Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,014, March 31, 2019

We know that the very venal, greedy,
corrupt, and frequently evil people
who promote the concepts of a managed
society are not only liars and scoundrels,
but promoting something that can never
be. Not only are they incapable of
managing society, it is not possible
for society to be managed.

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Intellectual Takeout

Letter from A.X. Perez

Sign of Good Faith

This is a gun control law success story. Under this law only one person has ever abused the weapon with which he was entrusted. The reward the people who abided by this law so well was to have their rights even further restricted. As was said at the beginning a gun control success story.

Persons applying to purchase weapons under this law had to pay a $200.00 tax. They had to submit their fingerprints and a photograph, present an acceptable purpose for purchasing the weapon, be approved by their local sheriff or police chief, and submit to an FBI background check of anywhere from two to six months. The weapon was registered to them and they could not transfer the weapon (accept to an heir) without repeating the process.

This is the law that applied to people purchasing machineguns before May 1986. A private citizen could apply to purchase a machinegun which would be added by the vendor to the machinegun registry. An exemption on paying the tax for certain machineguns declared relics and curios was permitted registered collectors. As mentioned, from 1934 to 1986 only one case was recorded of legally owned machinegun being used to commit a crime.

In May of 1986 the machinegun registry was closed by the Hughes Amendment. This Amendment was passed by acclamation called by Acting Speaker of the House Charles Rangel. Calls for a roll call vote were ignored. In the end this was accepted as a "reasonable compromise" in the Firearms Owners Protection passed in 1986. Machineguns not registered before 19 May 1986 as transferable to civilians can ever be added to the registry and made transferrable.

Machinegun owners and collectors were rewarded for 52 years of almost perfect law abiding action by having the access to new machineguns blocked.

Two points:

A. This is what compromise with victim disarmers gets you, punished for not breaking the law and written off as collateral damage to keep the deal making process working.

B. In a spirit of compromise perhaps it is time to reopen the machine gun registry. It would be an acceptable gesture of good faith and proof that gun owners can trust the anti-gunners. After all, this is the kind of process they want us to submit to for all firearms transfers.

The author of this article does not support the NFA or compromising gun rights. However, our opponent are always asking us to give up something to hold on to the rest of our rights.

Perhaps it is time they admit something is ours to prove their good faith.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

[ I suspect good faith is something they do not have one little bit of. Slavers are like that, and anyone who is anti-gun-ownership is a slaver, and it is time we start calling them that. — Editor ]

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Letter from Intellectual Takeout

“Cultural Marxism” is a conspiracy theory?

If you're trying to control how people think, one of the most effective tools is to label any alternative view a conspiracy theory. The concept of “Cultural Marxism” gets tarred with that label by today's thought-controllers. According to them, it's all in your head!

But is it really? We see Cultural Marxism as a useful catchphrase to describe the effort to divide society based on race, gender and sexual orientation. Some groups are labeled victims, and some as privileged, and they are pitted against each other.

There actually is a real, historical connection between today's Cultural Marxism and Marxist theory. Communist intellectuals in 1919 saw that the success of capitalism in the West was undermining Marx's prediction that division between economic classes would lead to revolution. They created the academic school of “Critical Theory” to shift Marxist strategyto division between cultural groups. The activist Rudi Dutschke said that Critical Theory needed to go on a “long march through the institutions” of the West.

One hundred years later,that long march is complete. Critical Theory, or what we call Cultural Marxism, is now the dominant culture. But don't even try to point out this reality and the history behind it,silly conspiracy theorist! As George Orwell said, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

We oppose this cultural division pitting Americans against each other. One of the ways we are doing so is through our Alcuin Internship, now in it's second year. We bring in 10 talented young people for a paid summer internship where they learn about the history of Western Civilization and the intellectual and cultural traditions that unite, rather than divide people.

We envision this internship as the beginning of our own long march through the institutions. These young people share our vision for America's future, and we want to prepare them to be the leaders of tomorrow.

But here's the reality: we will only be able to fill every open internship position this summer with your help.

Our goal is to finish raising $25,000 within the next week. That amount will cover most of the interns' wages and fees for visiting speakers. Can we count on you for support? Would you consider a $25, $50, $100, or even $250 contribution to make the internship possible?

As an extra way to thank you for your support, anyone who gives $100 or more to the Alcuin Internship will also receive 12 months of our Chronicles magazine a magazine of American culture for FREE. Please donate today and help America get back on the right road!

Thanks so much,

Edward Welsch
Director of Communications

Copyright © 2019, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Intellectual Takeout
8011 34th Ave S, Ste C-11
Bloomington, MN 55425

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