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Number 1,002, January 6, 2019


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Letter from Kristophr

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Kristophr

Re: Why They Hate Donald Trump by L. Neil Smith

It isn’t just socialism vs. liberty.

It is also self-appointed "Elites" vs. normal people.

The "Elites" include both Democrats, and soft socialists in the GOP establishment, as well as any SJW basement dweller who chooses to side with the so called elites. Easy membership requirements. Just duckspeak whatever drivel the elite thought leaders are spewing right now. No real accomplishment required. Just follow the rules they set forth, and ignore the past. Non-Democrats are all National Socialists, unless they roll over and pee themselves on command. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

In the past, Normals generally tolerated the Elites, as long as they paid lip service to normal values ( you know, that liberty thing, not dissing the country, not being too insanely immoral ... ), and they were allowed to run things, and even rake off some lucre for themselves, as long as they didn’t fuck things up too much.

Nowadays, the Elites HATE the normals, and won’t be satisfied unless they make serfs of us all. In fact, that ain’t enough. They also have to all admit they are bad.

A populist like Trump ( a rich normal by the way ) is what you get when the elites go from let them eat cake to Nuke them if they want to keep their guns. (See The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha

The next few years are going to be interesting.

Best regards, Kristophr
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Happy New Year from Isaac Arthur and his namesake: Asimov!

[Go To YouTube]

Read a lot of Isaac Asimov back in the 80s when you could get collections of many of his non fiction essays in paperback. Like "Counting the Eons" and "A Choice of Catastrophes: Disasters that threaten our world". His biggest bugaboo was overpopulation which was vogue back then. The verdict is still out on that one—though many of the dates set for humanity to collapse under its own weight have come and gone like many a prediction of other environmental alarmists and religious apocalyptics.

I think Isaac Arthur does a very fitting and respectful assessment of Asimov’s short coming on predictions and where he got it right. Much like the one he did on Carl Sagan a while back. Some of the content of this video echoes the recent article by Sarah Hoyt that dispels the notion that robots are going to displace everyone. Arthur suggests its more an ongoing problem related to inability or unwillingness to adapt to change. And that there will likely always be things that human beings can do for each other that will continue to be in demand.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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