Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 885, August 14, 2016

Weld: You're Fired!

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Richard D. Bartucci

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Kristophr

Letter from Paul Bonneau

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from Gene Greigh

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Rob Gillespie

Letter from Sean Gabb

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Elisheva Hannah Levin

Letter from Richard D. Bartucci

Jeff Fullerton:

You‘ve missed the Wiki-bloody-pedia article about H. Beam Piper and the section about A Planet for Texans.

I wrote that part of the article:

Lone Star Planet (1958, originally A Planet for Texans) with John J. McGuire ISBN 0-441-24892-6. The work is a clear and obvious tribute to H.L. Mencken‘s classic essay “The Malevolent Jobholder” (from The American Mercury, June 1924), in which Mencken proposed

“…that it shall be no longer malum in se for a citizen to pummel, cowhide, kick, gouge, cut, wound, bruise, maim, burn, club, bastinado, flay, or even lynch a [government] jobholder, and that it shall be malum prohibitum only to the extent that the punishment exceeds the jobholder‘s deserts. The amount of this excess, if any, may be determined very conveniently by a petit jury, as other questions of guilt are now determined.”

In 1999, the novel won the Prometheus Award, Hall of Fame Award for Best Classic Libertarian SF Novel. This tongue-in-cheek tale features a planet of Texans whose dinosaur-sized cattle have to be herded with tanks, and whose system of government derives its character from Mencken‘s essay. The protagonist is an insubordinate junior diplomat who is appointed as ambassador to this cantankerously independent planet in the hope that he will be assassinated (as the previous ambassador had been), thereby justifying the forcible invasion and conquest of the Texans. The crux of the story is the trial of the previous ambassador‘s assassins—actually paid killers hired by an alien empire also planning invasion—under a legal system that considers the killing of a practicing politician to be justifiable homicide.

Richard D. Bartucci
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez


If you live in Texas you will get this.

Completed state required class to carry a handgun openly or concealed. Passed both written and shooting portions, but shooting portion shows I need more range time.

Both tests are pretty simple, I‘d call them the TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) test a person should be able to pass if they want to pack, license or no license. I would not legally require a person to pass this test or have a license to go heeled in Texas or any other state, however, I would definitely say that this would be a good test to be able to pass before you went on to Gunsite, Thunder Ranch, etc.

If you are a Texas voter remember to be after the candidates for the 2017-2018 Session of the Legislature to adopt Constitutional Carry. Also, getting rid of restrictions on knives, swords, and clubs would be a good thing.

Should you (or I ) get a license after passing the test? It rankles to ask permission to exercise a right, and ultimately that‘s what applying for a license is doing. Secondly, the $140.00 fee ($70. 00 if you are over 60) for your first license and $70.00 ($35.00) is nothing to sneeze at, if not as high as several other states. Contrariwise, it is an acceptable voter ID (useful for convincing “poll watchers” to not interfere with your exercise of the franchise). You don‘t have to hassle with NICS when you buy guns. Finally, as more people get licenses to carry and civilian murder rates in Texas continue to drop, or at least stay relatively lower than those in states with stricter laws, we accumulate evidence that proponents of gun control are talking nonsense.

It still rankles to ask permission to exercise a right.

Meanwhile, practice your shooting. Improve your skills under low stress conditions so that they will be available under high stress. Shooting , even bull‘s eye, is fun. Learn your states‘ (I did this on purpose, many of you cross state borders regularly nd need to know more than one state‘s laws) gun laws. And if you vote, make support of Constitutional Carry a major, non-negotiable part of the price on your vote.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Kristophr

Libertarian VP Candidate Apparently Likes Gun Control


[link to gunwatch blog]

I guess that leaves us with SMOD (Sweet Meteor of Death) as the candidate for 2016.

Best regards,
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Bonneau

Re: “Letter from Sean Gangol”

“These people can affectively silence their opposition by trying to get them fired from their jobs or by forcing certain organizations to bend to their will through the threat of boycott.”

That (usually) makes them assholes, but it does not violate NAP. So, it cannot per se be considered a threat to liberty. In any libertarian paradise, such activities will still be present.

As to using government, pretty much everybody does that (although close examination will demonstrate that it is government using them, but never mind…). That is a violation of NAP. When SJWs get around to doing that, then they are a threat to liberty. Not before, however.

Paul Bonneau
[email protected]

[ Trying to get someone fired is not agression against them?—Editor ]

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Dear Ken,

Re: Excuses, Excuses, by L. Neil Smith (last issue)

Our old friend Milt Borchert has written us a very interesting and detailed letter about my notes concerning the revolutionary new .327 Federal Magnum cartridge and the little Taurus Model 640 I‘ve just acquired to shoot it in. Milt‘s views are pretty standard among gun- folk, and in this case, contain certain common errors which I will attempt here to correct.

To begin with, yes, of course, the revolver‘s barrel is short, That‘s the whole idea behind a concealable weapon. And while it‘s true that a longer barrel would produce higher velocities, it wouldn‘t fit into my pocket as easily. I‘ve been hearing this same nonsense about snubby .357s for thirty years; the fact is that a short .357 is still more powerful than a short .38 Special, and that‘s what counts. Spend some time perusing that article I linked to in and Ballistics By The Inch. On my scale of terminal ballistic “Efficacy”, which the article references .327 Federal Magnum approaches the levels of .44 Special and .45 ACP.

