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Number 996, October 28, 2018

Trump has created an atmosphere of blunt truth

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The Boomless Bombs
by L. Neil Smith
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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

How stupid do you have to be?

Eight or nine suspicious packages are “delivered” to the addresses of various prominent Democrat opinion leaders and “strategists”. (I’ll bet that Michael Moore and Rosie O’Donnell are furious as hell that they didn’t get one, when Maxine Waters got three.) The round-heeled mass media, including the Murdoch-owned and-controlled Fox “News” Network immediately mischaracterize them as “bombs”. But they are not bombs. I repeat, they are not bombs. They have no ignition devices. They can’t go off. It’s like accusing a eunuch of rape.

Think hard now: exactly who does that serve?

Scum-sucking leftist politicos in lockstep, along with their bottom-feeding accomplices in the mealy-mouthed media begin to blame these “bombs” on Donald Trump, claiming that he has created “an atmosphere of violence” with his demands that Hillary Clinton, a known felon, be locked up for her criminal behavior, for destroying the legislative foundations of the socialist Utopia they had all looked forward to ruling for a century, and for pointing out that the news floozies and gentlemen-of-the evening in the “legacy” (meaning leftover) media are not friends of the American people, to whom they’ve been lying for at least fifty years, or of their liberties under the Constitution and American tradition.

In fact, Trump has created an atmosphere of blunt truth.

Yet, strangely enough, it is Republicans who have been physically mobbed, attacked, and threatened with violence—even shot—by Democrat operatives time and again.

Time and again, the Leninist left and its treacherous allies the RINOs nominally on the other side of the aisle have demanded that the President stop what they regard as his infamous, notorious, scurrilous tweeting that they love to hate so much. I love it that they hate it. The one thing that puts the man in direct contact with the people who elected him, and prevents “handlers” and the Marxist media from “interpreting” him to them, they want him to stop. Of course. More than anything, they want him to fuzzy up his plain. healthy identifications of reality so he’ll be like every other politician.

Ayn Rand, up in atheist Heaven, must be convulsing with laughter.

So, having tried absolutely everything, awkward, juvenile propaganda that would make Bulganin blush, blatant Chicago-style election fraud, savage riots, vandalism, and arson in the streets, absurdly false charges involving over-the-hill porn-pumps (compare Stormy to Melania for a giggle) and pissing penthouse prostitutes, attempts to assassinate Trump’s character and that of all those associated with him, public intimidation and invading hordes of barbarians, it comes down to this: fake bombs and fake danger like that which Hillary Clinton “survived” in Bosnia, fake-threatening socialist politicians and pro-communist mouthpieces like senile old fart Robert de Nero.

If I were an honest detective investigating this phony business, I would be seeing unmistakable Democrat fingerprints all over it—their grubby little prejudices, their pathetic illusions, their massive signature stupidity and a burning desire to virtue-signal martyrdom—and not those of some low-level zealot, either, but somebody, perhaps, among those who “received” the packages. Consider that a prediction, should we ever discover the truth. It’s significant, to me, at least, that the first, experimental “bomb” was tried out in the George Soros compound, safely away from his house.

Fake danger.

I suppose this isn’t any more an era of lies than any other. The elections that put Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson behind the Bully Pulpit were pretty rough. It’s just easier to tell a lie now and have it wrap around the world a dozen times before you draw another breath. What they can’t do—yet—is cover up their cheesy style.

It’s as though these inert devices were devised and created by someone on The View—except that Joy Behar wouldn’t want to chip her nail varnish screwing on the end-caps and Whoopi Goldberg wouldn’t want to risk getting gunpowder in her dreadlocks. People who spend their worthless lives standing on a piece of gaffer tape and mouthing words written by other people are incapable of independent thoughts and actions.

People saw that in 2016 and voted for Donald J. Trump, instead.

We may never know who arranged these messes; the Deep Authorities may never tell us, but they’re as fraudulent as votes in California. And they just made it easier for me to vote a straight Republican ticket, despite the idiots and cowards in the Colorado GOP.

I may not even need to hold my nose.



L. Neil Smith

Award-winning novelist and essayist L. Neil Smith is a retired gunsmith, Publisher and Senior Columnist of L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise and the author of over thirty books. Look him up on Google, Wikipedia, and He is available, at professional rates, to write columns, articles, and speeches for your organization, event, or publication, fiercely defending your rights, as he has done since the mid-1960s. His writings (and e-mail address) may also be found at L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise, at or at, to which you can contribute, directly. His many books and those of other pro-gun libertarians may be found (and ordered) at L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE “Free Radical Book Store” The preceding essay was originally prepared for and appeared in L. Neil Smith’s THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE. Use it to fight the continuing war against tyranny.

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