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Number 1,003, January 13, 2019


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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Nicolas Leobold

Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Cody Wilson

Letter from A.X. Perez

I Get It

To paraphrase a comment made elsewhere: I get it.

From each according to his ability means tax the hell out of everything.

To each according to his needs means everyone is on welfare because they’re that broke after paying taxes.

Damn commies won after all.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

Freedom is the ultimate wisdom.
— Olaf Johnson/ Balder The Almighty Johnsons

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Letter from Nicolas Leobold

Chuck Schumer Is A Bumbling Ass

Chuck Schumer wears the grin of a retarded 70-something shoe salesman who wishes he could hump someone besides his mother. Schumer though is literally a dangerous idiot who would destroy this country and world if he got his hands on real power. Chuck-Puke believes in taxes and regulation so much he probably considers the Orion Constellation interstate commerce. To call him a job-killer is a compliment to a minor genocidal communist like Joseph Stalin. But Schumer doesn't need genocidal communists because he already has Nancy Pelosi.

Chuck-Puke got his start as an attorney when he only lied 50% of the time. Now that he lies 100% of the time he is known as a lawmaker according to his own wishes; because he assists so much crime and murder that the only thing left for his image is another 100% lie.

Schumer doesn't talk about gun control anymore because he wants victim disarmament more than ever. The only problem is he lost on that issue along with Bloomshit and all the other gun-banners, and he lost the 2016 election to Trump.

Schumer wouldn't know an Economic Law if it chopped off one of his toes. Schumer wouldn't comprehend Common Sense if you hit him over the head with an encyclopedia.

I feel sorry that Chuck Schumer exists and breathes freely but I feel even sorrier for everyone who has to live under him and his oppressive stupidity. But, apart from this rare article on him, I completely ignore Schumer and his press-ravenous grinning, after this rant today I will continue to ignore Schumer and say no more because he really is a tremendous stupid ass and it always looks like he just got done from standing in the corner of the classroom with the dunce cap on. But in either case, he is looking very old and he will probably drop dead in 5-10 years. Until then, people will continue to mostly ignore him.

I wish you All the Best,
Good Luck & Godspeed!

Nicolas Leobold
[email protected]
Skype: nleobold
Twitter: @nleobold
(Note: People who which to make a contribution please contact me at those addresses — Thanks!)

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Another Letter from A.X. Perez

Warning: this is fiction:

On 15 December 2018 Ivan Cortez was approached by a mugger at a walk up ATM in Dallas. The mugger threatened him with a knife. Convinced the assailant intended to cut him even if he submitted, Cortez drew and fired 2 rounds from his .38 Special, dropping the mugger. Unfortunately for him, the story went nationwide and viral.

“Why did you shoot?”
“I was convinced that the mugger was going to cut me up anyhow even if I gave him my money.”
“Do you think that is a good enough reason to shoot someone?”
“Really?” Cortez answered and walked out on the MSNBC talking head.

The CNN talking head managed to aggravate the Dallas chief of police.

“Do you think Mr. Cortez did the right thing shooting the man who tried to mug him?”
“Compared to being robbed and murdered, yes.”
“So not letting yourself be murdered is a good reason to kill?”
The police chief walked off without answering.
“Undoubtedly Ivan Cortez has fantasies about being some kind of tough cowboy and acted them out that day,” the Times stringer opined.

A foreign correspondent suggested that Cortez was a potential mass murderer. “Hopefully this gets it out of his system.”

The New York Times asked, “Is saving your own life an excuse for murder?”

Subscriptions fell 10%.

This is fiction. May it stay fiction

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Mitt Romney Fails Again

“Another character issue is pettiness. It now seems very hard to deny that Romney resents Trump for doing what he failed to do: win the presidency”
[Read More]

Brings back memories of sitting in Bruce the Historian's living room that night in 2012 and watching this schmuck literally throw the debate. And people wonder how Donald Trump took the Republican nomination and then the White House.

Now he gets to serve on Capital Hill

where he gets to serve himself a nice heaping helping of largess slopping at the public trough like most of them do for 20 years or until they kick the bucket—whatever comes first.

“Severe conservative indeed”!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Letter from Cody Wilson

Hearing Granted in Defense Distributed v Grewal

In July, you may recall that Defense Distributed began publishing gun blueprints and files at DEFCAD. For that we faced a tidal wave of lawsuits from Blue State Democrat attorneys general. Our fight against New Jersey now continues in a preliminary injunction hearing in Austin, TX ordered for January 15th.

Our challenge to New Jersey's SB 2465 is the only serious attempt in the nation to block this illegal new statute, that makes all internet communications related to firearms knowledge a felony. Become part of Defense Distributed to defend your First and Second Amendments.

Join the Fight Now

Ghost Gunner



Copyright © 2019 Defense Distributed, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
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Cody Wilson
[email protected]

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