Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 997, November 4, 2018

I am here to tell you that peaceful
submission to evil is not only not a
higher morality, it is not morality
at all. It is a moral atrocity.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Rob Gillespie

Letter from The Illuminati

Letter from A.X. Perez

Who Needs Them?

In 2017 you were more likely to be killed by people using their hands and feet than using rifles. That's all rifles, not just modern sporting rifles (AKA assault rifles). It should be noted that hands and feet are needed to operate all other weapons. Therefor perhaps we need to license hands and feet. $200.00 tax per extremity, 6 months FBI background check including interviewing neighbors and employers, an approved reason for having them, and a letter of approval by your local police chief or sheriff. I mean, who needs two hands and feet?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting: Documents detail massacre and name the dead—The Washington Post [Link to article]

“‘The Libertarian-to-Far-Right pipeline is a real thing,’ the Post said.”.

As I have been following the story since it broke on Saturday I knew this was coming. They were going to find something to link the freedom movement to neo nazis and white supremacists. It's the same thing they did after the Oklahoma City bombing. They are desperate and will jump at any opportunity to capitalize on fear and mass hysteria.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Rob Gillespie

Re: “The Boomless Bombs” by L. Neil Smith

I can certainly understand where Neil might characterize those bombs as having come from somewhere the likes of The View. I, on another hand, immediately wondered if they hadn't been obtained from the Acme Novelty Company of Walla Walla, Washington, with Wile E. Coyote acting as the purchasing agent…

Rob Gillespie
[email protected]
Signatory to the North American Covenant
Signatory to the Atlanta Declaration

The women of this country learned long ago that those without swords can still die upon them
Eowyn of Rohan

When people have to follow other people’s orders, equality’s out of the question.
Dick Deadeye

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Letter from The Illuminati

Subject: Illuminati Invite
Date: 2018-11-01 02:51
From: The Illuminati <[email protected]>
To: Recipients <[email protected]>

Greetings, from The illuminati world elite empire. Bringing the poor, the needy and the talented to limelight of fame, riches, powers and security, get recognized in your business, political race, rise to the top in whatever you do, be protected spiritually and physically! All these you will achieve in a twinkle of an eye when you get initiated to the great Illuminati empire. Once you are initiated to the illuminati empire you will get numerous benefits and reward.

Note: that this message was created solely for the purpose of our recruitment scheme which will end next month and this offer is for unique ones only, if you are not serious on joining the illuminati empire, then you are advise not to contact us at all. This is because disloyalty is highly not tolerated here in our organization.

Do you agree to be a member of the illuminati new world order? If YES! then kindly reply us back on our direct recruitment email only at: [email protected]

Please note, Kindly make sure all your response/reply are send directly to the email stated above only at: [email protected] For more instructions on our membership process.

Note: Some email providers incorrectly place official Illuminati messages in their spam/junk folder or promotion folder. This can divert and exclude our responses to your emails.

The Illuminati
[email protected]

[ “And so it goes …” — Editor ]

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