Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 945. October 22, 2017

A pair of politicians exposed themselves as pathetic
morons to the entire country and the world.
And people say there’s no truth in government.

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Re: “Another False Flag”, by L. Neil Smith


You’re choice of caricature for various public figures reminds me of Michael Savage’s The Political Zoo. Which was a total hoot in regard to some of the worst offenders around the time of the early 2000s when I bought the book. Hillary was a leopard which implies her deadlines—though the Lizard Queen from V might be a better description. Jesse Jackson was the vulture, Harry Reid was a kangaroo rat, Arnold Schwarzenegger was of course a Rino, Rush Limbaugh a bullfrog, the current dictator in North Korea at the time was portrayed as a little Asian newt—the likes of the ones I keep —riding on the back of his father who was a bigger newt.

Newt Gingrich was the GOPAC Tick. The WV senator Robert Byrd was the White Hooded Rat so named for his dabbling with the KKK in his younger days like many southern democrats. Bill Clinton was a werewolf and Algore : a Pet Rock. It was all quite hilarious and Savage was pretty objective in lambasting people all over the political spectrum—just too bad he missed Barrak Obama—or Anthony Wiener! The latter was much like the way the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke after the movie Beavis & Butthead Do America came out. They could have really had a lot of fun in the way of the boys snickering “She went down on the President- uh- hu- hu- huh- uhh”!

Seriously speaking laughter is the best medicine for the sickness of power drunkenness inflicted on our society. Helps pick our spirits up while putting the ruling class down and back where they belong. Like dangerous animals many of them definitely ought to be in cages at best.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Different Universes

We live in different universes. To Color of Change and other “progressive” groups NRA’s Carry Guard insurance is a “license to murder” non whites by members of the racist NRA. To those who can afford it getting Cover Guard or other insurances intended to cover the expenses of defending oneself in court after defending oneself at home or on the street with force (these insurances frequently also cover knives, bare hands, and other weapons besides firearms), buying this insurance is only making sure you don’t lose everything you were fighting to defend in a court battle.

To most “Progressives” people are supposed to leave themselves helpless before forces they can not control. They, we. are supposed to place our reliance on the state to protect us and rescue us. Many Americans still believe in self reliance.

There may be those who are in fact trapped into dependency on the state through no fault of their own. Others have chosen to become dependent. However, why should those of us who can take care of ourselves submit to government protection, or at least be denied the chance to try? Perhaps government officials want to empire-build. Or perhaps they feel by our attempts at independence we are shaming those who never tried to be independent.

Hopefully they will never gain the power to deny us this chance.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Another Letter from Jeff Fullerton


Re: “Letter from Jeff Fullerton”

My apologies to the editors and the readership and to Cleavon Little who I confused with Eddie Murphy in my letter regarding Mel Brooks in the previous issue. A reader pointed out to me that Eddie Murphy was about 13 years old at the time Blazing Saddles was made. I was about that old at the time myself and had not seen the movie in years and—I ought to have done some research to say the least!

I commented back to the fellow who pointed out my mistake that it will surely come back to bite me if I run for public office someday. So much for the presidency in 2030!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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