Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 1,004, January 20, 2019

Defy authority, defy the march toward endless
war, stand for freedom, be a White Rose.

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Fixing Three Things with White Roses
by Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
— Buckminster Fuller

Recap part one: Things are falling apart, are not well designed, and their swift demise would be less harmful than their long slow dissipation. Nothing we do within the existing political system is sufficient to resolve its inter-tangled problems. Hastening its end isn’t possible either. Lacking resilience, the natural disasters which can be readily anticipated won’t be overcome effectively. In order to build a better world, we can only begin in certain ways. To fix things we have to survive what is happening and what is coming and be here to build well in the aftermath.

Recap part two: PHOM CAGES are a set of tools, equipment, knowledge, and understanding that may allow you to go it alone, or with a small group of others, to build a reasonably comfortable situation for yourself while you grow a family and find other survivors. Plan to build a civilisation once the current monstrosity falters and fails and goes to pieces. Preparation takes time, thought, and budget. But the lives you save may be your own and those of your family.

The White Rose Society

“Nothing is so unworthy of a civilised nation as allowing itself to be governed without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct. It is certain that today every honest German is ashamed of his government. Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes—crimes that infinitely outdistance every human measure—reach the light of day?”
— The White Rose Society, first leaflet, July 1942

Beginning in late June 1942, a group of students and other Germans, mostly in Munich, understood that the events of the war, and the widespread rumours of death camps, meant that they had to speak against the Nazi regime. Even though it cost many of them their lives, they stood with reason, decency, and humanity against a powerful, organised, deeply entrenched gang of monsters bent on world domination. As such, the White Rose Society represents the possibility of the human spirit in its continuing fight against evil.

"After their experiences at the Eastern Front, having learned about mass murder in Poland and Russia, Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell felt compelled to take action. From end of June until mid of July 1942, they wrote the first four leaflets. Quoting extensively from the Bible, Aristotle and Novalis, as well as Goethe and Schiller, the iconic poets of German bourgeoisie, they appealed to what they considered the German intelligentsia, believing that these people would be easily convinced by the same arguments that also motivated the authors themselves. These leaflets were left in telephone books in public phone booths, mailed to professors and students, and taken by courier to other universities for distribution. " You can read "the rest of the story" at Wikipaedia [ or Infogalactic — Editor ]

Rather than belabour the point, let me simply point out that many people shared the leaflets, talked about the work of the White Rose, and some resisted actively against the Nazi regime. Most of those who were caught in acts of resistance or in possession of the leaflets were executed.


A White Rose Society of the Mind
In his science fiction masterpiece A Deepness in the Sky author Vernor Vinge refers to the novels of Anthony Hope whose book The Prisoner of Zenda and its sequel are set in the fictional country of Ruritania with the phrase "A Ruritania of the mind, " meaning a made-up place in which you can imagine yourself living. I would welcome you to imagine yourself living in a White Rose Society of the mind.

What do I mean? I mean that you don’t have to send in any money to join this new society. You don’t have to donate, or file for a tax deduction, or fill out a membership form, or do anything in particular. To quote the famous author of "On Voluntary Servitude," Etienne de la Boetie, "Resolve to serve no more and you are, at once, free. I do not ask that you lay hands on the tyrant to topple him over." Simply withdraw your support.

If you wish, signify that you are for abolition by wearing a ring or carrying a coin, such as those described at with the " abolitionist" logo on them. Or wear a white rose in your hair, on your hat, or on your lapel. Get a lapel pin or brooch that has a white rose, or maybe two or three of them. Defy authority, defy the march toward endless war, stand for freedom, be a White Rose.


Three Things
What do I stand for as a White Rose? I stand for freeing the slaves, stopping the wars, and ending the oppression of the state. Just those three things.

Slaves are very real, right now, today. Not only in Libya where open slave markets have been common ever since evil Hillary Clinton destroyed the government of her personal enemy Moammar Qadaffi amidst a broad scale war from which she personally profited, but also in New York, DC, Hollywood, London, Paris, Milan, Tokyo, Riyadh, and in many other places. Children are bought and sold as slaves. People seeking to be " discovered" on Broadway, or on television, or in cinema, are required to degrade themselves to satisfy the disgusting sexual urges of producers and directors in order to "advance" their careers. In many states so-called "Child Protective Services" agencies actively kidnap children from parents, especially divorced parents, and traffick those children to sexual predators.

Wars are very real, right now. The United States government is now or has recently been involved in wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Mali, and elsewhere, and is apparently preparing for war with China over Taiwan. Wars are promoted by violent profiteers who have stock in defence contractor companies and directly benefit from every war. Wars are a key part of the Carlyle Group business strategy and of the Project for a New American Century, among other groups. Wars are the purpose of the Central Intelligence Agency, which was created by Harry Truman to destroy all limits on government, foment war, and make military contractor companies very wealthy. Wars are promoted even when it means assassinating presidents, such as John F. Kennedy, which the CIA orchestrated with their former leader Allen Dulles. Wars kill people, destroy economies, wound men, women, and children. Wars are funded by evil banking gangsters at the Federal Reserve, and at the major banks such as Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, where the C suite men and women speak in glowing terms about the profitability of war merchants and pay one another enormous bonuses.

