Down With Power Audiobook!

Number 919, April 23, 2017

The last couple of weeks have been decidedly unfunny

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The Editor’s Notes
by Ken Holder
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Dab dangit, I keep trying to avoid the News but it keeps intruding into my space anyway. For example:

The “Battle of Berkeley” Is a Bad Sign for Liberty
by Dan Sanchez

The occasion for yesterday's political violence was another pro-Trump rally in Berkeley celebrating “Patriot’s Day.” As usual, it was the leftists who were the main instigators. That doesn’t alter the fact that these gradually-escalating street conflicts signal a two-pronged threat to liberty. Mises’s account of the collapse of Weimar Germany explains why.
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Ah well….

Anybody know of a decaf coffee that tastes good? That tastes like real (un-decaff!!) coffee I mean? Or at least doesn’t cause a spasum of the spit-it-out type? I really need to know!

Finally, Thanks to donors! Just this last week somebody sent $100, which the very next day I gave to a dentist along with 4 or 5 other $100s (painfully saved-up) for some emergency dental work on my wife's teeth. With more needed, too. Thanks!

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