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Number 1,039, September 22, 2019

Ultimately, the left is
at war with being human.

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from A.X. Perez

They’re Not After You, You’re Just in the Way

I’m an NRA member and I’ve made various pro-gun postings, both things that our progressive brethren despise. Between that and my taste in weapons I could get killed or hurt if the Democrats win the next election.

Donald Trump is not a racist, or at least as not as big a racist as the mainstream press chooses to paint him. However, thanks to the liberal press pushing that Trump is a racist, plus a few other causes, it does appear that racists feel empowered to use people like me for target practice. Then again, it seems there are bigots of every race, color, and creed gunning for members of every race, color, and creed.

I seriously doubt that I’m particularly worth the effort for either group to single out, and statistically I’ll probably outlast their folly, but it still get’s down to that both Political Parties are pursuing paths that are like to get me killed. We really need a third party. Meanwhile I’m working on my failure to stop drills at Tueller drill ranges.

The range where I practice also hosts license to carry classes and pistol basics classes. They are booked solid into October. Everyone teaching the mandatory license class is booked solid for at least the next month. El Pasoans have been living in a fools paradise of the “things like that don’t happen here,” until they did. Never mind we had been across the Border from two drug cartel wars, and a mass murder of 300 young women that to this day remains unsolved, and a third cartel war starting. “It couldn’t happen here,” until it did.

In spite of the bleatings of the left and right of their rivals being tyrants people in the US don’t think our government can degenerate into a tyranny. It’s a lot easier to get licensed to carry a gun to fend off the next mass shooting than to reclaim liberties lost when a tyranny kicks in.

Due to ammo costs I’m adopting a training regimen of 100 rounds a week, preferably in 2 50 round sessions, plus a monthly 100 round session. That comes out to about 6400 rounds of practice ammo a year, between 500 and 600 rounds a month, and I don’t shoot that much. (This does not include social ammo). Next time some one makes a fuss about people “hoarding” ammo point out that 500 round of ammo a month is probably a very minimal amount of target practice.

PS, Get an UPLULA. A magazine that had my arthritic thumbs convinced it only held ten rounds turned into a 12 rounder when I loaded it with an UPLULA. Also a good reminder to have the right tool.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from T.J. Mason

Thought For The Day

Capitalism is when individuals use their resources—energy/labor, creativity, and, yes, wealth/property—to generate goods and services for others, and are fairly compensated for their efforts. In principle, this works because competition forces efficiency, good management practice, and enlightened labor policies.

Crony capitalism is when some individuals work with individuals in government both to get favoritism in government contracting and to stifle competition for both government and commercial work. This eliminates competition, creating inefficiency, bad management, and exploitation of labor.

Socialism, at its best, is when government assumes control of the wealth and property but generally allows freedom to use energy and creativity for commercial benefit. However, neither labor nor government have "skin in the game," creating inefficiency and no rewards for extra effort or creativity, so extra effort and creativity are stifled.

Fascism is socialism that allows private ownership and wealth under government control. This has all of the disadvantages of both crony capitalism and socialism, and none of the advantages. Nationalism and racism are not necessary to fascism, but the artificial competition they enforce—for the shrinking pie that goes with fascist mismanagement—gives an appearance of energy when only stagnation exists.

Communism is the extreme of socialism with total government control, and all effort is expended for the benefit of the government, with minimal rewards for the people at large.

In all of this, remember that (a) government is people, too; and (b) the people in government are no less likely to be looking out for themselves first than anyone working outside government; thus, (c) the more control government has, the more it sucks out of the rest of the economy to support itself to the detriment of the people as a whole.

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Gerard K. O’Neill: The Vision Uncut - YouTube


A really good interview of Gerard K O’Neill back in the day. It’s interesting to note that he bought onto global warming at a time when the majority of climate alarmists are still fixated on global cooling. But we can forgive him because his belief is as genuine as the solution he offered and the knee jerk rejection of environmentalists to his ideas is also very telling in regard to the real objective of environmentalism to create a scarcity economy. Why else would they reject a truly green energy source as “Inappropriate technology”. The best comeback to that one can be found in the pages of the SF novel: Fallen Angels: “Inappropriate? It worked!” Unlike some Green New Deal currently being offered.

This technology would be a Real Green New Deal. But the money is always in the medicine. Not the cure.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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