Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,037, September 8, 2019

“Create ships and sails capable of navigating the
cœlestial atmosphere and you will find men to man
them, men not afraid of the vast emptiness of space.”
— Johannes Kepler, 1610

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from L. Neil Smith

Letter from A.X. Perez


Wal-Mart has chosen to take several steps in reaction to the Massacre at the Cielo Vista Wal-Mart. The first is that they will stop selling handguns in Alaska. The second is that they will stop selling ammunition for short barreled rifles. The last we are interested in is that they will stop selling handgun ammunition. Wal-Mart also announced they would continue to sell hunting rifles and shotguns and their appropriate ammo.

Allow me to state the obvious and point out that the preferred weapon for personal defense in the US is the handgun. Glocks and S&W Shields, preferably in 9x19 mm. are the most popular right now, but everything from .25 AP to .50 Desert Eagles, made by several companies in and out of the US are out there. I love me a .40 Liberty, but I’m told that round is diminishing in popularity. As long as you come home and keep the bad guys from doing wrong under your roof.

Apparently Wal Mart doesn’t think our lives, loved ones, liberty, or property are worth defending. However, they think hunting is worth supporting. Protecting yourself from a mugger isn’t important, mugging Bambi and Thumper is.

Of course, you can use a hunting rifle or shotgun to defend yourself, but not at Wal Mart. It seems they have banned open carry of firearms. It’s not impossible, but it is kind of testing of your ingenuity to carry a full size rifle or shotgun concealed. (BTW, I kinda support WM’s ban on open carry. Some inadequately myelinated individuals thought it would be funny to walk into Wal -Marts and cause fear and apprehension by waving AR-15’s around. Wal -Mart chose to deal with this by banning open carry on their property. Perhaps applying a peach switch to the glutei maximi of these individuals will accelerate their cerebral development.)

Handguns and their munitions are the main tools of self defense for most of us. Wal Mart will no longer be a source for them.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from T.J. Mason

TJs thought for the day

On the Mark Levin show this afternoon, Mr. Levin was discussing last night’s Great Democrat Climate Pandering Event and said that it would take a police state to implement all the taxes and controls on personal behavior necessary to their “climate plans.”

So just to make it clear: the Democrats are coming for our guns so they can create the police state necessary to take away every other part of our lives in the name of protecting the climate.

Bonus: yesterday’s thought:

He who beats his sword into a plowshare will plow for he who doesn’t. He who melts his Glock into a plowshare will have a useless plastic plowshare.

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from L. Neil Smith

Karaoke Friday

KARAOKE FRIDAY: Gio (my daughter) sings “Nessum Dorma”. She’s worth listening to.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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