Narrated by talk show host, Brian Wilson, “Down With Power” a Libertarian
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Number 1,054, January 19, 2020

“I told you so!”

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Letter from Nils Andersson

Letter from T.J. Mason

Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Letter from Nils Andersson

Re: “This Week In Stupid* by L. Neil Smith [in this issue]

Hello L. Neil,

The reason Trump is so hated—in Washington—is very simple.

He wants (but has problems getting) a smaller government.

To the extent that he is successful, there will be
1) Fewer government employees
2) Fewer government contracts
3) Fewer lobbyists, hucksters, tricksters etc. as there will be less to fight over.

Not to mention reduced power for the above.

Little details such as that their jobs are worse than null jobs, they are actively destructive, bothers them not at all. (OK, there are some people in e.g. healthcare and education that do useful work, but they could mostly be handled privately, without government interference. Example: Firemen. The services can be sold by subscription—on voluntarily. This was the case for hundreds of years in my native Stockholm.)

It comes down to the old adage that when people have jobs, they usually get very good at not understanding things that, if believed by many, would put them out of work.

Oh, the only one of your points with which I disagree:

The philosophical baseboard-vermin who cling to their Ernesto Che Guevara T-shirts and posters (Che was a serial murderer, too, and a rapist, to boot) deserve a one-way ticket to Venezuela where their opinions might be appreciated.

The Venezuelans have enough problems as it is. I would not have the heart to foist more misery on them.

Sometimes, in discussions, when I hear some proposal I don’t like, I will ask: “But how would this help the long and arduous march back to 1912 when the US was still a reasonably free country?”


Nils Andersson
[email protected]

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Letter from T.J. Mason

This Weekend

On Thursday, Glenn Beck stated that Democrat party polls had identified the most likely triggers of a hot civil war would be either the impeachment of Donald Trump or a serious gun confiscation program.

Then this was linked on a comment on yesterday’s Day by Day comic:

In case it disappears, it is from Virginia state senator Amanda Chase, who warns that Monday’s Second Amendment rally in Richmond and that hotheads—or agents provocateur—could get 2nd Amendment advocates labeled ass domestic terrorists in insurrection.

(See further discussion at in comments.)

If you pray, please do so this weekend. And kypd.

TJ Mason
[email protected]

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Letter from Jeff Fullerton

Fools & Madmen

The most significant newsbit of the week was a raving commie lunatic Bernie Sanders supporter who went viral with a long winded rant threatening that cities will burn if Trump gets re-elected and gulags and firing squads for Liberal Democrats and their media water carriers at MSNBC who are apparently not far left enough. As he drops the F-bomb every other sentence.

Kyle Jurek; a field organizer for the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign is a walking volcanic eruption of pent up leftist rage. Yet one more reason you cling to your guns. As far as I’m concerned in regard to his aspiring pyromania It’s better cities burn than a communist president be elected. It’s also good reason for NOT living in the city!

That a person can be so consumed with vitriolic rage and hatred is sad commentary on the human condition.

The problem with leftists is that their whole life and pursuit of happiness revolves around the pursuit and attainment of their ideal of a perfect world. And they cannot be happy or feel personal fulfillment until that day comes—nor should anyone else. It’s a lot like religion- and some religious people are that way too; considering happiness in this life to be sinful and worldly. It may boil down to some fundament of evolutionary psychology that has survival value to humans under primitive conditions. It has been a common theme in History—often religion and tradition based but is a dangerous liability in modern societies with complex economies and destructive technological power. You wouldn’t want this raving lunatic Bernie Sanders acolyte to be a township supervisor let alone a President with access to a nuclear button!

People like him are the reason we have constitutional safeguards/ checks and balances like the Electoral College and separation of powers. And midterm elections , requirements for supermajorities in the legislature to make certain changes in the system. The Progs in both parties have done a lot of damage in weakening the system by systematically removing safeguards that were obstacles to their agenda. In particular the Democratic Party has done the lions share and the feckless brain dead Republicans let them get away with it—either out of greed or cowardice and now Democratic Socialism’s chickens are coming home to roost. Hopefully in time to wake people up. Maybe even the establishment Democrats—especially the ultra liberal ones who the raving commie lunatic has expressed his yearning to attack and murder multiple times over. They’d probably blow him off like their ilk blew off Hitler in the 1930s.

This guy is Hitler, Stalin and Satan all rolled into one!

I will reiterate; people like him are reason we cling to our guns. The Second Amendment is another safeguard against the fools and madmen like him who have always existed and on occasion get the opportunity to rise to power. In his rant the raving commie lunatic tried to justify violence and suppression of free speech on grounds of hate speech but his rhetoric was more hateful than a Klan rally in days of Jim Crow. If the Liberal Democrats are reasonably intelligent they will arm themselves like the Texas church goers and stop this nonsense about gun control. Otherwise they’ll be sitting ducks or shamefully dependent on the gun people they loathe or personal bodyguards for their own security.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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