Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 939, September 10, 2017

The left regards [individualism] as a kind of
stubborn perversion, which they ignorantly
and twistedly confuse with racism or elitism

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Letter from Reality

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Paul Bonneau

Letter from Tom Knapp

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from TJ Mason

Letter from Rob Gillespie

Letter from Vin Suprynowicz

Letter from Reality

Carr: When will all the Lefties do the right thing?
by Howie Carr
Friday, September 01, 2017
The Boston Herald

How many flood victims in South Texas have been rescued by the antifa navy?

Just asking, because on TV this week I�ve been watching the �Cajun Navy� pull one Dunkirk after another all around the Gulf Coast.

And those good old boys look like they just came off the set of �Duck Dynasty.� They could be wearing MAGA hats. I�ll bet one or two of them may have even been falsely accused of committing a fake hate crime or two since the election by some unhinged Social Justice Warrior.

They are, to coin a phrase, deplorables.

A Chick-fil-A franchise in Houston sent out a power boat to rescue a couple of elderly customers, which is exactly one more rescue boat than George Soros, Tom Steyer, Evergreen State, Black Lives Matter and have dispatched, combiined.

And the old folks didn�t even ask if Chick-fil-A�s CEO is still opposed to queer marriage.

Is Michael Moore hosting an All-U-Can-Eat buffet for first responders in Harris County? If he were, surely MSNBC would be covering it, live.

Where are Elizabeth Warren, Whoopi Goldberg, Steven Colbert, etc. etc.?

Seriously, doesn�t it look like almost all of the heavy lifting in the wake of Harvey is being done by people who belong to what the Southern Poverty Law Center would describe as �hate groups?�

Speaking of which, when does the SPLC�s food drive begin?

Are the non-workers of the Socialist Workers Party and the Spartacist League loading any southbound 18-wheelers with relief supplies this weekend?

Maybe everyone in �the Resistance� is worn out from wearing pink hats and black masks and tipping over statues and sucker punching passersby with bicycle locks in Berkeley and grabbing an old lady�s flag on the Boston Common and burning it all those wonnderful manifestations of how Love Trumps Hate, as they say.

Of course, it�s the last weekend of summer, so you can�t expect the likes of Jeffrey Epstein to be scrambling his private 747 out of the Hamptons to airlift foodstuffs to Galveston and Beaumont. You can�t be asking Brooklyn hipsters or Occupy Wall Street to occupy a relief shelter when the Beautiful People are jetting into Nantucket for brunch at the Chanticleer Inn.

Besides, as assorted adjunct professors at third-rate colleges have been tweeting out all week, those are Trump voters stranded down there in the Lone Star State bitter clingers and irredeemables.

Do we even know if the Salvation Army has transgender bathrooms at its shelter in Port Arthur?

It�s Labor Day and Jerry Lewis is gone, but maybe Colin Kaepernick could stage a Harvey telethon outside NFL headquarters on Park Avenue. Why should J.J. Watt and his white privilege have all the fun raising charitable donations?

Then there�s John Kerry he did sell his seconnd wife�s first husband�s trust fund�s yacht when he moved from Nantucket to the Vineyard, but he could still enlist in the Cajun Navy. America�s Gigolo has other plans this weekend, though. According to The Hill, Liveshot is busy �Kerry races to savee American cycling team.�

First things first.

�Kerry, an avid cyclist, has been working the phones to find new supporters for the team, Cannondale-Drapac, after one of its lead sponsors pulled its funding unexpectedly last week.� Now there is a real tragedy!

How about the Clinton Foundation? They have more money than God, but if you go to their website, all it has is a list of links to other organizations. For flood relief, I guess it takes a village, but not the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary is about to begin her new book tour. It only costs $2400 per person to attend the Toronto fete. How about a charity book signing in Lafayette LA? Call it, �Harvey What Happened?�>

Al Gore�s new �documentary� is tanking. Maybe he should offer free showings to the volunteer Tea Party types trying to lend a hand.

Joel Osteen took a lot of grief this week, but his church is open. Has anyone seen La Raza? Which of his three mansions is Bernie Sanders opening for flood victims?

Victims of Hurricane Harvey, when the phone don�t ring, you�ll know it�s #resist.

Source: Boston Herald, Friday, September 01, 2017

[ Tip O’ the Hat to Jim Woosley for directing me to this—Editor ]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

This explains everything.

We can't have reptiles or fish because we might spoil their precious Petri dish.

The Tyranny of the Elites
by The Ron Paul Liberty Report, 9/7/2017

One of the persistent challenges that individuals who desire to live freely face are other individuals (who presume to know things that they cannot know) and then who use aggressive force via government power.

For example, the Federal Reserve fixes interest rates. They can’t possibly know what they’re doing, yet they do it anyway, and cause unbelievable economic damage all the time.
[Read More]

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Paul Bonneau

Re: El Neil's comment:

“I first looked into Gab and was shocked at the bigoted and vicious description of it in Wikipedia”
(“A Word From The Publisher” by L. Neil Smith, last issue)

Gab has its fair share of Nazis, and government employees acting like Nazis, naturally since they are booted off every other place. This is sure to give the leftists a case of the vapors. I tend to ignore the Nazis, not being a one myself. I also figure their presence is the price one pays to get a free speech platform to use. If the Nazis are gone, so is free speech. This is ironic if you think about it, because the old timey Nazis were not known for their support of free speech.

