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Number 1,050, December 8, 2019

We live in nonsensical times

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Impeachment and Guns
by A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith’s The Libertarian Enterprise

The House of Representatives needs to impeach President Trump before Christmas, if they actually are going to do so, for the following reasons.

Next February caucuses and primaries for the 2020 Election begin. Running for re-election may be distracting while holding an impeachment.

Whether one voted for or against impeaching President Trump is going to be an issue for getting nominated in the Spring and running for re-election in November. Constituents deserve to know if their Representative voted according to what their constituents wanted.

Congress has other business. The people need to know how well their Representatives actually represented them. For example, how well did Ms. Escobar fight to resolve immigration issues and in what way? Matters in her district, and her efforts on that issue are an important part of how many in El Paso will decide to vote for or against her. Can’t address that while the House is meeting as a committee of the whole on whether or not to impeach President Trump.

If the House impeaches the Senate needs time to try Mr. Trump and deal with all of the problems above, especially the third that will be running for re-election.

Just to make things interesting, if by some chance Mr. Trump is convicted and removed from office and eligibility to run for re-election the Republicans need time to nominate someone else. Please note that the Democrats have spent most of a year winnowing out candidates.

On a more pleasant topic, it’s been a year since I bought my everyday carry pistol, a compact .40 liberty (don’t want to plug brand name). It is fun to shoot and the recoil is not unpleasant. Need to work on not hooking my shots, to borrow a term from golf, but same is true with anything I shoot.

Pistol was special ordered through a friend who has his FFL and part time business. The day I put my order in was the day I decided on whether or not to get a .40 liberty or a 10 mm. AP. My rheumatis’ in my hands was acting up, thus resolving the issue. Nowadays people tend to forget that .40 is not a compromise between 9 mm. Luger and .45 ACP, but a 10 mm. “lite.” It is a good (or bad) cartridge on it’s own, not as a compromise between .45 and 9mm.

Similarly, any laws regarding firearms are good or bad on their own merits, not as a “successful” compromise between supporters of gun rights and supporters of gun control. In my opinion, everything being suggested as a reasonable compromise is bad law.

I may break down some day and buy a pistol in 10 mm. AP, knowing full well it will just be a safe queen, swag to leave my heirs. I don’t need it. And I need some Ldichoso metiche telling me whether or not I can buy a 10 mm AP based on whether he thinks I need one even less.


[ I like to think of “10mm Auto” as “.40 Magnum Auto” myself. Which is is, except the historical process is backwards in this case. — Editor ]

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