Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 999, December 2, 2018

Two people do not have more rights
than one person, or two hundred, or
two thousand, or two million, any more
than they have more intelligence or decency.

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Letter from Carl Bussjaeger

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Freifuchs Fuchslieber

Letter from Mike Blessing

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Carl Bussjaeger

Re: “Another False Flag” by L. Neil Smith

Hi, Neil,

Yes, someone wound this guy up. And he hasn't been the only one this year, post-Parkland. As I observed on Friday:


Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger
[email protected]
Author: Net Assets, Bargaining Position, The Anarchy Belt, and more
NRA delenda est

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Something to Offend Everyone

I originally put the following up on Facebook. I left out mentioning the Second Amendment, Natural born (AKA God Given) rights and so on. Then again I left out the antigun arguments except the one being specifically addressed.

“It‘s worth the cost if it saves one life,” that‘s what liberals always claim. What if the price of saving one life is two others. And so the following:

I don‘t expect a lot of likes for this post. It is cold blooded and it requires looking at things from the opposing point of view.

About 11,000 Americans a year are murdered with firearms. Somewhere between 21,000 and 2.5 million people a year are protected from criminal assault and murder because they or another civilian is armed with a gun to defend them. Just under 2 to over 200 times the number of people killed with firearms are protected from being robbed, raped, beaten, stabbed, shot and/or murdered.

Here‘s the cold blooded part. saving one person from being shot dead, who might get murdered some other way, is not worth sacrificing somewhere between two to 200 other people to criminal assault and murder because they were disarmed.

Here‘s the empathy part. If you tell some parent or sibling of a person murdered with a gun that their loved one‘s life was the price of protecting 200 other people from being harmed do not be surprised if they answer, “I would sacrifice 2.000 lives to get (lost loved one) back.”

If you support gun rights you have to have empathy for those who need weapons to defend themselves and others as well as accept the fact that one person will die for every 2 to 200 people you protect. If you support gun control you only have to have empathy for those who have lost loved ones to the gun.

I would love to have a nice concluding paragraph for this. Ain‘t happening, there‘s no easy answer here. I have no right to ask you to sacrifice your loved ones, nor do you have the right to demand I sacrifice mine. But we do not have the right to demand 200 other people or even just 2 people, sacrifice themselves for us and ours.

Good luck sorting this out.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Freifuchs Fuchslieber

Friends, Americans, Patriots; lend me your ears…

We could beat the totalitarian Left… if we got enough Leonidases, Travises, Crocketts, and 300s—and and Martin Heemeyers and Carl Dregas: look ’em up—they’d run out of minions before we ran out of us.

Martin Heemeyer

Carl Drega

Derp state: please note that I’ve done the math on this, an I am not the only one who can… Please also note that this is a constitutionally protected instance of free speech and a hypothetical scenario. Now go spy on Antifa and BLM…you’ll get better results and make yourselves somewhat useful!

Freifuchs Fuchslieber
[email protected]

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Letter from Mike Blessing

Mr. Ford from Frisky Dingo simplifies American politics for us—


  1. Frisky Dingo Wikipedia page

Copyright © 2018 Mike Blessing. All rights reserved.

Mike Blessing
[email protected]

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Never thought of that

In another context I referred to the dialogue below from the B-movie Firewalker:

Corky: I aim to give these people leadership.
Max: What if they don’t want it?
Corky: I never thought of that.

This is the problem with Statists. They “aim to bring us leadership.” The idea that some of us don’t want to be led is not on their radar. In there minds there is no choice, They will lead, we will follow, anything else is inconceivable. They don’t even bother to say “or else,” “nice car, it would be a shame if anything happened to it.” This attitude is shared by good guys and bad guys. The most benevolent, solicitous of people’s rights good guy is as bad as the next Schicklgrubber or dze Jugashvili in this sense.

So when some would be leader comes along, with a dream worth sharing, who’s “got the charm” come along, hang on to your freedom for all you got.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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