Paul Bonneau
[email protected]

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Letter from Tom Knapp

Better than

Minds has the same emphasis on free speech, but nicer interface and seemingly not quite as overrun with creeps at the moment:

Yeah, that’s a affiliate/referral link, but feel free to strip the question mark and everything after if you want (affiliates get 25% commission on ad revenues and sales of “points” to people they’ve referred)

The “timeline” aspect looks a lot like Twitter without the 140-character limit (if you want you can post lengthy articles, pictures, videos, etc.). There are also “groups” a la Facebook. Hashtags work there too. Instead of “re-tweeting” or “sharing” others’ content, you “reMind” it.

People “subscribe” to each other in the way they “follow” each other on Twitter or “friend” each other on Facebook.

“Points” are earned in various ways, or can be bought. The points can be used to “boost” one’s content to people who aren’t (yet) “subscribers” to your feed, or they can be given (“wired”) to others.

I’ve been using Minds for a couple of weeks and personally prefer it to Twitter at this point.

Tom Knapp
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Re: Letter from Bill St. Clair (last issue)

Short answer, if you are the only food store in town and I am paying with good money I have a problem. Yeah, it's your right, but I still have a problem. Depends on whether I can walk to another store before I starve. Same about renting room if there is a blizzard going.

If I remember right, back before Civil Rights Act passed, stores in segregated areas sold food to Black people out the back door. I'd rather buy goods I need to survive out the back door than die or rent a stall in a stable to get out of the storm. Guess my issue depends on whether or not person withholding sale has monopoly on supply of goods or services people need to survive.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from TJ Mason

Re: Letter from Bill St. Clair (last issue)

In response to Mr. St. Clair's comment:

“I don't like racism, but it alone should not be criminal. Crime is the intentional aggressive harm of person or property. Period.”

I can agree with that definition if one includes in the definition of “crime” any fraudulent statements or actions intended to damage a person's reputation or livelihood; to take property (including money) under false pretenses; or to create a situation where persons, whether or not individually beholden to the perpetrator (e.g. vote fraud in all of its forms), can falsely assume a position a power by which they have the potential to create further damage through physical or financial harm to persons or property.

Honest racism should not be a crime, and exposes itself in the end. The best response is a thick skin. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me”—a sentiment that the “snowflakes” appear never to have learned. But fraud, in all of its forms, can be more damaging than sticks and stones.

TJ Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from Rob Gillespie

Re: “A Word From The Publisher” by L. Neil Smith, (last issue)

Hi Ken

Neil�s comment about today�s universities triggered something I�ve been thinking about for a while. At the same time as there�s all this �degreeism�, university �activists�, faculties, and administrations are doing their best to suppress or get rid of anybody—faculty, staff, or student—with views on virtually anything that disagree with theirs, and to prevent anybody else from even hearing such views. What they�re doing and the way they�re doing it is outright McCarthyism. I�ve already started, and I think we should all call it that at every opportunity: academic McCarthyism—especially to their faces. Aside from identifying it forthrightly, it should have the added—and very enjoyable—benefit of pissing them off immensely. Watching their reactions should be especial fun.

It also occurs to me that, with their hands so deeply in the pockets of taxpayers and gullible or stupid alumnae, these universities have forgotten that their students are paying customers. Those students should think about this, too, and if they�re going to be the victims of such policies they should start finding somewhere else to take their business.

Rob Gillespie
[email protected]
Signatory to the North American Covenant
Signatory to the Atlanta Declaration

The women of this country learned long ago that those without swords can still die upon them
—Eowyn of Rohan

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Letter from Vin Suprynowicz


Hi — I just posted for sale online the fifth weekly issue of Sports Illustrated — Sept. 13, 1954. The magazine has one major article, each, on college football (no NFL; my dad said the pro league was considered disreputable back then, like professional wrestling); baseball; auto racing; boxing (Marciano vs. Ezzard Charles), mountain-climbing, hunting, and spearfishing.

Only one sport merits THREE MAJOR FEATURES: A feature with color photos on American skeet team captain (and Cuban native) Carola Mandel; a 2nd feature on 13-year-old trapshooter Johnny Lilly winning the under-21 Grand American Handicap Tournament (THOUSANDS competed) in Vandalia, Ohio; and a major flashback piece on the Great Rifle Match of 1874 between the U.S. and Ireland, shot with scopes at ranges out to 1,000 yds, and won — after they shot all day — on the last shot.

I wonder how many features on competitive shooting I�d find in this week�s Sports Illustrated? Who decided no one cares about shooting, any more?

(But I�ll bet there�ll be a piece on the NAACP threatening to boycott the NFL because no team has opted to sign Colin Kaepernick, whose insistence that the U.S. oppresses black people has been driving fans away in droves. Would that be the same NFL, I wonder, that now reports 67 percent of its salaried players are black, making AVERAGE salaries of $2 million per year (per Forbes Magazine, which reports the MINIMUM NFL salary is now $420,000)? And they�re about to be boycotted by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, in hopes that maybe a few of those teams will . . . go broke, close down, and send all their players to the unemployment lines?

Meantime, if we�re going to insist on �racial equity,� forget about white guys; I want to know how the owners are going to get those NFL rosters up to 5.7 percent �Asian.�)

Vin Suprynowicz
[email protected]

[ “Who decided no one cares about shooting, any more?”—why the Political Correctors of course!—Editor ]

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