Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
Manifesto, by L. Neil Smith now downloadable as an audiobook!
Number 1,044, October 27, 2019

Dear Lord, have they lost their minds?

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Letter from Defense Distributed

Letter from Edwin. E. Smith

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from Defense Distributed

Ghost Gunner 3: Reserve Yours Now

Shipping January 2020
5x Faster, double the build space, drastically increased accuracy and repeatability, designed for the AK. Additional features include a full VFD, emergency stop and illuminated work space, to name but a few. Click below to learn more.

Ghost Gunner 3

We are currently accepting deposits for 500 machines only, which will begin shipping in January 2020. If you have recently placed a deposit, you'll receive one of the first units off the production line. Thank you for your loyalty. If you haven't, click below to reserve your unit now.

Reserve Your GG3


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Letter from Edwin. E. Smith

I just read the article by Caitlin Johnstone and the letter from L. Neil — “All of your Constitutional Rights come at the cost of safety.” And they started me thinking.

Psychopathy doesn't just exist at the top echelons of the power structures in our society. To a proportional scale it exists at all levels of those with power. Those who are the most “evil” are at the top and those somewhat less evil spread out at lower levels. More evil at the top. Least evil at the bottom. From those at the top levels of government and corporations who are the most evil to the least evil, but still evil enough to cause problems in areas such as those on the board of your Home Owners Association.

The Bill of Rights limits the evil of people such as the police who would love to search every car that they see on the highway. The code enforcement guy would love to see into every house and garage and backyard to issue citations for violations. Many other examples exist which are too numerous to list.

I would agree that power attracts evil psychopathy.

Edwin. E. Smith
[email protected]

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Letter from A.X. Perez

The right to self defense is not a second Amendment Right. It is a 9th Amendment right, corollary to the 9th Amendment Right to live. The 2nd Amendment only guarantees the right to own the necessary tools of self defense, a mighty big only I must admit.

This also reveals one of the greatest evils of may issue permit to carry laws. Frequently under these laws, self defense is not considered sufficient cause to get a license to carry. Either you must demonstrate utility to the bosses (i.e., jewelry salesman, security guard) to get a license or demonstrate extraordinary need, for example being stalked by an ex lover who doesn’t believe in protective orders.

The people behind so many of these laws do not see the “average Joe” as having value to be defended except as part of the group and expendable to assure the group’s (read “bosses”) interests.

Thank the Almighty I live in Texas.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Letter from T.J. Mason

Oldies and (hopefully) goodies from TJ

Truth, without loopholes


The Forces Array'd

T.J. Mason
[email protected]

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