Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 898, November 13, 2016

There has never been any good
political news in my life. For
seventy years, no good news.

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: “Can You Hear Me Now?” by L. Neil Smith

By now you’ve seen my missive describing the Election of 2016 as The Revenge of the Rednecks. Allow me to point out that by redneck I mean hard working farmers, factory workers, truck drivers, certain science fiction authors, and yeah, cable guys. Their better values have been passed on to thousands of Americans who also self identify as rednecks and proud of it. The self identified governmental, media, and academia elite (most of whom are legends in their own minds and not much of anywhere else) view us (I joke that I am a redneck cholo) as ignorant bigoted white trash and have treated blue collar America with disdain,

I voted for Johnson because I personally despise Donald Trump. However, I get why so many people voted for him, he gets us, and I am seeing that the GMA elite don't understand why they lost because they have been marginalizing and demonizing rednecks for so long they are incapable of understanding that blue collar America is capable of what they did.

Cue up Rocco’s Dream Speech on You Tube. Trump gets it, Clinton doesn’t, and real men and women turned out to vote for Tump.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

I like to call myself “country boy”, but will answer to “hick”—Editor

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Latest News from Greater Appalachia” and a few other things

Re: “Latest News from Greater Appalachia” by Jeff Fullerton

Getting the pond back in order took most of the day after submitting my article. I did manage to get it netted and started putting water back in before sunset.

Thought about buying the two tabloids mentioned so I could snap a pic of the covers for a postscript but was too tired to go out of my way for it. As a matter of fact I was so tired I ended up falling asleep while composing this follow up and it is now Sunday morning and the current issue is already published. Before the next issue publishes; the course of our nation for the next 4 to 8 years will have been decided. We will have a pretty good idea by then whether or not America’s daughters will be drafted into the next major war.

Like the Globe and the National EnquirerThe Libertarian Enterprise is doubling down on the Hildabeast. Nic Leobold—a bold lion indeed—has given even more reasons than I have to vote against the HB. Beyond my preoccupation with mainly keeping us out of World War Three and keeping her from stacking the Supreme Court with Progressive ideologues who will rubber stamp her agenda and that of future progressive presidents and overrule any pro freedom legislation passed by Congress or state legislatures. And of course the importance of keeping the Progs away from the levers of power—if there ever was a case for Heinlein’s advice for voting against someone and something—Hillary Clinton and Progressivism are it. To secure any hope of restoring the promise of the American Revolution and the Enlightenment of Western civilization; we need to drive a stake through the heart of that movement which is like a vampire hungering to drain us of everything we have.

Fullerton illo

On a brighter note the sun is up and it looks like it will be a very nice day today. The main pond is netted and mostly filled. I always end up short on water because the retention pond back in the woods is a bit smaller and overflows. But I have a pencil wide stream of spring water going into it which I will divert directly to the main pond once I’m done draining and refilling the smaller lower one. Plus there is 900 gallons in the three Rubbermaid stock tanks that need to be closed for the season.

Hope to have a little more time to kick back and enjoy this day. In addition to the turning of the leaves there are some fall flowers: blue Gentians and Cyclamen are really nice this time of year.

Fullerton illo

Fullerton illo

Would have been a perfect day for another trip to Altoona. Today I think is the date that H.Beam Piper passed away. We’re it not for tight finances I would have taken another crack at finding the cemetery and maybe even the chance for bumping into a few fans or even John F. Carr himself who maintains the H. Beam Piper website and was probably instrumental in helping to secure Mr Piper a much nicer memorial than the original stone. That would have made for a great interview and article!

Maybe next year I’ll be less busy and better able to travel. That may depend on who is in the White House then. Progs have a negative impact on the affordability of things. With their push for green energy—gas prices will probably rise again if Hillary gets in. And electricity rates may necessarily skyrocket too which would impact my ability to provide heat for my young turts. On top of what they’ve already did to the availability and quality of incandescent bulbs.

Fullerton illo

Two more burn outs this morning! And I have those meddlesome tyrants to thank for that. They destroyed the domestic light bulb industry and replaced it with cheap short lived bulbs sourced from China!

Fullerton illo

No—I take that back. Apparently these ones are made in the USA. Wherever the case they don’t make them as well as they used to.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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