By the way, I do not buy guns for their literary appeal (well, maybe that one Cimarron Bisley single action.) What I mentioned about that was just an interesting (to me, at least) digression.

Now I would never denigrate Milt‘s long experience as a handgun competitor. I have shot with him and it was fun. He‘s good. But shooting paper and wood and even steel targets is quite a different thing from shooting 200 pounds of hairy flesh that is out to do you damage. As a (more or less) retired professional ballistician, I can assure him (and anybody else who wants to know) that 9mm Parabellum ranks with Global Warming as one of the 20th century‘s greatest hoaxes. Its history is tragically unmistakable. It‘s a pocket pistol cartridge (.380 Long?) which, for reasons of the poor metallurgy and gun-design of the time, has been masquerading as a military and police service cartridge since 1906. When you shoot aggressors with it, fully half the time they don‘t fall down, but just keep charging and shooting. It, too, suffers from shortening the barrel it‘s shot in—that‘s the opposite of “gilding the lily”.

Having suffered a stroke in 2014, and, at least temporarily, lost the use of my left hand, I bought the Taurus specifically because it‘s easy to operate one-handed, and I don‘t buy the argument that small autopistols are easier to manipulate that way. I have special plastic racking-blocks (which this publication advertises) but they stay at home when I go out. I confess, I do occasionally rely on a Kahr K-9 9mm, but only if it‘s fully charged with the monumentally destructive Glaser Safety Slugs, which I have tested thoroughly in several different guns and calibers. I also have a couple of pre-Glock Browning (FN) High Powers, and even a snubby Ruger Speed Six sixgun in 9mm, but I regard them as museum pieces.

In general, I believe that the Glock Model 23 is the best self-defense instrument ever devised, if concealment isn‘t a driving issue. Light, relatively compact, and fourteen rounds of .40 S&W. Peachy!

I have no special “revolver love” and I don‘t shoot through my flaming overcoat pocket. I love what works, every single time. That‘s why I own so many Glocks, in modern calibers, like 10mm and .40 S&W (yeah, he admitted, and a spiffy vented.45 ACP as well—I‘m thinking about .357 SIG.) Go with what works, and with what fits your hand, and you can‘t go far wrong.


L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from Gene Greigh

Unlike my hipper and groovier friends, I am not delighted by the glorious prospect of a FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT EVER.

Having a vixen being put in charge of henhouse security just doesn‘t inspire any more feelings of peace and joy than did the previous fox administrations.

I share your anguish. It is hard, sometimes, to come up with just the right sobriquet to tag our fe‘ral masters. I remember quite loving your appellation of Bubba as “Caligulito”, but his sybaritic excesses don‘t quite fit Hitlery—uh—Killary—uh—DANG! I‘m about run dry.

I think I might have reduced the number of suitable tags to “President Pants-suit” (maybe too weak and “sexist”?), or “Lady MacBubba” (almost just right, but I still trip over the notion of referring to that homicidal, mendacious sociopath as a “Lady”).

They are yours to use for just the effort of using them.

Keep up the Good Word,
Gene Greigh
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Arthur C. Clarke said there are three stages of reaction of the authorities to a new idea. First they say it‘s impossible. Then they argue it is not worth doing. Then eventually they say it was their idea all along.

Those snooty conservationists and professional herpetologists and ichthyologists who used to scoff at the ideas we advanced a decade ago are now going to claim them as their own!

[link to article at]

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Rob Gillespie

Hello Ken and Neil

A contact in the Libertarian Party of Canada sent me this very interesting link to a YouTube channel called Liberty Machine News. Is it possible that Johnson and Weld are even WORSE than you‘ve portrayed them? I couldn‘t believe the praise for Mr. O‘Bomber coming from both of their mouths on the CNN clip…

Anyway, the fellow‘s thesis is that the LP has been hijacked by “globalists”. I responded by asking why it took him—or anybody—so long to notice. I suggested they look up you, Neil, and this website, and go through the archive. (And I couldn‘t resist cackling over your portrayal of the Harry Browne iteration of the party in The American Zone.)

I hope it brings you a raft of new subscribers. Thank you for everything you do here!

Rob Gillespie
[email protected]
Signatory to the North American Covenant
Signatory to the Atlanta Declaration

The women of this country learned long ago that those without swords can still die upon them
—Eowyn of Rohan

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Letter from Sean Gabb

Sean Gabb Newsletter, 13th August 2016

During this weekend, Chris Tame‘s book on medical paternalism will be free for Kindle. You can find it here. Please feel free to download, and please, if you do download, leave a brief review on Amazon.

As ever, I draw your attention to the less than discreet “Donate” button I have placed in this message. Before the end of this month, I must pay £250 to Wordpress. Would it not be terrible if I had to pay this myself? The Libertarian Alliance is the oldest and the most active, and the most distinguished, libertarian organisation in Britain. Out total budget is less than other organisations like the Adam Smith Institute spend on sugar lumps. I feel no shame in rattling the begging bowl under your nose.