The oppression of the state is endless. Taxation is theft, regulation is extortion, and there is nothing that any government ever does which is useful or good. By their fruit shall ye know them, and all governments produce dead bodies, terrible injuries, traumatised protesters, and a trail of tears.


Zero Aggression
As a White Rose you should believe in the zero aggression principle. Simply put, you have every right to defend yourself, as you see fit, but you never have the right to initiate force against anyone else, ever, at all, and you may not delegate the initiation of force to anyone else, ever. If you believe in this one principle, then you have a libertarian world view, and you may be a White Rose.

There are other core principles you can choose for yourself. Nothing can ever replace the zero aggression principle (ZAP) or non-aggression principle (NAP) as some call it.


The New Ways
The White Roses are about doing things in a new way. I myself am not about causing an economic collapse, a natural disaster, the overthrow of any state or government—because I do not believe I have to lift a finger to see all those things happen in the next few months to years. Moreover, I believe that the time to build a civilisation on principles of freedom and enlightenment is now, and we can do so even as the old corrupt monstrosity that has posed as a Western civilisation weakens, decays, and disintegrates.

What are the new ways? Zero aggression is a baseline principle. Decentralisation where it makes good sense is a key concept.

The Internet is designed to survive a nuclear war by having communications be totally decentralised, so that any communications node can seek surviving nodes to pass along messages in what are called "packets. " The Internet Protocol is simply a stack of design guidelines for how to do so.

Similarly, Bitcoin is a decentralised accounting ledger that allows anyone to operate a full node, or have access to a wallet related to someone else’s node, such that transactions can be recorded on a blockchain. SilentVault is a decentralised software system which provides extensive privacy, an application programming interface, and a software developer kit for maximising the utility of Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other crypto-currencies.

In his epic book The Diamond Age, or a Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer Neal Stephenson mentions the idea of phyles, which Doug Casey really liked and talked about repeatedly at his Eris Society conferences in the 1990s and early 2000s. The idea of phyles is to form a clan or tribe based on whatever ideals you wish, and invite whomever you find agreeable to be a part of it. One such phyle or stateless tribe being formed is Caledonia, which my friend Sonora Jack wrote about in "Caledonia Beckons" in this ’zine several months ago. Feel free to get involved in Caledonia, or form your own phyle.

I believe in freedom and autonomy. I think independent home steads with as little as one acre of land can provide plenty of food and other resources for people to use in forming a tiny enclave of a new civilisation. Networked together and kept in touch with WisprNet, mesh networks, and other technologies after the collapse, I believe these autonomous homes will be vital elements in a new culture, a new civilisation which we can live to see thrive.


The Egregore Persists
The concept of an egregore is simply the idea that an organisation takes on a life of its own. Those who serve the survival of the organisation, even at the cost of the lives or freedom of many others, are able to find leadership roles in the organisation, and those who refuse to harm others are shown the door and replaced. The deep state, the evil agencies of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other agencies of greed and corruption are determined to survive, and they don’t mind killing or silencing or torturing to stay in power. These are egregores run by some of the most vile, disgusting, evil people on Earth.

Naturally, they have death camps. They talk only occasionally about " black sites" and "extreme rendition" although they talk openly and enthusiastically and with great passion about torturing people at Guantanamo and elsewhere. They speak frequently about how they "do not torture" and use euphemisms which I won’t dignify by repeating. These are evil scum, and when their agencies are threatened they will naturally round up people they see as threats and put them in death camps.

Because their favourite leader of evil, Hillary Clinton, was unable to win the 2016 election, they have manufactured a host of lies about Russian collusion, they have demanded their software entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey engage in active censorship of users, they have prevented legal defence funds from using Patreon and other crowd funding sites, and they are eager to prevent gun store owners from processing credit cards. I believe that as they become convinced that they cannot hold power without being ever more ruthless, that they will create large scale death camps along both east and West coasts of the United States, and imprison dissidents in those camps.

As with the camps in Russia and Germany in the 1930s, in the early going it will be possible to break out, and even later (as with Sobibor) organised resistance will provide for escape opportunities. Those who refuse to escape, as at Sobibor, will be exterminated to the last individual. As with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 19 April 1943, it is possible for a small number of poorly armed people to become a fairly good sized number of reasonably well armed people, and require many thousands of active military to quell. Many escaped Warsaw because of the Uprising.

It is my view that a network of safe houses, an Underground Railway, is going to be needed during the next few years. Transitions are often messy.


You don’t need my permission to be a White Rose. You don’t need to tell me you are ready. You are welcome to do so, of course. You don’t need my approval to prepare for the coming collapse. You don’t need to depend on my expectations of what happens next to see that a severe economic recession or depression is happening, now. You are a free, autonomous, beautifully independent spirit. You are, and of right ought to be, free and independent.

Choose this day who ye will serve. I suggest you choose to serve your own interests, your own freedom, and the creation of a new civilisation based on humanity, courage, decency, autonomy, freedom, and opportunity. May you choose wisely.


Jim Davidson is vision director for and founder of Individual Sovereign University and the Resilient Ways Foundation. He is currently chief financial officer for a start-up social networking and talent agency company and chief executive officer for a self-storage structure start-up. Don’t send him PayPal he won’t accept their terms.









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