Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 995, October 21, 2018

Work and vote like your life
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A Few Random Thoughts on Those Damnfools Who Want A Revolution
by Harding McFadden
[email protected]

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Attributel to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Folks are just going crazy nowadays. Flinging hate and calling it inspired, while doing their best to cut the floor from under the feet of those that they deem “offensive,” showing exactly as much courtesy and civility to those that they accuse of having a lack of courtesy and civility. The only consistency is the lack of consistency, in regards to how they want to be treated, weighed against how they treat.

I hate looking at those blathering propaganda machines that pass for news services these days. I’m sure that it’s always been the same, but the older I get, the more insane it all sounds. Those that promote whatever political/social slant that best suits their psychosis don’t even try to pretend to be unbiased anymore, but rather jump into the crazy pool feet first, with not bricks but fellow citizens bound to their ankles, hoping to drown us with them. I remember the shining days of my teenaged years, when (after a reading of Smith’s The Probability Broach, and Koman’s The Jehovah Contract) I cussed at the obvious bigotry of the Clinton News Network, and the right-hating mentality of the major networks, as a golden time of truth and virtue by comparison.

Though what has begun to irk me the most is all of the calls for open revolution coming from (among other, more worthwhile people) the Hollyweird Left. Obviously a cluster of mouth breathers with no sense of history if they think that it would be fun to start a war on their own soil, disregarding the blood already spilled there in two previous civil wars (which the American Revolution was until it was won!). The kind of lunatics who look at the Russian Revolution as a good thing, where, for at least a few wonderful, blood-soaked years, the good guys won, only to be shuffled off the world stage for a while by evil capitalists (Never mind the fact that capitalism is the sociopolitical advantage that allows these morons to be rich in the first place).

I look at the news this morning and what do I see? More Amy Schumer (seeking for relevance by getting arrested [sorry: still don’t care]). Alec Baldwin calling for the overthrow of the American government like the good little Leninite that he’s proven himself to be (but, wait: didn’t he promise to leave the country if second Bush won reelection? What are you still even doing here Alec? Still having trouble finding help with the move? I can think of a few thousand folks who’d carry all of your stuff over whichever border you want to cross by hand, if only to get your Pinko posterior off of our sacred soil). Protesters and rioters, knocking down statues, accosting private citizens in restaurants, initiating force upon the persons of those they deem politically or socially unacceptable.

Revolution and overthrow. Blood and carnage, on a scale unseen in the last 150-odd years in this country, where every casualty is an American casualty. Where brother will kill brother, and child their parents. This is what is being promoted by these animals. And make no mistake about it: they are animals. They want your blood because you believe differently than they do. They want your blood if you feel the same, only then your blood will be spilt for a greater cause: them. When someone says that they want to overthrow the government, in their heart of hearts, they will always see themselves sitting in the big seat once it’s been vacated. They will chop and rend, and bath in the blood of the vanquished, and smile and dance and sing while they do it. Because that’s what they always do. A quick look at revolutionary France, or Russia, or damn near anywhere else where a civil war has been fought will show this. Animals behaving like animals. Violence for its own sake.

Citizens (not subjects) of America, I say to you: Don’t fall for it. Prove that you are worthy of the mantle passed down to you by those forbearers that gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor so that you could be Citizens of the Uniter States of America! Don’t be the sheep that the violent left wants you to be. Because, make no mistake, as has always been the case, once their enemies are gone, they will assuredly turn their guns on you.

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