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Number 1,050, December 8, 2019

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How To Properly Fuck A Girl
by Nic Leobold
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

Women like it when you get a little rough. Ripping off her shirt and breaking a button or two will get you brownie points. Grasping her around the buttocks and grinding hard, or grasping the breasts and squeezing and creating friction, often results in enhanced arousal.

When walking down the street, if you see a hot girl or woman, it’s usually best to stare at her, focusing on the breasts or vagina region while also appreciating the attractive facial qualities. If you can brush her with your arm while passing, and knock her books or bags onto the street, that’s a good opportunity to pretend to help her pick up her things and touch her on the arm or shoulder and invite her for a tea or coffee.

When you’re on line at a coffee shop, movie theater or in an elevator, if you can brush her ass lightly from behind, you can test whether she is enthusiastic about touching you. If she rubs you back you might consider holding her waist in your hand and if you’re alone, it’s always a good time to cup her breast and give her a firm feel in the ass region.

When you are invited over to her place or her dorm, offer to buy drinks and soda and juices and chips on the way over so you can properly entertain yourselves. When you get to her apartment or dorm room, put your arms around her and tell her you’re so happy you’re together. Then give her a kiss on the cheek and tell her you like her. Then offer to make the drinks.

While you’re having a drink with her (preferably non-alcoholic), take your hand and casually run your palm up and down her leg, making sure to touch her exposed skin past her pant cuffs. This should elicit a positive smile and laugh if she is as promising and intelligent as you initially thought when you decided to ask her out.

When she puts down her glass, it’s a good time to put your arm around her and embrace. Your kiss should be of appropriate pressure based on your excitement. Getting a little hard on her lips is effective in increasing her enthusiasm and letting her know you’re a real man. Now is the time to start unbuttoning her blouse or removing her t-shirt. When her top is off you can evaluate her breast size and shape and decide how you will approach her bust area. While removing her bra, don’t neglect to use your mouth on her breasts to loosen up her animal spirits. She might decide to remove all her clothes right away in which case that saves you the trouble.

Most women like some rough friction applied to their breasts by hand or mouth, or both. If you can begin to tend to her other body areas like legs and ass, this helps general progress of the session. When she is fully unclothed, she will let you know if she wants you to remove your clothing. Often a girl will enjoy playing a slut by being naked alone for a while just to experience the thrill of being vulnerable and exposed.

(Due to space constraints I will not address what to do if her roommate walks in the door.)

She will probably want to give you a blow job fairly quickly. As a humanitarian gesture you should allow this without too much delay, as it’s good for her health. Allow her to act like your slave and sex worker, most women love this concept. Women really want to be forced to be subservient to you, or even do so willingly.

When it is time for the first coitus, make sure she is fully aware of how lucky she is to have you by saying a few choice dirty comments and adequately reinforcing her subservient position.

At a certain point it’s appropriate to take her to the shower so you can both clean yourselves and prepare for more intimate activities.

Rimming her ass will emphasize your attraction and appreciation of her and show her what an enlightened and emancipated man you are and how fortunate she is to have met you. At this point she will probably want to fuck with you again.

Don’t underestimate the childishness and immaturity of all women. They are all totally emotional creatures and completely slaves to immature considerations. The more jerky and bossy you can be towards her and letting her know who’s boss, the better it is for both you and her, especially her. Women are not capable of level-headed objective critical thought when it comes to men and relationships, they are complete slaves to their emotions and psychological preconceptions and you will be doing her a favor by taking charge.

At the end of your session, feel free to sleep with her for an hour or so. A healthy refreshing shower is always nice to freshen up and feel totally clean. Then you can invite her out to a restaurant and show her your appreciation and what a classy guy you really are.

While dining out, tell her how much you enjoy being with her and that you get so much out of your relationship. Let her order anything on the menu, and suggest that you’ld like to take her shopping during the week.

I hope these suggestions are helpful in your taming and conquest of the female race. Do not underestimate the satisfaction to be gained by properly taking advantage of the availability of fuckable attractive females roaming around town.

As a disclaimer, I have not yet attempted these techniques and approaches and can not vouch for their effectiveness, however I do believe that they can be advantageous and efficacious. When trying these suggestions in your personal life, please exercise proper care to fully enjoy yourself and squeeze every ounce of satisfaction and fulfillment out of your male life and fully exploit the female reproductive race for all that it’s worth. Properly seducing and inviting attractive females is good for their health and can legitimately be considered a public and personal service to the opposite sex and society as a whole. Feel proud that you’re a man and you are on the cutting edge of the engagement of life as a fully masculine being and animal. Try to fully appreciate yourself as a jungle beast and hunter who is here to satisfy your female “victims” of love and lust. The female race thanks us, the real men, from the bottom of their hearts, day after day. Without us, life on Earth would perish.

I Wish you All The Best,
Good Luck and Godspeed!


[ I recommend printing this off and posting it at places AntiFa SJWs and such types hang out — Editor ]

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