Best regards,

Sean Gabb
[email protected]

Donate to The Libertarian Allicance

book cover
Not Just Tobacco:
Health Scares, Medical Paternalism, and Individual Liberty

by Chris R. Tame
First published in the 20th April 2016
By the Hampden Press, London
© Chris R. Tame, Sean Gabb (Editor), 2016
Preface by Sean Gabb (2016)
Free from this weekend!

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Libertarians Beware of Your Candidates OK to Ban Guns

As if the disturbing opinions of some people I know concerning the possibility that Donald Trump is just another fall guy who may actually be in bed with Hillary Clinton (figuratively) is not bad enough; there is this tidbit concerning the views of the VP candidate of the Libertarian Party on guns. This article if true is confirmation of El Neil‘s recent statement that Gary Johnson wouldn‘t know a Libertarian if one came up and pissed in his ear!

It it also confirms what is fundamentally wrong with the LP. Considering they could nominate someone who considers a rifle to be a weapon of mass destruction it looks like they are fast becoming something that is no better than the Democratic and Republican parties. And a terror watch list like the label of ‘mental illness‘ is something wide open to abuse by anyone in a position of power. I suppose the libertarian candidates are desperately seeking an image of middle of the road respectability at the expense of the movement and its founding principles. Like the two mainstream parties have thrown away the founding principles of the Nation.

Really starting to feel like 2012 all over again. It‘s probably going to be a bad year for Liberty and another 8 years of Progressive Rule in which they really get down to consolidating their power. And it‘s going to be a long uphill battle for whoever finally decides to get serious about upholding and defending the fundamentals of American freedom just to have a chance to undo the damage 40 years hence when another big turnover in the Supreme Court might happen.

Unless we get lucky and the Hildabeast croaks durning one of the debates or an asteroid falls upon the wretched hive of scum and villainy on the Potomac.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Elisheva Hannah Levin

An Open Letter to the LIbertarian National Committee and to those Libertarians concerned for the Identity of our party and for our Liberties:

Below, I am copying Article 14 from our national Libertarian Party by-laws. Pay attention especially to Sections 4 and 5. They contain language referred to as the nuclear option. As a duly elected delegate to the LP national conventions in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016, I am concerned about the way the presidential ticket nominated at the 2016 Convention is misrepresenting the Platform of the Libertarian Party. In particular, I am concerned about the public statements of the Vice- Presidential Candidate, William Weld, who not only is making false statements about guns and gun rights, and who does not support our libertarian platform on other issues, but who also does not support the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. This man misrepresented himself at the Libertarian National Convention, and personally lied to me and other delegates about his positions. It is apparent that the presidential candidate, Gary Johnson, will do nothing to contain the damage done to the integrity and brand of the Libertarian Party, our platform and the threat to our liberties this creates. In fact, he speaks of a partnership presidency, when the United States Constitution clearly places the responsibility for the executive branch on one person, and one person only. Furthermore, the disgraceful lack of support for our basic liberties--freedom of association and assembly, and the right to keep and bear arms--means that there is not one ticket on the ballot in the 2016 presidential race that can be called a liberty ticket.

Given that the purpose of the Libertarian Party is to promote liberty by support of our candidate and to be a party distinct from other political parties, I request that members of the LNC either bring this rogue ticket into line with our philosophy of liberty and our platform, or remove the candidate or candidates who refuse to honor our identity as the Party of Principle and the only major political party that stands for Liberty.

Elisheva Hannah Levin
[email protected]
Freedom Ridge Ranch
Red Hill, New Mexico

ARTICLE 14: PRESIDENTIAL AND VICE-PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS1. Nominations of candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States may be made only at the Regular Convention immediately preceding a Presidential election.2. No candidate may be nominated for President or Vice-President who is ineligible under the United States Constitution, who has not expressed a willingness to accept the nomination of the Party, who served as a stand-in candidate during the current election cycle, or who is not a sustaining member of the Party. A stand-in is an individual who has agreed to be placed on a state affiliate‘s nomination petition prior to the selection of nominees by the Libertarian Party at Convention.3. In the event of the death, resignation, disqualification or suspension of the nomination of the Party‘s nominee for President, the Vice-Presidential nominee shall become the Presidential nominee. Two-thirds of the entire membership of the National Committee may, at a meeting, fill a Vice- Presidential vacancy, and, if necessary, a simultaneous Presidential vacancy.4. The National Committee shall respect the vote of the delegates at Nominating Conventions and provide full support for the Party‘s nominee for President and nominee for Vice-President as long as their campaigns are conducted in accordance with the Platform of the Party.5. A candidate‘s nomination may be suspended by a 3/4 vote of the entire membership of the National Committee at a meeting. That candidate‘s nomination shall then be declared null and void unless the suspended candidate appeals the suspension to the Judicial Committee within seven days of receipt of notification of suspension. The resolution of suspension must state the specific reasons for suspension and must be signed by each member of the National Committee agreeing thereto. The Judicial Committee shall meet and act on this appeal within 30 days and before the election.

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