Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,039, September 22, 2019

Ultimately, the left is
at war with being human.

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The Editor’s Notes
by Ken Holder
[email protected]
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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Dear Friends, don’t you get tired of living in a country run by fookin’ idiots? Me too. But everywhere else is apparently worse!

The man whose state surveillance revelations rocked the world speaks exclusively to the Guardian about his new life and concerns for the future
Interview by Ewen MacAskill

The world’s most famous whistleblower, Edward Snowden, says he has detected a softening in public hostility towards him in the US over his disclosure of top-secret documents that revealed the extent of the global surveillance programmes run by American and British spy agencies.

[Read More]

The interview was because of his new book, which apparently is not for sale in the United Snakes. Er … States. What should happen is Mr. Snowden be awarded the Medal of Freedom, if not the Nobel Peace Prize. But our “Masters” would not allow that.


Huh! Nobody sent in an article for this week. El Neil is busy finishing up a book or two. Everybody else must be on vacation. Except me, of course. What’s a vacation? I dono.


I have finally got the Premium up, the first of the Premiums, at Subscribe Star, free for all those who have subscribed to us there. Patron and PayPal subscribers, email me and I’ll send you the link(s) for downloading. Put “SUBSCRIBER GIMME BOOK” in the subject.

The Premium this time is Henry Adams’ The United States of America in the Year 1800, (Being the First Six Chapters of his History of the United States of America During the First Administration of Thomas Jefferson, which is the first volume of his multi-volume History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. I must say it is one of the most interesting histories I have read, putting our new country in perspective, poised on the brink of the 19th Century. The Century in which America grew to be the colossus of the world.

I will, perhaps, eventually make the book for sale on, perhaps. Maybe. Sometime. Or, you could just subscribe (hint, hint! :-)).

The instructions at didn’t really help me figure out how to put the information up as .html. And it went on about something called “markdown” (html is “markup”). It seemed to say just do it, but I did and it didn’t, showing up as all the symbols and tags and such. But the download URL is there, so copy and paste!

It is in two formats: .mobi for Kindle, and .epub for most ebook readers. No encryption or anything like that. I proof-read until I was half-blind, so if you find mistakes (other than the sometimes odd spelling Professor Adams uses), let me know. Converting a book of scanned-page-images .pdf to … well, to anything is a job of work. Which I gladly did for the benefit of our supporters!

In other news, there still aren’t enough subscribers to make this Little Magazine self-supporting (so to speak). And next month some domain registrations are due. Maybe there will be some money in the cash-box for that. Last time I looked it held minus sixty-cents. Yikes!

My wife just said she has looked at the news headlines for the first time in several days (she's been worse, but now getting better—one of them chronic condition things, or maybe she picked up a bug at the doctor's office (dangerous places those are!)). Anyway, now she's ready to hide under the bed. Looking at news headlines will do that to a person. It is a scary world we live in. But they never promised a Rose Garden. Well, okay, they did, but they was lying! The Twentieth Century: The Age of The Lie!. More than usual I mean.

Or should it be The Twentieth Century: The Age of Mass-Murder? Or … what? You can send your thoughts on that to [email protected] if you would like. The best suggestion gets a Premium!


And that's the way it somewhat is. Stay deplorable, my friends!

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