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Number 1,050, December 8, 2019

We live in nonsensical times

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Letters to the Editor

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Letter from Jim Davidson

Letter from Sophocles Ozaki

Letter from A.X. Perez

Letter from Jim Davidson

Dear Ken and Sarah,

Thanks for the great essay in today’s [i.e. last week’s] issue of TLE.

My friend Skip who goes by the handle "The Free Rifleman" on Twitter coined the hash tag #Collapsitarian over a year ago. Our mutual friend Bill Buppert is "the other Collapsitarian" though he has less interest in logging into Twitter these days. You’d like Bill’s site and its forum. There are also some Caledonia people who share this outlook.

There is no longer any question in my mind. A collapse is coming. It will start with an economic collapse, include a currency collapse, a hyperinflation, and a severe change in the operating government within the United States. The show of having elections and due process, already of limited interest to those in power, will be closed. There won’t be any curtain calls.

New developments such as Trump saying "first get the guns then go through due process" or words to that effect, promoting red flag laws, and Trump choosing recently to indefinitely detain someone not currently charged with any crime using provisions of the USAPATRIOT Act make it clear that due process is mostly a show, and not a very well attended show with respect to those in power.

There will be concentration camps in the Boston to Atlanta coastal zone, and in the Seattle to San Diego coastal zone, and some further inland, near Chicago, and near Denver. There will need to be Underground Railways to get people out of danger and into the Free Mountain West (about which TLE has carried many articles going back to 1997 or so). There will be some free mountain areas in the Appalachians and in the Ozarks, and these will come under direct attack.

Yes, I believe we can build decentralised answers to nearly everything that makes Western Enlightenment culture very fragile right now. No, I don’t believe we can build those systems and get them in place rapidly enough to avoid the coming collapse. If we do, it is going to take a large number of miracles, so please start praying and keep praying. The Holy Spirit will help us, I believe, as we are sincere. But the dark powers want slaves, and they will have permanent war, as they have since 2001, and they will have a permanent emergency to excuse all power grabs, as they have since 2001, and they will make everyone who objects and is effective at leading others into criminals without any due process, as they have since 2001. Some will be tortured to death as examples to the rest.

If you try to defend positions, you will die. There is no fixed fortification that you can defend, so don’t even try. Get into the mountains, and keep moving, until you find a have for a while. If your team or group or home is targetted, by all means summon your friends and ask for help. By all means try to get bail and a lawyer and fight charges. Work together for mutual aid and support. But do not imagine that your leadership is going to go unnoticed, and do not believe that you can stay home and be safe. You cannot.

We are entering a very difficult, exciting, and dangerous time. I am reminded of what my friend Doug Casey noted many years ago. The Chinese ideogram for "crisis" consists of the symbol for danger and the symbol for opportunity. We are there, now.

Talk to your friends and family. Build a team where you are. Network with other teams as you are able. Prepare. Train. Train as a team. Keep your skills up and your ammo dry. May you always have a place to go, and may your aim never waver.

Your friend,

[email protected]

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Letter from Sophocles Ozaki

Dear Editor:

I just saw a report on this on my local news:

French fry shortage and price increase looms over US - CNN Video
The US may soon face a french fry shortage following a poor potato crop caused by cold and wet weather, Bloomberg reported.

Why is this an important observation?

The Irish Potato Famine occurred in the climb back out of the Dalton Minimum (the bottom of the Dalton Minimum was only about 2 solar cycles long). Granted, a lot of political crud contributed to the actual famine, but the important point about the potato crops was cold, wet weather contributed to the failure of the crop, causing a fungus to develop and ruin what potatoes actually formed. And my observations indicate that the coupling mechanisms to our climate take anywhere from 1-1.5 solar cycles to percolate through, hence the fact that the famine occurred in the outgoing "wall" of the extended minimum.

Irish Potato Famine - Timeline, Causes & Facts - HISTORY
The Irish Potato Famine, also known as the Great Hunger, began in 1845 when a fungus-like organism called Phytophthora infestans (or P. infestans) spread rapidly throughout Ireland. Before it …

FWIW, we have already at least equaled the level of activity found at the bottom of the Dalton, and that as of a year or so ago. We may be deeper now.

And this makes an interesting read, as well. Unfortunately they seem to think that Zharkova’s forecast grand minimum will have the same effect as the Maunder Minimum, which lasted about 2.5x longer than the forecast minimum is expected to last. This increased duration would in turn deepen the effects as well.

Maunder Minimum Petri Dish of Political Change | Armstrong Economics
The global warming pseudo-scientists are desperately trying to keep their funding. Now these con artists are trying to claim that that the oceans’ surface water is cooling and below the water is warming. Those who stop driving to work, opting to walk or ride a bicycle instead, are perhaps speaking at least of what they believe, rather than crying that the planet is warming and we need to hand …

Things could get very interesting in the next few years. Along the lines of the ancient Chinese curse.

Sophocles Ozaki
Email address witheld by request

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Letter from A.X. Perez

Also posted to Facebook.

Point of interest: If Nancy Pelosi is such a good Catholic as to take offense at being asked if she hates Donald Trump does that mean she supports the Church’s position on abortion?

I am not as good a Catholic as I should be. I do not hate people no matter how despicable they are because hate is self destructive. As to abortion rights, well as much as I despise him, I notice that there were fewer abortions when Bill Clinton was President than before and after and there was a decline in teen pregnancies, signs that non abortive birth control methods work at preventing abortions and need to be made more available and that right or wrong people thought things were getting better under Slick Willie and were more willing to bring kids into the world. Clinton supported abortion rights, many of his opponents made life so unpleasant as to encourage women to have abortions to spare kids the hell said opponents were creating on Earth. I therefor keep my mouth shut on abortion rights.

I hope that the best of Nancy Pelosi’s religious background informs how she treats people and uses her office. I see nothing in her performance of her duties to assure me of this.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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