 884, August 7, 2016

It‘s because most of the other politicians
are part of the “old boys club.” They talk
big, but they won‘t change a thing.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Sean Gangol

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Paul Bonneau

Letter from Dave Redick

Letter from Sean Gangol

Re: "Letter from Paul Bonneau"

Last week Paul Bonneau wrote took a quote from a review I did on Vox Day's book where I called Social Justice Warriors one of the biggest threats to freedom and said that he couldn't see why, since they just seem like a bunch of "assholes" who don't mind their own business. I wish that were the case. These people can affectively silence their opposition by trying to get them fired from their jobs or by forcing certain organizations to bend to their will through the threat of boycott. They have also been effective at dividing certain organizations, such as the libertarian movement. These "assholes" as Bonneau likes to call them will only get worse once they get the opportunity to use the full force of the government.

Sean Gangol
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

The Contenders

After much careful study I have concluded that in 2016 the Democrats have chosen to run Satan against the Republicans running Ahriman. Or maybe it's the other way around. At least Gary Johnson is human.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Bonneau

Re: "In Defense of Police, Anarchocapitalism is not Anarchy, and other Random Thoughts less compelling than Dr. Sowell's" by Terence James Mason

Mason writes, "More and more, they are going to respond to uncertain situations (the shooting of Philando Castile, the fortunately non- fatal shooting of Charles Kinsey) with force. This is not brutality, it is self-preservation."

Well, they were responding more and more with force even before the police shootings started. No change there.

People are going to put up with tyranny until they can't any more. Then you have war. In wars, there is little justice; good people as well as bad are mowed down. In this case the police have through their actions provoked a war against themselves. They made their bed, now they can sleep in it. Needless to say, the ones doing the shooting are not going to be deterred by an article in Libertarian Enterprise. Likely they are not even aware of it.

"I fear that the anti-police narrative recently espoused in these (web) pages plays into the hands of those who would become our progressive (re: feudal) masters. As always, we should consider individuals, good and bad, rather than institutions…"

It's individuals who support and profit from those institutions. When individuals act as police do, they are not being good. Yes they might love their families, but no doubt so did those Nazis guarding the death camps. And trust me, whatever else the shooting of cops is, it is not something that benefits the ruling class. What benefits the ruling class is complete submission to the police. That should be painfully obvious.

Paul Bonneau
[email protected]

Sent from ProtonMail, encrypted email based in Switzerland.

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Letter from Dave Redick

Hi Neil: I just discovered you! Thanks for your work. I think you will like mine.

Please visit, read the Home page, and then click on all 8 parts in the left margin.

My focus is; 1) use gold as money, by weight, private mints (unlimited supply of fiat USD pays for wars, corruption, excessive imports that offshore jobs, and welfare), and 2) Rebuild the USA Now.

I will appreciate your comments.

Best Regards,

Dave Redick
[email protected]
Madison, WI

Visit Books on

1. 'How to Protect and Grow Your Wealth', 2. 'Build the New GOP', 3. 'Trump for President', 4. 'What a Libertarian President Would Do', 5. 'Monetary Revolution USA', Gold as Money, 6. 'Occupy Peace Now', 7. 'Rebuild America Now', end Empire-USA

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