Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 939, September 10, 2017

The left regards [individualism] as a kind of
stubborn perversion, which they ignorantly
and twistedly confuse with racism or elitism

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The Editor’s Notes
by Ken Holder
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Karma's a Bitch!


Our Mr. Smith swings his mighty hammer (“pen?” … “keyboard?”) and whacks that nail right square in his article this issue. That is what it is that is so off about the … the … none of the commonly-used words for Political Correctors and/or Slavers are really meaningful anymore, having been twisted and perverted by those self-same Enemies of Liberty so as to spread confusion, fear, uncertainty, and doubt among the thinking classes, so as to advance their agenda for enslaving everybody.

So, they are not “liberals,” or “progressives,” or “anti-fascists,” or “democrats,” or “republicans,” or any other thing they are called by themselves or anybody else. I think I agree with Mr. John Walker that Slavers is the most accurate term to use and will try to use it in my own bloviations. Y.M.M.V., as always.

What I started trying to say before semantics “entangled my feet like a serpant” is: Yes, our enemies do not really have a “self” so Individuals are simply incomprehensible. Individualism can not possibly exist, so a vast Blank-Out/Blind-Spot makes them veer off into fantasy-land without possibility of reality whenever they encounter one of us Individuals in Real Life. We must be some kind of monster, since we are not at all like themselves. Not that they really have “selves”, per se. More like smoke in an empty skull.


Houston! I have been to Houston twice. Once in the summer; once in the winter. Did not like it—just a Big City. However, I was living in Austin at the time, and I thought Austin got hot in the summer, but Houston got hotter.

Was in a thunderstorm that time, and the rain came down “like a cow pissing on a flat-rock” for a while, after which it was even hotter!, and there seemed to be about 6-inches of water standing everywhere for a while, like it did’t have anyplace to go, I thought. Well, looks like I was right about that!

The second visit was in the winter, and Houston was a very pleasant place then. In Austin it was pretty cold, not so much in Houston. Still didn’t make we want to live there, though. Just another Big City. Even then I hated Big Cities, although, yes, there are good points about them, mainly symphony orchestras, which are my favorite thing to get out of the house and go see (hear). Out here in the country where I live now, there are none. So it goes.

Of course, the symphony in Houston is (or was) under water pretty much. This is not good.

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