Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 964, March 11, 2018

Words have meaning,
words have consequences

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from Sean Gabb

Letter from Adam Kokesh

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Ted Ball

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Sean Gabb

Free Books by Sean Gabb and Chris R. Tame

Dear All,

I have made these books free downloads:

Litarary Essays, Sean Gabb
Smoking, Class and the Legitimation of Power, Sean Gabb
The Churchill Memorandum, Sean Gabb

The Science of Liberty, Chris R. Tame
Not Just Tobacco, Chris R. Tame
Arthur Seldon Bibliography, Chris R. Tame
Eurosceptical Directory, Chris R. Tame
Healthcare Bibliography, Chris R. Tame
Land Issue Bibliography, Chris R. Tame

Please feel free to download without obligation. My publishers have all started insisting on reviews, reviews, more reviews. So, if you can manage even a quick line of comment on your local Amazon—and, I hope, five stars—you will make both me and my various publishers happy.

The reason, by the way, for reviews is that the more of these you get, the more likely Amazon is to take you seriously. So far, we’ve concentrated on sales or free downloads, not on reviews. So these are now pressing.

Yes, I know the books listed above are not by Richard Blake, and it’s the mainstream publishers of Richard Blake who are pressing me. Even so, I could fancy a few more reviews here. Indeed, I’d love to get past the 30-mark for The Churchill Memorandum. That will test the hypothesis that Amazon becomes more loving one you get past 30.

And here is the video trailer for one of my latest books. The music is summarsied from one of my unfinished piano sonatas. The tobacco smoke is blown by somebody else. Fortunately, I am a more committed writer than musician. No obligation to buy. let alone read the book. But a few more likes would flatter my vanity.

Best regards,

[email protected]

PS—My last posting on the scam was more useful than I’d expected. It seems that several dozen of my readers are being harried in similar fashion. There are some wicked people out there, and we all need to be more careful about signing up to things than I was. The article, by the way, is here: How to Avoid the Scam

The York Deviation cover

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Letter from Adam Kokesh

Voluntaryism Requires Volunteering

Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project

Howdy Friend —

We need volunteers for the Kokesh2020 campaign if we're going to #FinallyFreeAmerica. And although hundreds have already pledged intention to volunteer, we need thousands. That's why we're asking everyone who is interested in volunteering as a social media worker, a blogger, a fundraiser, a phone banker, or anything else to join our volunteer facebook group by clicking here and following the instructions to join the group. Once you've been placed in the group, identify yourself by posting "I volunteer as tribute!" and someone (likely me) will be in contact with you soon.

If you do not have facebook, then simply reply to this email. All of our general volunteer calls are made through that facebook group, however, so it will slow communication a bit.

We have been extremely successful seating delegates all across the country during the convention season this year, but the next two months are critical. More than half of all of the total allowable delegates will be seated in either March or April so it's time for the big boom.

We're going to need the entire Freedom Movement behind us.

And, as always, if you are unable to help with time but prefer to help with contributions, please click here to donate to the campaign.

Ben Farmer for Adam Kokesh
[email protected]
Adam Kokesh American Referendum Project • United States

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton



An interesting thing I found out about the LaRouchites; they are absolutely enamored with Alexander Hamilton!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Ted Ball

Re: The Three-Bucket Plan by L. Neil Smith (this issue)


Spring semester at Louisiana State, the mechanical engineering students in their 2nd or 3rd year are grouped into small teams and assigned a project: build a “tree bucket” that’s adjustable for lobbing water balloons different distances. They get them built and work on refining the distance variable, say, the water balloon goes 50 feet vs. 100 feet.

This picture is 5 or 6 years old. I used to work in a building next to the area the students test out their trebuchet. (El Neil, I think trebuchet is plural or singular because it’s [probably] French. We English speakers add an “s,” which I don’t believe any of fhe Romance languages do. Their loss.)

Anyway, by now these students in the picture are out there engineering something. There’s bound to be a few of them who’d jump at the chance to build a huge one out of an exotic metal. So when you get this Tree Bucket program going, think of LSU—we have folks who’ve already built them.

Ted Ball
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez


Recently I sent my Representative a form letter from Gun Owners of America. His response was to send me his form letter supporting several gun control schemes I oppose. I am not sure if he is being honest or if one of his staffers sent me their form letter on “gun issues.” I’m voting for the other guy either way.

The Governor of Connecticut is calling the NRA a terrorist organization. A: that’s slander. We are not terrorists. Perhaps the NRA should start a class action suit against him for their members. $35.00 each, currently 5,000,000 plus members. Comes out to $175,000,000 settlement if NRA wins. Freedom of speech does not include a pass from being sued for slander. B. Does he mean that every member belongs on the terrorist watch list, as in the one of people forbidden to fly? Maybe he wants to round up 5 million Americans and ship them to Gitmo. Perhaps he wants to have the NRA outlawed as a terrorist organization.

Words have meaning, words have consequences. Gov. Malloy needs to be ready to live by his words including paying cash for slander, or admitting he has called for making war against 5,000,000 Americans.

Different topic. A few years ago a local school district made its employees’ pay dependent on a bond issue passing. Its Employees are about 3% of the district’s population. Less than 5% of the eligible voters voted. The bond passed. The district did use most of this money to improve facilities, but I always felt this was dirty pool.

Some people complain that democracy is the tyranny of the majority. Wrong, it is the rule of the majority who get off their asses to vote. If that “majority” is in fact a tyrannical minority we’re screwed. Use the power of the vote to keep tyrants from achieving a majority.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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